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  1. Floating Cloud

    Stop Looking at Space Ships

    Uploaded on the Star Citizen UK Facebook page a day or two back. Does it warrant its own thread? probably not, but by god it made me laugh.
  2. Floating Cloud

    Vote Star Citizen! A vote for SC is a vote for a brighter future! (Game Awards)

    Hi folks, So it looks like we've managed to get SC nominated for 'Most Anticipated Game of 2017', but it seems that our work is not complete. Rather than tot up the nomination votes, it would seem that the nominated games must in turn be voted for. If you would like to vote for Star Citizen...
  3. Floating Cloud

    Test represented in a recent Sandi Gardner tweet

    View: Congratulations @Montoya - your cunning plan is bearing fruit.
  4. Floating Cloud

    Are you up to any Star Citizen fun this Halloween?

    Malcolm Hackney has been. he shared his first ever pumpkin carving with the Star Citizen UK facebook group... /respect Malcolm. You are a dude who knows where his towel is. Edit note: forgot to insert soelling mistake.
  5. Floating Cloud

    Can you spare some time/money/advice for Ben Lesnick?

    Hi folks, Ben is tweeting about a passion project that he is working on to save 30 boxes of Wing Commander Academy original artwork. This is a completely non Star Citizen project that he is doing because of his love of the genre. I'll let you read the details yourself, but in short there has...
  6. Floating Cloud

    RSI Ship Vote #3 - Bomber of the Year (Retaliator Vs. Gladiator) Why did you choose whatever you voted (are going to vote) for?
  7. Floating Cloud

    Reddit repost - 'We Can't all be Pirates'

    IceTruckKilla posted an interesting rant on Reddit earlier. The full thread is available at, but to whet your appetite here is the initial article: --- We can't all be Pirates Submitted by IceTrucKilla This is a...
  8. Floating Cloud

    Site responding slowly 24/08/2016 - everyone else ok?

    I'm fine on other sites, and my traffic to the site looks fine, so I'm wondering if the TestSquadron site is struggling? test response times all looking good: --- Pinging [] with 32 bytes of data: Reply from bytes=32 time=20ms TTL=57 Reply from...
  9. Floating Cloud

    Holy crud we're frickin' doomed!

    We're outnumbered three to one by frickin' robots! Frickin' ROBOTS!!! Has nobody seen Terminator? Westworld? Flee you fools, flee!
  10. Floating Cloud

    Starmaps for sale on RSI site

    Have these recently been added back to the store? It may just be that I haven't noticed them before. £16 for subscribers, £20 for others. Including shipping
  11. Floating Cloud

    Taysiders in Space (short Star Trek parody)

    Tayside is a region in Scotland. I would recommend that for the full impact you watch this video the first time without subtitles. Enjoy
  12. Floating Cloud

    Multicoloured Dragonflies. What's your colour?

    There is a thread over on the RSI forums where people are discussing colour variations for the Dragonfly. There are some lovely examples shown, with the ones below being some of my favourites. How about you folks, anything there take your fancy, or is there another direction that you would go...
  13. Floating Cloud

    Big Benny's T-Shirts Are up for sale for Subscribers If you want to announce your noodle addiction to the world then this is your chance. Free Big Benny Patch for subscriber orders too ;).
  14. Floating Cloud

    BritizenCon 'Developers Panel' Youtube video now available

    This is the second of the two panels presented at BritizenCon. This video is posted on BoardGamer's Youtube channel, with the panel members being: Declan Troughton - Level Designer at Foundry 42 UK Robbie Elms - Level Designer at Foundry 42 UK Brian Chambers - Development Director at Foundry...
  15. Floating Cloud

    BritizenCon 'Content Creator Panel' Youtube video now available

    Both of the two BritizenCon panels were recorded by the organisers, and the 'Content Creator' one (with our very own Myre, SuperMacBrother, BoredGamer, and DoublarThackery) is now up on Youtube at BoredGamer's channel. Unfortunately there was an incredibly annoying sound glitch that occurred...
  16. Floating Cloud

    PC Games (German) Magazine Article - Wow, Wow, Wow.

    So at yesterday's BritizenCon event Brian Chambers made mention of some of the information that had been shown to the German PC Games magazine when they were in the office, specifically touching on the procedural planet generation. One of the other devs was telling us how he had a 'Woah!' moment...
  17. Floating Cloud

    Game changer for Test Squadron, and not in a good way :(

    Hopefully this is sensationalist nonsense, but if true it will seriously impact our planned style of play. The following article and associated Youtube video should only be read/viewed by those of stern constitution. ...or those fortified by beer. Lots and lots of beer...
  18. Floating Cloud

    A look at the British armed forces 'Officer's Ration Pack'

    Hello folks, I know that several of our Test Squadron brethren are serving in their country's armed forces, or have done so in the past (and I respect you for doing so). I thought you might be interested in seeing the 'officer variant' British armed forces ration pack. I've found that not many...
  19. Floating Cloud

    So apparently Donald Trump is a huge Star Citizen fan.

    View: Well you can't argue with that.
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