Search results

  1. Doggen

    The Last Jedi - Spoilers

    I thouroughly enjoyed it. There were quite a few 'funny' moments but never in a scene where it wouldnt be appropriate imo. I did feel the setting was a bit compact. Spaceships, island, salt planet were the only locations I think so I missed the 'adventure' feel of it I guess :slight_smile: Oh...
  2. Doggen

    My Ursa Rover adventure (giant pics)

    Decided to go out with the Ursa Rover to see whats out there So away we go! Alien Life form detected! Looks dangerous, ill better shoot it Threat neutralised, im a hero. Onwards! More aliens Ok Im stuck Is ok, I will run to nearest emergency shelter! Oh wait no i die (sprinting...
  3. Doggen

    Is this SQ42 pirate ship?

  4. Doggen

    Become an NPC ingame! (Citizencon attendees only)

    STAR CITIZEN is holding a casting call for CitizenCon 2947 attendees who wish to have their face appear in game! We pledged to take our facial capture system on the road and head scan select fans during special events. CitizenCon 2947’s expanded format provides the ideal location to do just...
  5. Doggen

    Destiny 2 PC Beta: Things that can get you banned (discord is on the list!!)

    EDIT: Note the 'can' . Apparantly a lot of players have been able to play with these running and the ones that were banned are unbanned already. So just a heads up I suppose 1.) Game Capture Methods OBS XSplit Dxtory Razer Cortex Fraps 2.) Voice Communication Methods Discord Mumble 3.)...
  6. Doggen

    Star Citizen 2014

    View: Haha those turrets and animations were pretty cool back then, especially the freelancer at 1:10
  7. Doggen

    Control setup

    Ive been changing my control setup a lot and im curious to see what your setup is. And steal it ;) Atm I have : T16000m left -Roll on twist -Strafe up down left right on stick -Boost on trigger -targetting on hat -Look behind on mid thumb button -Afterburner on right thumb button -Decouple...
  8. Doggen

    *SOLD *X65F for sale 180 euros + shipping costs

    Im looking to sell my X65F! I couldnt get used to the light touchy controls but maybe you can! Looking for 180 euros + any shipping fee's. There were some issues with windows 10 but solvable by...
  9. Doggen

    My hangar is called Fort Nox now

  10. Doggen

    Buyback token about to be 'refreshed'

    If nothing has changed it should arrive July 1st. If you havent used yours yet and want to now is the time I guess.
  11. Doggen

    Bucanneer flyable in 2.6.2 :D

  12. Doggen

    Obutto revolution gaming cockpit

    Found this when I was searching for a good desk chair: Anyone have one of these by chance and if so are they any good?
  13. Doggen

    WTB CCU Any buyable ship from Hornet Ghost to Superhornet (or Gladiator)

    As title says. I cant stop buyinggggg To Clarify CCU from Hornet ghost or any ship thats for sale right now thats more expensive than a Hornet ghost.
  14. Doggen

    Bounty Hunting Combat Flightschool

    EDIT: Interested: Bigtimes (EU) - Bigtimes Julu (EU) - Lipwig Stee Jans (NA) - SteeJans JeffCraig (NA) - JeffCraig Vett (NA) - Vett Supitza (EU) - felixkilljoy Just Jake (NA) - Metal_Muffin Snakey (?) - snkygmg Daak Seed (EU but plays at night) - Daak-seed Han Burgundy (?) - Han Burgundy...
  15. Doggen

    WTB CCU to starfarer (current price)

    Just putting this out there, if anyone has an Andromeda to Starfarer CCU lying around Id like to buy it from you. Just so you know price is going up so im not sure if the value of your CCU will go up aswel
  16. Doggen

    HOSAS setup

    Ive tried keyboard and mouse, HOTAS, HOSAM, HOKAS but HOSAS seems to be the most immersive. This is my current setup, im quite happy with it. Still doing some finetuning on curves but very enjoyable to fly like this. (Even though I still forget which twist is up and down and fly face first in...
  17. Doggen

    TEST picture thread

    Hi guys and girls, Im always interested in the faces behind the names so I thought it would be fun to make a picture thread. Ill start, this is me: For some reason the business idea I had behind that pic never took off
  18. Doggen

    Looking for Constellation Tauras -> Superhornet CCU

    As title says! edit: Meant Taurus ofcouse. Can do other ship-> superhornet but want to keep cost down.
  19. Doggen

    What is bottlenecking my pc the most

    I have started playing battle royale in star citizen and the FPS i get in there, or lack of, make it kinda unplayable. So I was wondering what the best upgrade would be for my pc. The specs: 2600k is @4.2 ghz btw Cheers!
  20. Doggen

    Check out my sweet low budget 6dof joystick

    Yes, I made it myself using velcro and scissors. Ill post a walkthrough soon. Lower left stick is velocity and decoupled forward /back upper left stick strafe Dpad shields and double tap for other stuff Suprisingly comfortable :D
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