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  1. JonSpencer

    Labor Day Weekend

    The Aurora gets no love 😢
  2. JonSpencer


    Hello and welcome!
  3. JonSpencer

    The one question on every prospective buyer's mind...

    But you have to remember that not everyone has SQ42 - so to rely on that as the PU primer would be erroneous, at least as things stand today. I am sure there will be some type of tutorial for basic game play, but considering ATM some professions are unavailable unless you purchase a certain...
  4. JonSpencer

    Knife Sharpening Day. Any advice?

    Don't cut yourself! 🤣
  5. JonSpencer

    Good news: It's not dislocated!

    You know your getting old when you hurt yourself sleeping - which I seem to be doing more and more of lately!!!
  6. JonSpencer


    Hello, welcome to Test Squadron, & Semper Fidelus, Teufelshunde! 1st Mar Div, 92-98, Somalia Vet here.
  7. JonSpencer

    Hi there!

    Hello and welcome to Test Squadron - The BEST Squadron! 🙂
  8. JonSpencer

    My solo adventures in an Aurora, 3.6.1 (story time)

    👍...and it always will be!
  9. JonSpencer

    Star Citizen Alpha 3.6 KEY BINDINGS

    Yea...I loaded up my bindings again for my dual T16000 , and found out hardly anything worked anymore. Not sure I like the throttle changes, but when did player input ever make an impact on game play?!?!?!? 🙃
  10. JonSpencer

    Monty Python Destiny 2 hijinks. video too funny not to share.

    LMFAO - that is awesome! 🤣😍 I would watch it again...but I have to go trim my shrubbery! 🌿
  11. JonSpencer

    What games are you guys planning on playing for the rest 2019?

    Star Citizen and Minecraft
  12. JonSpencer

    Bill Gates Backs Plan to Block out the Sun

    Another way to stop global warming is to drill to the center of the plant and blow it up with nuclear weapons. No planet - no more warming - problem solved! View:
  13. JonSpencer

    Combined arms on Daymar

    I would like to get involved with stuff like this. Too bad there isn't a heads up so people can clear their calendar before hand. ☹
  14. JonSpencer

    Hi to all the Testers and Pledgers

    Hello and welcome back!
  15. JonSpencer

    What's Your Favorite SHIP Commercial?

    TEST Squadron where our Aurora's blot out the Sun of course! 🤣
  16. JonSpencer

    Star Trek Picard

    When did Professor Xavier start flying space ships?
  17. JonSpencer

    Youtube recommends that I need to cry, today

    I remember watching this as a kid myself. His show isn't on anymore, but they have re-vamped it into a cartoon called Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood, which has many of the same characters. I watch it with my 4 y/o grand-daughter on occasion. Not bad...but is really lacking that special something...
  18. JonSpencer

    Do gamers not understand logic?

    I didn't watch it either. I purchased the Aurora/Squadron 42 package b/c I wanted to play this game - period. I think I came in somewhere around 3.0, and after the first few version patches, kinda dropped away (remember the constant crashes, followed by the PU being full of pirates at every...
  19. JonSpencer

    What was your first (backer) ship in Star Citizen?

    1.What was your first ship purchase? - Purchased the Aurora Starter Package with Squadron 42 perk 2. Why you bought it? Squadron 42 - b/c it looked like a fun single player game and I thought the timeline for release actually meant something - BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA 3. Do you still own it...
  20. JonSpencer

    State of the Squadron 37!

    It buys patio furniture for the wife, else it gets the hose again!
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