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  1. Black Sunder

    Valetines Day Sale - Place your bets

    We have a Valentines Day sale this Friday. Last year we got the Heartseeker(a Super Hornet with a different and better loadout + LTI) along with some other 'red' ships. What do you think we'll see this Friday?
  2. Black Sunder

    The first Rule of TEST Club is:

    You do not talk about TEST Club. Second rule of TEST Club is: YOU DO NOT TALK ABOUT TEST CLUB!
  3. Black Sunder

    Hauler's Guide Suggestion Thread - teaser posted

    Those of you who frequent Discord will know what this is about but this thread is to give a more permanent record for myself to review later on. Simply put I'm kinda bored and wanting to broaden my writing horizons a bit. I've toyed with this before, challenged people to try and come up with...
  4. Black Sunder

    Quantum Fuel Mining coming sooner than expected?

    Take this with a grain of salt. Supposedly this was datamined from the 3.8.1G PTU patch: We can see it is an asteroid. It will probably require the Mole with a special mining head. Unoriginal name though.
  5. Black Sunder

    Ice Mining anyone?

    This entry was put in the Galactapedia yesterday: We know from a previous Inside Star Citizen, just out of focus, behind the main show speaker, that comets were being worked on. Coincidence? I think not.
  6. Black Sunder

    A new feature comes this way - character reset

    From the PTU website: View:
  7. Black Sunder

    Good news for the Mole in 3.8.1

    Wave 1 PTU is up for 3.8.1: To summarize though for the Mole bug fixes: So the big ones are that the Mole now has its 96 SCU cargo and the overlapping scanning is gone.
  8. Black Sunder

    Orbital Station Ore selling coming soon™

    Confirmed today by Todd on SCL. This will make things MUCH MUCH better for ore selling. Hope they fix the landing pads too so we can reliably refuel again.
  9. Black Sunder

    Another one of those "You have 3 ships thread"

    Its time for another one of 'those' threads to start the year off with. If you had to choose 3 ships(Currently Flyable or in Concept) as your fleet what do you pick? Here's the twist: Ship 1 - Must be a Fighter of some kind Ship 2 - Your 'daily driver' all rounder Ship 3 - Must be a...
  10. Black Sunder

    TEST Squadron Mining Guide - V3.8 is now posted New Features: Table of Contents with links to different parts(as best as can be) Reworked order of sections to give a more logical progression Listing of Ore & Gems- In order of Rarity and value Mole overview...
  11. Black Sunder

    Crowdsourcing Ore Location Info - 3.8

    Started my own survey the other day after trying to find an accurate 3.8 ore location table. Couldn't find one. And before someone links or posts the table from the guide at space4games its inaccurate and I've found several omissions either from it being old data or the guy never bothering to go...
  12. Black Sunder

    The Complete TEST Squadron Mining Guide - V3.8

    Table of Contents *indicates link to post Introduction to Mining Finding the Goods List of SBM Ore & FPM Gems Ore Location Index First Person Mining Tools of the Trade Fracturing and Extraction of Hand Mineables The Multi-Tool interface. What does it mean? Fracturing the Rock Picking up the...
  13. Black Sunder


    The fact Gold exists makes every other color inferior.
  14. Black Sunder

    Mole Mole Mining!- December 28 3:00pm EST / 8:00pm UTC

    Date: December 28 3:00pm EST / 8:00pm UTC Spawn Location: Hurston - Lorville Coordinator RSI Handle: Black_Sunder Brief: Looking for a couple fully crewed Moles and some tagalong Prospectors to TEST various things for the 3.8 Mining Guide The Mole is in and 3.8 has been released. Lets go make...
  15. Black Sunder

    Come get Your MOLE! It's waiting for you. I got the Carbon black one. The QA:
  16. Black Sunder

    Mole Crew Thoughts

    The Mole is coming Soon™. So I had some thoughts on it like I normally do about crew roles. I see this as a 4-6 person ship with the 6th person being the Processing Room Operator when that mechanic finally gets put ingame. So its really a 4-5 person crew atm. While it can be flown solo I think...
  17. Black Sunder

    Bad News on Salvage

    Salvage and the Vulture ship have been removed from the Roadmap until further notice and the team responsible for it have been refocused to Sq42. Check the link below.
  18. Black Sunder

    Important Mining Head Info

    Just FYI, multiple mining lasers on 1 target are multiplicative in their buffs/nerfs and this occurs in real time REAGRDLESS of the power output applied to the rock. 0.10% is enough. Ex.: Rock as instability of 1.11 Apply Helix with 50% reduction of instability, get .55 Apply Lancet with 30%...
  19. Black Sunder

    Still waiting for that Argo MOLE

    I guess a consolation prize is that the MOLE will be featured in ISC this week. But until it sells....
  20. Black Sunder

    Rock Predator

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