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  1. Black Sunder

    More Original Dialogue from TEST Wars Ep 4 We learn some dark things and a rite of passage is bestowed upon someone.
  2. Black Sunder

    TEST Slogans

    1. Join Today! Crash Tomorrow. 2. TEST your mettle. 3. TESTing your resolve today! 4. TESTing in progress...... 5. On the edge of Crash. 6. Crash Test Dummies got nothing on us. 7. Drink now, drink often and crash in style. 8. Fighting for your right to drink and fly responsibly...
  3. Black Sunder

    Xi'an Crash Ship Sale Friday June 20

    Before anyone TRIES and they WILL try, let me first state that it is NOT a scout ship. It is an opportunity. To me scouting implies a reasonable chance of returning alive after being sent on your mission and we'll have none of that idiocy. I say to you gentlemen! Is it not better to crash 2...
  4. Black Sunder

    My name is Black Sunder and I am a Starholic

    It all started when a friend showed me Star Citizen early this year. After looking around the site and looking at stuff I found CR's weekly 10 question show. I watched. Watched another one. Found Wingman's Hanger and watched it(think it was Ep 55 I started on) and then I bought my first package...
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