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  1. Doggen

    Cutty Blue tour (by BoredGamer)

    View: Looks pretty cool tbh, glad I have a few in buyback!
  2. Doggen

    Invictus launch week cinematic F8s wooo

  3. Doggen

    Carrack + Vanguard = lol

    2 size 4 weapons on nose = win
  4. Doggen

    Unreal Engine error while starting up game - LowLevelFatalError [File:Unknown] [Line: 330]

    Bought DBZ Kakarot (dont judge me :p) and cant get the fucker to start, see below for Crashlog. It starts up fine but crashes at the ' checking system data' part. Thought Id try my luck here since support is silent. System 3800x 32GB ram 1080GTX All well within temp limits. Things I have...
  5. Doggen

    FLIGHT MODEL - How Did We Get Here... Can We Get it back - By Noobifier

    View: I almost forgot about the earlier flightmodel because of all the new shinies we got but I gotta say Im kinding longing back to the 'old' days :) What do you think?
  6. Doggen

    Bigtimes is dead, long live Doggen

    I changed my name since well Bigtimes was a stupid name and I like dogs. Ty!
  7. Doggen

    Vanguard Performance Analysis - 3.6.1

    Awesome vid from Legacy Instructional Series View:
  8. Doggen

    New? Warthog Hornet grip

    I didnt know about this so thought Id share
  9. Doggen

    Vanguardians of the galaxy rejoice

    well a bit anyway, hypetraaaaaaaain View:
  10. Doggen

    The Mandalorian

    View: and a sneak preview View: Kinda excited for this!
  11. Doggen

    Anthem Cinematic \\ The Battle of Freemark

    I only discovered this today so I thought Id share. No idea whats going on and why bald Elon Musk is attacking Freemark but it looks cool View:
  12. Doggen

    Origin IDs (for Anthem)

    Please list your Origin ID here so we can become filthy rich: View: Mine is: BigtimesEU
  13. Doggen

    Vanguard tweaks in the future?

    Hurrah, maybe they will make her more like the concept design! View:
  14. Doggen


    So pretty
  15. Doggen

    Cleaning Hotas and pedals

    Ive recently bought second hand hotas and pedals and they are pretty gross. What is the best way to clean these things, just rub some alcohol on it? Cheers!
  16. Doggen

    Rebel Galaxy Outlaw

    View: Got a nice wing commander / Freespace 2 / freelancer vibe. Bit too edgy sometimes. Official Website : from official website : "Gamepad is best, but Mouse & Keyboard work fine. And for you HOTAS-wielding folks and...
  17. Doggen

    3.2 live

  18. Doggen

    3.2 pics

    I turn into a fanboy every patch so here are my pics. pew pew
  19. Doggen

    For honor starter edition free on Uplay during E3 Havent played it so no idea if its any good, but hey. Free!
  20. Doggen

    Half life 3 confirmed?

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