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  1. Black Sunder

    A week of Mining by the numbers

    Beginning last Saturday and ending today a small competition began to see if a certain money goal could be accomplished in a set time period(1 week) and the person who mined the most would win a piece of Subscriber Flair. Well the participants blew right past the Goal total by more than 4x. To...
  2. Black Sunder

    Giving away a Red Subsriber Multi-Tool - Winner is Sintha

    Simply post 'something' in this thread and your post number will be your entry into the giveaway. Will be drawn about this time tomorrow. Also you must be in TEST.
  3. Black Sunder

    Daymar Cave Mining- Saturday June 13th 2:00pm EST / 6:00pm UTC

    Daymar Cave Mining- Saturday June 13th 2:00pm EST / 6:00pm UTC Start Location: Port Olisar - Crusader Destination: Daymar Cave Purpose: Spelunking! Tool Needed?: A rucksack + Multi-trool with OreBit attachment. Overall Plan: Spawn At Port Olisar Get Cave Investigation Mission & Share Travel...
  4. Black Sunder

    Alien Week is ON!

    From this week's Inside Star Citizen starting Friday there is an entry called "Start of Alien Week". What is it? Don't know but SCL has the lore guys on to talk about the alien races. My guess is we'll see an Alien Ship sale of some kind to go with it. What are your thoughts...
  5. Black Sunder

    Goals! We got em! - Week 1 - 4.7 Mil Reached! - Done!

    Starting June 6 we will be doing a weekly thread for a month to see how much profit people pull in from mining with an eye to set a goal each week and see if it can be achieved. But why? Mainly to have some fun but also see what we as a group can accomplish, and maybe give away a few things. If...
  6. Black Sunder

    The Rock Report June 2020

    Welcome back to another edition of The Rock Report. It’s been a long time since the last one but for good reason. The main one being the game just not being at the level to talk about much and overall slow progress. But now, maybe, after a few false starts we’re finally there. This Report will...
  7. Black Sunder

    Prospector Challenge Haul Thread

    Post em here. They MUST have the "R_Displayinfo=3" server info at the top right of the screenshot.
  8. Black Sunder

    Calling All Devs June 29th - ALL ABOUT SALVAGE

    Jared just confirmed it on stream today. YAY!
  9. Black Sunder

    MINE EVERYTHING! - Sunday June 7th 1:00pm EST / 5:00pm UTC

    MINE EVERYTHING! - Sunday June 7th 1:00pm EST / 5:00pm UTC Start Location: Port Tressler - Microtech Destination: Microtech Moons Purpose: 3 hour mining run where all profits will be recorded to see how much can be made. MINE EVERYTHING. Tool Needed?: Bring your Prospector or Mole Overall...
  10. Black Sunder

    Introducing the TEST Squadron 3.9 Mining Guide

    Yeah you knew this was coming. The next version of the TEST Mining Guide is here! This has been the fastest update I think I've ever done and while it is currently unedited I feel confident enough to post today. New features: Mining Consumables & discussion Many new and updated pictures...
  11. Black Sunder

    The Complete TEST Squadron Mining Guide - V3.9 - Unedited

    Table of Contents * = Link to Post Introduction to Mining Locations to Prospect List of SBM Ore & FPM Gems Ore Location Index *First Person Mining FPM Tools & Accessories Core Elements Temperature Specific Armor Additional Items FPM Gear Price Table Fracturing and Extraction of Hand Mineables...
  12. Black Sunder

    Invictus Megathread

    Some new info out this morning: Schedule - Wave Information...
  13. Black Sunder

    Wala Moon Ore Survey- Saturday May 23rd 4:00pm EST / 8:00pm UTC

    Wala Moon Ore Survey- Saturday May 23rd 4:00pm EST / 8:00pm UTC Start Location: Baijini Point - ArcCorp Destination: Wala Moon Purpose: Data collection for the Ore Location Index Tool Needed?: Bring your Prospector, Mole or other ship that can scan for minerals Overall Plan: Spawn At BP...
  14. Black Sunder

    Invictus F8 Sale - Cast your Vote

    What say you?
  15. Black Sunder

    Hurricane Watch 2020 - Its not over yet - Hurricane Delta - Cat 4

    Yes, we're back with Hurricane Watch. People seemed to like this sort of thing last year so I'm doing it again this year. Hurricane Season usually starts in June and runs to November but we're getting an early start now.
  16. Black Sunder

    Ita Moon Ore Survey- Saturday May 16th 2:00pm EST / 6:00pm UTC - be 15 minutes early

    Ita Moon Ore Survey- Saturday May 16th 2:00pm EST / 6:00pm UTC - be 15 minutes early Start Location: Everus Harbor - Hurston Destination: Ita Moon Purpose: Data collection for the Ore Location Index Tool Needed?: Bring your Prospector, Mole or other ship that can scan for minerals Rules: 15...
  17. Black Sunder

    Introducing LoicFarris - The Third of Industry

    I'd like to introduce everyone to @LoicFarris whom you may know from such places as the TEST Discord and Star Citizen. After a long and careful evaluation(which he didn't know about btw) he was raised to being my 3rd in command. This was not announced until now. Loic has for several weeks been...
  18. Black Sunder

    TEST Squadron Prospector Mining Challenge! - Saturday May 30th 2:00pm EST / 6:00pm UTC

    For full details and prizes go here:
  19. Black Sunder

    TEST Squadron Prospector Mining Challenge! - Saturday May 30th 2:00pm EST / 6:00pm UTC - Prizes to be Won

    TEST Squadron Prospector Mining Challenge! - Saturday May 30th 2:00pm EST / 6:00pm UTC Attention all TESTies! Rock RaIders is hosting the first ever Prospector Mining Challenge! Go find rocks! Mine them! Sell them! Then post your best results! We are offering prizes for First Place, Second...
  20. Black Sunder

    Mother of God. Is it happening?

    Found on the Concierge forum. From the database apparently: I want Dark Blue.
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