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  1. JonSpencer

    Hi Frans!

    Hello and welcome aboard!
  2. JonSpencer

    Awesome TEST logo from Grag

    Looks sharp!
  3. JonSpencer

    Howdy, I'm RigorMortis

    Hello and welcome!
  4. JonSpencer

    Tribute to the Space Penguin (my Ship Showdown contribution)

    I have the Aurora, the Titan, and the Loot N Scoot Package (Cutlass with Dragonfly). I got to say that the Penguin is a real favorite of mine. While I wll agree the Cutlass brings a lot to the table, it also costs a bit more to operate. With my Titan, I get some firepower, some storage, and...
  5. JonSpencer

    Survey: What is the FLAGSHIP in you fleet ?

    Dragonfly just b/c I want a space suit that says across the back "If you can read this, the B!#@& fell off!"
  6. JonSpencer

    Testing Please Ignore

    I would like to add to the conversation, but I'm ignoring all of you...
  7. JonSpencer

    Hello friends!

    Hello and welcome aboard!
  8. JonSpencer

    Test intro

    Hello and welcome to TEST!
  9. JonSpencer

    Star Citizen roadmap 3.7 video

    Space Spelunking....what will they think of next?!?!?
  10. JonSpencer

    Greetings TESTies!

    Hello and welcome aboard!
  11. JonSpencer

    Lovin'/Hatin'/ dat HOVER MODE!

    Essentially, my first experience with HM, I though I was back in some prior version of the game when my Avenger would just shoot off and then flip upside down. I don't like HM. To me it makes no sense. Im in a space ship, not a helicopter. If I wanted to fly something that performed like a...
  12. JonSpencer

    hello people!!

    Hello and welcome aboard!
  13. JonSpencer

    9/11 - What were you doing when it happened?

    I was in college heading to class. Our professor continued with class, so I missed much of the event live.
  14. JonSpencer

    woomdawg intro

    Hello and welcome!
  15. JonSpencer

    Cave systems and FPS mining

    If I wanted to explore caves...I would play Minecraft!
  16. JonSpencer

    New Member to TEST

    Hello and welcome. Hope you make it across the space logs! :)
  17. JonSpencer

    TEST Pizza, Best Pizza (?)

    lemons and black licorice anyone?
  18. JonSpencer

    Zaxxon checking in.

    You have obviously never lived in Alabama. It's called date night - and it's not a waste! 🤪
  19. JonSpencer

    Ugh! What happened to my Sentinel?

    I personally like these urban patterns ...but hope they have something for those of us planning on being nefarious space pirates!
  20. JonSpencer

    Zaxxon checking in.

    You're not old....just a seasoned gaming vet! Welcome!
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