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  1. Black Sunder

    Mining Head information

    Read these over and then on a gut feeling level post what 2 lasers you'd use together in tandem or individually and then what 3 lasers you'd put together(either to mine separately, a pair, or all 3 together or some combo thereof) to mine with. Mining Heads...
  2. Black Sunder

    I guess we could mine that too....

    From ISC this week seen on a monitor. Comets! Just so you all know, you can start threads here in the forum to discuss things industry related.
  3. Black Sunder

    Just throwing this out there

    There is a persistent rumor, strengthened by the Ares brochure that we will see Pirate Idris spawns in the game with the coming of server side OCS. How many of you would be up for getting a few Moles(+ distraction support) and the cheap high power mining heads equipped and going to try to...
  4. Black Sunder

    TEST Industry Meeting - Jan / Early Feb - Day/Time TBD

    TEST Industry Meeting - Early Jan / Early Feb - Day/Time TBD Mainly this is to go over 3.8 and exchange information we've found out along with any tips/tricks. We'll also go over the 3.8 Mining Guide and how it stands so far. A more complete agenda will be put up closer to the meeting.
  5. Black Sunder

    Industry Meeting Success!

    We had a total of 36 or so people. Special shoutout to @Tihor and @Redwolfe who won a Pisces C8X and a Ranger CV respectively in the ship giveaway. We had a good discussion overall and I think we're all looking forward to 3.8. Cheers!
  6. Black Sunder

    Just when you thought your credit card was safe

    Now comes the Crusader Ares? View:
  7. Black Sunder

    SC 3.7.2 is LIVE!

    Notes here: Expo starts tomorrow.
  8. Black Sunder

    TEST Industry Meeting - Sunday Dec 1st 3:00pm EST / 8:00pm UTC

    Date/Time: Sunday Dec 1st 3:00pm EST / 8:00pm UTC Spawn Location: TEST Discord Coordinator RSI Handle(s): Black_Sunder Brief: Its been a long time since we had a meeting. Tentative Agenda: Welcome Everyone Citizencon Aftermath TEST Mining Guide + Feedback Q&A FPS Mining discussion Mining in SC...
  9. Black Sunder

    Argo Mole - New pic added

    CIG has announced that Argo has a ship called the Mole. Now for a long time now I've been hoping for a 2-3 man mining ship the size of a connie and that may be coming true now. Supposed to be up for sale at CitCon and in game in December. More info here...
  10. Black Sunder

    A moment of silence for the soon deceased RSI Website

    Take a moment today to think on what the RSI website will soon suffer: Total ultra hugging death kill. Not just once but every day the sale is going on. Keep it in your thoughts today.
  11. Black Sunder

    Citizencon 2949 Info Megathread - Best in Show Dec 2-5

    This thread will be updated daily with links to all the sales and such that come out. IAE Main Page
  12. Black Sunder

    MAXIMUM OVERDRIVE PSA - Make your way back to ArcCorp Area 18 before the 23rd

    The Intergalactic Aerospace Expo is coming with 3.7.2. Get the chance to look at all the flyable ships up close and in person starting Nov 23rd.
  13. Black Sunder

    Mining Comsumables - Datamined from 2019

    From the Roadmap Update: This means we're going to have some variety for the Prospector soon and will make outfitting one with good components a more viable option than sticking to stock. And more from 3.7.2 data mining: Mining Consumables: Mining Laser Heads:
  14. Black Sunder

    Wala Moon Survey - Sunday Nov 3rd 3:00pm EST / 7:00pm UTC

    Wala Moon Survey- Sunday Nov 3rd 3:00pm EST / 7:00pm UTC Start Location: Arccorp Area 18 Destination: Wala Moon Purpose: To make a general survey of minerals and concentrations thereof present on the moon's surface Tool Needed?: Bring your Prospector, Terrapin, or Reliant Sen ship. If you don't...
  15. Black Sunder

    Mining Guide Updates Blog

    I have a few pictures now to update the Mining Guide with. I'll be starting that this week. FPS Mining will be included.
  16. Black Sunder

    Those of you who have done the new Pirate Swarm

    First, apparently the Gladius is only available from a 'public match'. What is this? Second, what sort of ship would you recommend and can it be done as a group?
  17. Black Sunder

    Good Turnout at Yela/Daymar

    Check it out. Thank you everyone for coming. Some good lessons learned from this. Next op will be up sometime this week. Probably going back to a cave. A big Thank You and shoutout to everyone for being on early and getting into the party before the actual start time. We launched on time and...
  18. Black Sunder

    Caves are fun

    Just had my first cave dive today(thanks @LoicFarris). And damn was it more fun than I imagined it would be.
  19. Black Sunder

    Event on the 20th
  20. Black Sunder

    Yela Belt Expedition - Sunday Oct 20 2:00pm EST / 6:00pm UTC

    Yela Belt Expedition - Sunday Oct 20 2:00pm EST / 6:00pm UTC Start Location: Port Olisar Destination: Yela Asteroid Belt Primary Purpose: Mine Gemstones & Asteroids Secondary Purpose: Establish perimeter security procedures & reaction times for protected ships & Personnel Rules: 15 mins...
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