Search results

  1. Black Sunder

    State of the Russian 2: J Is For Javelin

    tl:dr FYI this was made in about 10 minutes with no consultation from RussianJ. But that doesn't matter. Whoah, lots and lots of things have been happening since the last one. First up GLORIOUS LEADER MONTOYA has begun a new show called TEST Signal. Apparently those State of the Squadron...
  2. Black Sunder

    Montoya Facts

    Behind Montoya's bicep is another bicep. Montoya need only call out "TEST Squadron!" and an entire flotilla of ships will appear, ready to crash on his command. Montoya's hot tub has made for many strange negotiations. Some of which are ongoing. Upon reaching 10,000 TEST Squadron members...
  3. Black Sunder

    Road to 5K?

    Glorious Leader says we are nearing another milestone in our org history. I quote from Reddit from Glorious Leader's post: I think Dear Leader is asking for ideas on how to accomplish this. suggestion is to make a new TEST Squadron intro video. It has been a long time and many...
  4. Black Sunder

    2nd Bengal Carrier We Get

    As you know the first Bengal we get will be flown into a sun and filmed for the tears it will generate among the Star Citizen community. These tears will fuel several ships many times over.This isn't about that because that course of action was decided long ago. Gonna say this once. The 2nd...
  5. Black Sunder

    Pressure Tactics Work! - Great Success!

    Regardless of what Montoya wants to think, the [CONCERN] level once again rose enough to produce another GLORIOUS VIDEO! Once again Montoya has proclaimed our greatness to the greater Citizen Community and the greater Squadron. What most poeple do not know is that everyone on the list below us...
  6. Black Sunder

    Anniversary Sale Over - Survey of the Damage

    As you all know the sale is now over. As we lok around ourselves we see broken bottles, empty kegs, paper towels, broken credit cards and most of all, destroyed wallets. Lol. Post your final ship purchase count for the sale. I got a Carrack and an Aurora LX. Also got a Retaliator in a moment...
  7. Black Sunder

    Lack of TEST Javelins - Read Inside

    tl;dr I'm gonna NKato the hell out of this. At last count I think we had a total of 2 Javelins, maybe 3 or 4 if people are keeping them secret for later use or have just not posted about them. I will grant that having 2 of these ships is a huge thing for us given their requirements but.....we...
  8. Black Sunder

    Carrack Count

    I'm setting off to search for the Sphere of Beer(also searching for green space babes). Anyone that wants to join is welcome to come and RussianJ as discussed if you want to rent my Carrack you are more than welcome to do so as long as I can camp out in the co-pilot seat on the Javelin when we...
  9. Black Sunder

    Found Our New TEST Squadron Recruitment Video!

    If you squint really hard, drink 5 and tilt your head you'll see the end says TEST Squadron. This video courtesy of JJ Abrams(Thanks for that J) shows off our TEST SWATdron Marines in good form. At the beginning we saw someone with a massive hangover, in the desert with no idea where he was...
  10. Black Sunder

    Those of You Thinking of Getting a Javelin - Read This First Announcement over, that is all.
  11. Black Sunder

    We Have Our First Confirmed Dedicated Medic!

    Yes thats right. As of this night Gorshum has accepted becoming our first dedicated combat Medic with his newest Cutlass Red that has been added to his hangar(that I may have gifted to him on the spot when he was talking about not having the money for one due to being out of work. TEST has his...
  12. Black Sunder

    All Wings Report In Red October Standing By! Said in a dashing Scottish accent of course
  13. Black Sunder

    Carrack - Putting Exploration to the TEST

    So just a general thread to get an idea of who will be getting one of these sexy beasts. Early wishful thinking puts the external appearance of this ship puts it somewhere between a supermodel and a really sexy supermodel. Join the TEST exploration fleet they said. You'll have drunk fun they...
  14. Black Sunder

    RussianJ - Are you Hardcore enough for a Javelin?

    Well...are you?
  15. Black Sunder

    Carrack Info! - Including Possible Price

    NEWS FROM THE FRONT! Someone managed to get some info out of Ben. I think the OP mistyped the price though because a Redeemer is 250 and the Reclaimer was 350 so I would expect it somewhere in there abouts, probably 300. We'll see what happens next week.
  16. Black Sunder

    State of the Squadron 6.7 - Various Ideas for Shows

    So Montoya has this really short attention span and only made a 10 minute video even though we know it could have easily been 11 minute long. As DEAR LEADER has mentioned he wants to do some other shows to kinda break up SOTS and then have SOTS itself as the summary. This kind of thinking is why...
  17. Black Sunder

    Montoya Too Slow - Activate Incentive Protocols

    Kickoff of the Anniversary Sale THIS FRIDAY! Think someone needs to get that State of the Squadron 6 out soon so we know what to buy regardless of what comes up.
  18. Black Sunder

    Where State the Squadron 6?

    Its been like a month since the last one and we have nothing! Dear Leader did you abandon us? Surely there is enough to have a video. Mini-Leader was born! All Hail Our new Leader! Ok enough of my shenanigans. Since the last video aired the 890 Jump was on sale which several people bought...
  19. Black Sunder

    TEST Squadron Beerdeemer Barship

    The Gladius and Redeemer are going to be on sale this weekend(Redeemer was spotted in the patch files and Gladius was accidentally posted and taken down) In response to that I need HELP! I need a daring and brave photoshop artist to take the Redeemer and TEST it. We need Black and Yellow on it...
  20. Black Sunder

    Your Ships. The Why and The Future Purchases.

    So we all have ships. Some of us have several ships which we bought in moments of "SHINY!". What are your ships and why did you get them? Some personal reason perhaps or just because they look cool? Maybe you see yourself in some sort of role besides Crash TEST Aurora Pilot #1837(nothing...
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