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    I know how to spaceship, I promise.

    Welcome to the million mile high club, grab a beer and crash into things.

    Dark Style Now Implemented

    The true theme for hungover TEST pilots

    Need glorious footage of TEST pilots in action

    The first video was going to be, but there was not enough substance to it. I will probably go back at it if this goes well.

    Need glorious footage of TEST pilots in action

    You! Yes! You! I need your help! /u/ManiacalGinger Inspired me to work on a short film featuring you as the pilots! Some of you may remember that I said I was working on something when I first joined. Well, it really didn't come together so I ditched the project all together. However, what I...

    Saitek x52 pro vs Logitech Extreme 3D Pro

    Extreme 3D pro you get what you pay for. It's pretty lightweight with a decently resistive spring, so if you are going to jerk the stick around you may want to clamp it down. The tracking seems accurate enough, but I haven't used another joystick before to compare it to. All the buttons but the...

    Opening Soon! TEST Merchandise Please Ignore (Sellers Welcome!)

    Make a scent that smells like the cosmos. It usually smells ozone or other ionized particles, like after a thunderstorm. Why don't we have actual beer mugs or steins on the Cafepress site?

    Borderlands Pre-Sequel? It's in space!!!

    It doesn't look like a completely full fledged new game, but a new story is fun to play regardless. Who else will be getting it?

    Opening Soon! TEST Merchandise Please Ignore (Sellers Welcome!)

    Hell yes! Now I have even more motivation to become a photoshop master while going through school. Curse you SeungRyul!

    Montoya's party Pheonix

    If affiliates refuse to leave before 11PM can I be the one that opens the airlock?

    TEST Propaganda Please Ignore.

    I would use that but the grid lines mean I would have to do some work manually to erase the background color, which I don't want to do since you lose a lot of detail and image sharpness. But right now i'm more focused on spicing up the bottom part, as well as any other changes I may see fit.

    TEST Propaganda Please Ignore.

    I googled RSI aurora silhouette and this came up. imported into photoshop, selected all the white, cut, and paste onto the image. Pretty simple. My PS skills could be better.

    I made some propaganda, let me know what needs improvement

    I've got one too. We need a good name for it though, like Velour Voyeur. I agree with the bottles as well. I'm going to use an amber colored bottle if there is a clipart available.

    TEST Propaganda Please Ignore.


    September Update: We Welcome Your Return from Real Life (aka Summer) + Pictures!

    I am not super talented with Photoshop, but if the images are already made I can stitch some stuff together. If there isn't anyone else to help I will see what I can do.

    TEST Thanksgiving Giveaway - Operation Dark Marsupial

    Did we really? I must have missed that. I guess I just put my name in and waited. o_O I like Walex's idea. Orient it around our passion for flying into things or just being more laid back in general. Maybe make a beer prize if it is applicable to their age!

    TEST Thanksgiving Giveaway - Operation Dark Marsupial

    I don't believe it either. There have been sales of other ships for short periods of time and those were eaten up very quickly. I think they may have overextended the number by a little bit. But with the scale of the game I don't really see it as an issue. The price tag is a little more...

    TEST Thanksgiving Giveaway - Operation Dark Marsupial

    Holy crap, you are giving your Phoenix away? I just got mine and would never think to part with it. I will donate an Aurora Arena Commander starter package. Or it will just be an Aurora Depending on what happens with the AC module in the coming weeks and months, maybe they will decide to open...

    ROG Swift monitor

    The only real new monitor I will need a year will probably be an Oculus. I already have a 1440p ips monitor and can say that the pixel density is worth it, but when something like oculus becomes available I don't think I will be using it as much for first person viewed games. Probably just 3rd...

    Constellation Conversation

    A phoenix is the only classy way to fly the TEST colors.
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