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  1. Black Sunder

    Hull Series Later This Month!

    Per Reverse the 'Verse: "Hull series concept sale later this month!" There you have it. ALL ABOARD THE HYPE TRAIN! We're getting them this month sometime. I will be doing a Ship Talk on these bad boys when they get put up so be on the lookout for that after the sale hits. Maybe Montoya needs...
  2. Black Sunder

    Your Ships. The Why and Future Purchases - Revived!

    The last time I made this thread it garnered a LOT of response from people which you can see here. Its been a while and people's personal fleets have changed quite a bit since last October with melting and new purchases. So lets kick this off! We all have ships. Some of us have several ships...
  3. Black Sunder

    Cargo Cult - Ship Talk #4

    Cargo Cult - Ship Talk #4 "We were on our last legs fightin ya know. We had run out of beer the week before and our enemies were well supplied with water and soda. We didn't give up though but I think a few of the members started to get.....unsettled. At first dawn the next day a miracle...
  4. Black Sunder

    Almost One Month Ago

    Nearly a month ago Glorious Leader Montoya posted a video that reset all [CONCERN] levels back to zero. Peace reigned throughout the forum as the members of TEST watched it and basked in their own glorious success. TEST could do no wrong and alchohol was plentiful. Truly it was a paradise...
  5. Black Sunder

    TEST Website Question

    ...Are we actually going to have one in the future? I know we have the site but toward the end of this year and next after org 2.0 drops and we start organizing groups it would be nice to have a site people can go to to look up the latest TEST info and read Montoya's...
  6. Black Sunder

    The Aegis Vanguard - Ship Talk Commentary #1

    The Aegis Vanguard - Ship Talk Commentary #1 Welcome to the first Ship Talk Commentary(STC) #1! This is a new kind of Talk just focusing on a single, presumably newly released concept ship. We're starting with the Aegis Vanguard and oh my Glorious Leader do we have things to talk about. There...
  7. Black Sunder

    Squadron Reporting - Ship Talk #3 'Fighters' Part 2

    Squadron Reporting - Ship Talk #3 'Fighters' Part 2 For Part 1 of this Talk go here. Because this is Part 2 I'll just presume no one read the first one and skip right to the Descriptions and Roles. Of note, these pictures were taken before CIG finally did away with the 'class' of hardpoints and...
  8. Black Sunder

    Squadron Reporting : Ship Talk #3 'Fighters' - Part 1

    Squadron Reporting : Ship Talk #3 'Fighters' - Part 1 Welcome to another edition of Ship Talk. For those new to this where have you been? I have a whole 2 more of these written. Ship Talk is me taking the current on paper stats for a group of ships similar in either role or hull, analyzing...
  9. Black Sunder

    Anyone else get an invite from these people?

    There is some German stuff in there that I cut out because its basically saying the same thing:
  10. Black Sunder

    Vanguard Concept Leaked

    250 dollars may be a bit overrated for this concept pic but clearly shows the van guard in action. I'm gonna burn for this in Star Citizen hell right?
  11. Black Sunder

    Aurora Rain - Ship Talk #2

    Aurora Rain - Ship Talk #2 "Aurora. Its very name signifies the power of an entire Squadron united in common fun. Alone they are weak, scattered, and insignificant, but together form a mighty torrent of firepower unmatched." - Accurate TEST Recruitment Information First things first. Welcome...
  12. Black Sunder

    VANGUARD THIS WEEK! - Maybe 250 bucks. If they are happy with the work then it will go on sale. All aboard the HYPE TRAIN!!
  13. Black Sunder

    Ship Talk Blog - Updates and Future Discussions

    So this week I'm planning to do a thread on the Aurora + Variants much in the same way I did the exploration ships in the updated thread with segments on structural/propulsion, weapons and finally any extra equipment and compare them all together. I realize that I started the first one talking...
  14. Black Sunder

    Retaliator Sale this Friday

    According the the Com-Link schedule there will be a sale and brochure this Friday. Go wild!
  15. Black Sunder

    Exploring the Unknown - Ship Talk #1 - Updated!

    Exploring the Unknown - Ship Talk #1 - Updated! Seung couldn't get the old post to carry all my theorycrafting. So I make new one! Let me apologize for the first iteration of this thread. I wrote the initial post at work and it was just me writing things down as I thought of them. Future Ship...
  16. Black Sunder

    Exploring the Unknown - Ship Talk #1

    Planning to update this Saturday with more info and stat pics. This is first pass. Trying something new here to see if it'll work. Right now we have a good set of ships that are flyable. We have others that are in the Hangar and almost ready to go while we have even more in concept or design...
  17. Black Sunder

    Retaliator Variants - Confirmed

    From Reverse the Verse: "Retaliator commercial will come with Retaliator variants." Means we're getting tali variants! Super excited because I can upgrade mine to be something else. Kinda hoping for some sort of mining ship.
  18. Black Sunder

    New Forum Style Column Width? - Too small?

    With the font update and in general I've noticed that people with long names break the last column entitled "Last Message" because the avatar is also fighting for space and it isn't line breaking gracefully. Check this from GD, look at the right side.
  19. Black Sunder

    Rock Raider Division - Logo Contest and Intro

    The Professions section of the forum is Growing! Now we want YOU! Introducing the TEST Squadron Rock Raider Division! Visit the link to read. More information will be added later and will continue to evolve as we get more information on various aspects of the game. Rock Raiders specializes...
  20. Black Sunder

    XPLOR - We're falling behind massively Check out this week's MVP and what Will talks about in regards to them. Deploy the rum!
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