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  1. Black Sunder

    TEST Squadron Ship Expo - Saturday August 15th 2:00pm EST / 6:00pm UTC

    TEST Squadron Ship Expo - Saturday August 15th 2:00pm EST / 6:00pm UTC Start Location: Everus Harbor - Orbital Station of Hurston Destination: Magda What to Bring?: Your most rare or best looking ship! An event for TEST members both old and new. Come view the exciting ships people have in...
  2. Black Sunder

    Wala & Lyria Moon Ore Survey- Sunday August 9th 2:00pm EST / 6:00pm UTC

    Wala & Lyria Moon Ore Survey- Sunday August 9th 2:00pm EST / 6:00pm UTC Start Location: Baijini Point - ArcCorp Destination: Wala & Lyria Moons Purpose: Data collection for the Ore Location Index Tool Needed?: ANY Ship. Overall Plan: Spawn At Baijini Point(Orbital Station of ArcCorp) Spawn...
  3. Black Sunder

    3.10 Ore Survey Thread

    With 3.10 due this week(supposedly) I'm posting this thread to keep track of what people have managed to find. I've read and been told that the asteroids in the Aaron Halo Belt, Delemar, and Rest Stops no longer despawn after initial fracture. This is good news. Furthermore, ALL SHIPS CAN NOW...
  4. Black Sunder

    August Subscriber Flair

  5. Black Sunder

    From ISC - The ROC

  6. Black Sunder

    And heres the Sq42 video update
  7. Black Sunder

    Upcoming 3.10 Events

    Just dropping this in here to give people an idea what to expect for 3.10 events, not in any order: 1. R.O.C. 'em, Race 'em, Rover Bots - Essentially a death race with the laser sanctioned for use while you race. 2. Moon and Planetary Ore Surveys - There will be new things to discover...
  8. Black Sunder

    New 3.10 Space Quantanium Look

    This was taken in the Aaron Halo Belt. Of a less happy note, these asteroids still disappear after first fracture.
  9. Black Sunder

    TEST Squadron Go-Kart Race Sunday July 19th 2:00pm EST / 6:00pm UTC - Everyone Invited

    Start Location: Port Olisar - Crusader Destination: Daymar ArcCorp Mining 141 Purpose: Fun Racing Ships/People Needed: Greycat PTV Go-Kart(5,144 aUEC(Teach’s Ship Shop, Delemar: Levski) ) & 1 Carrack for end of the race marker. With 3.10 now on PTU for Wave 1 this will be the last event I host...
  10. Black Sunder

    Mining Leaderboard Wrap Up

    Mining Leaderboard Wrap Up As promised this is the postmortem of the month long Leaderboard for Mining. First of all I’ll say all of you that participated completely blew all of my expectations out of the water both in the number of participants and the total amount mined. As you are all aware...
  11. Black Sunder

    Prospector Racing - Sunday July 12th 2:00pm EST / 6:00pm UTC

    Prospector Racing - Sunday July 12th 2:00pm EST / 6:00pm UTC Start Location: Port Olisar - Crusader Destination: Circuit Race Course so Port Olisar Purpose: Fun Racing Ships/People Needed: Contestant Prospectors & 3 People in other ships to act as 'Markers' To celebrate the end of the first...
  12. Black Sunder

    Industry Steel Summit 3.10 Announcement - Saturday August 22nd 2:00pm EST / 6:00pm UTC

    It's that time again. We're going to be hosting another Steel Summit after 3.10 goes Live. Date and Time are still to be determined because of this but it will be shortly after it goes Live so be on the lookout. What is the Summit? Gutsy question! You are a shark. The Steel Summit brings...
  13. Black Sunder

    Mining 101

    Posting this for Chronmic: For: Test Members & Friends In Charge of event: Chronmic Starting Location: Crusader -Port Olisar Duration: 2hrs Objective: Have you ever looked at rocks and said I want to learn how to put them in my sack, or thought about blasting ore and making tons of cash...
  14. Black Sunder

    Searching for Pure Rock Screenshots.

    For an upcoming Supplement I'm searching for good photogenic screens of minerals in their pure form, preferably rocks that still need to be broken up(Yellow rocks) as opposed to rocks ready for extraction(Purple). For example here is a pure 'Yellow' rock: Here is an example of a 'Purple'...
  15. Black Sunder

    Yela Belting - Sunday June 28 2:00pm EST / 6:00pm UTC

    Yela Belting - Sunday June 28 2:00pm EST / 6:00pm UTC Start Location: Port Olisar - Crusader Destination: Yela Belt Purpose: Mining Experiment Ships Needed: 2-3 Crewed Moles, 4 Prospectors, 1 Terrapin(maybe) Don't have a Mole or Prospector? No Problem! Be a crew member on a Mole instead...
  16. Black Sunder

    Mining Leader Board Raw Data Thread

    Week 1 - Final Total: 18.29 Million Name Haul in aUEC Hybus 74,619 Glumm 44,483 Glumm 53,412 Black Sunder 67,286 Glumm 41,466 Glumm 34,916 Glumm 47,290 drexarg 173,172 Jamesssssss 51,925 Jamesssssss 64,495 Jamesssssss 77,494 IndigoSparkles 71,781 Chronmic 59,631...
  17. Black Sunder

    Cellin Mine! Mine! Mine! - Sunday June 21 2:00pm EST / 6:00pm UTC

    Cellin Mine! Mine! Mine! - Sunday June 21 2:00pm EST / 6:00pm UTC Start Location: Port Olisar - Crusader Destination: Cellin Purpose: Ultra Mining! Tool Needed?: A Prospector or Mole Don't have a Mole or Prospector? No Problem! Be a crew member on a Mole instead! Overall Plan: Spawn At Port...
  18. Black Sunder

    Apparently I've been here 6 years now

    According to this anyway. Yay? Do I get to sit on the porch in my spacesuit and tell little spaceships to get the hell out of my airspace now? Recap for the year: 1. Continued updates to the Mining Guide 2. Began work on a Cargo Guide, its on the backburner now with 3.10 coming Soon™. 3. Held...
  19. Black Sunder

    Mining Leader Board - Final Total 79.87 Million Mined! - Winner Spiffman

    Good evening. What is this? This is the beginning of the TEST Mining Leader Board, a month long event. No fuss no muss, just mine as you normally would and post your sales. After a very successful initial TEST we're going big like nuclear Godzilla. This is open to everyone in TEST. Post...
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