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  1. Black Sunder

    A New Potential Enemy

    During Monday's 10FTC Chris revealed the existance of San Holo, a previously unknown NPC(potential player) in Star Citizen. He could destroy us. If he could be turned he could become a powerful ally. A great asset. He should be recruited at all costs(or created and joined to TEST if not already...
  2. Black Sunder

    Congrats Seung - On Being Disqualified

    Relevant Thread Something about no org advertising which the guy messed up on. He still got a 100 dollar giftcard and we got 2nd place overall in votes total + exposed more people to TEST Squadron. His failure was a success for us all!
  3. Black Sunder

    I like Lego a lot. Will be adding this to the collection I have the UCS TIE Interceptor and the UCS Darth Vader's TIE Advanced.
  4. Black Sunder

    New Orion Info - Sale Coming Next Friday

    From Reverse the Verse: Very excited to see this happen. And this: Also cool. And finally something else in regards to mining: I'm going to get one because I enjoyed Mining in Eve Online to some extent. If this is as involved as they say then it'll be an excellent group activity to...
  5. Black Sunder

    TEST Facts

    1. TEST Squadron has never lost a battle. Any perception of loss is merely part of a larger and more elaborate grand scheme. Maybe. 2. 42% of Squadron Members will crash their ships in the next 42 minutes. 3. TEST Spais do not know they are spais. Yet. 4. Any rumor of Spais in our own ranks...
  6. Black Sunder

    Raisons 1-16 why TEST is BEST

    1. DEAR GLORIOUS LEADER Montoya! 2. Next to no Leadership necessary most of the time. 3. We are not XPLOR, Imperium or The Corporation 4. Drama is limited to on-stage plays put on by Montoya when he feels like updating us. 5. We are still in the recruiting stage with no plans past tomorrow of...
  7. Black Sunder

    TEST Squadron is Dying know when the next vidcom from GLORIOUS DEAR LEADER will be forthcoming. Recent spy photograph selfies have revealed that Montoya, aka AYOTNOM, has received a secret package. Forensic analysis indicates that the package contained a shirt of all things and that it was black and yellow. The...
  8. Black Sunder

    TEST Wars - Ep 4 Scene: The Battle Begins

    Another scene from TEST Wars Ep 4. Enjoy: *A fleet of TEST Squadron ships floats in space, quietly and on target" "All wings report in" "Black 1 Standing By" "Yellow 1 Standing By" "Black 2 Standing By" "Yellow 2 Standing By" "Black 3 Standing By" "Yellow 3 Standing By" "Black 4 Standing By"...
  9. Black Sunder

    Want that Carrack or Reclaimer or Herald?

    GO GET THEM NOW! List has been updated at the bottom to include them.
  10. Black Sunder

    2015 Chris Roberts BAFTA speech

    Didn't see this posted so here you go. Was informative to say the least.
  11. Black Sunder

    The Ministry of Propaganda and Recruitment - Update

    Since the recent activation of the Ministry of Propaganda and Recruitment(The MoPaR) and my joining to the sub org as Russian's 2nd in command ideas have been springing forth and out on how to get more people into the org and therefore have more fun in the Persistant Universe. You have already...
  12. Black Sunder

    [CONCERN] Rising

    As you all know I said I would hold off on these [CONCERN] posts until after New Years. I figured Montoya would get drunk enough to make the SoTS before now but he has obviously been looking into a mirror trying to shave himself instead of a camera. This shows the supreme dedication our leader...
  13. Black Sunder

    PSA - Encountering Enemy Fighters

    When encountering enemy fighters you may be tempted to use the opportunity to keep up foreign relations. Please use the proper procedure(won't let me embed with the timestamp) as linked and of course have fun while doing so. 2015 will be a great year for TEST so lets have some serious fun.
  14. Black Sunder

    TESTivus and TESTgiving - 2015

    Before anyone starts, I thought of these today December 30,2014 so don't be like that Montoya guy and ask and I quote "Why was this not submitted 4 weeks ago?" Looking for any thoughts, criticisms or the airing of [CONCERN]s about this. We're totally going to do this next year. TESTivus - A...
  15. Black Sunder

    Thats It! We're all Farmers!

    Just saw this secret message on the TEST subreddit. It filled me with great fear and so I had a duty to inform all of you of the coming destruction.
  16. Black Sunder

    Its hard being Dear Leader sometimes, but he gets it done....80s style

    I present my latest piece after months of not doing any. Again, thank you Montoya for making a place where we can belong and be surrounded by others like us.
  17. Black Sunder

    Mustang Enthusiasts Club

    Ok I got a Delta and Beta. Fighting and camping is the way to go. Who else?
  18. Black Sunder

    Our Next Party Boat - Pegasus Escort Carrier

    Truly it is the mark of any good large organization to have as many large phallic shaped capital ships as they can muster. In light of this I was pleased to see the first images of the Pegasus Escort Carrier as can be found here. My favorite shot here: Can hold something like 30 fighters...
  19. Black Sunder

    You Joined TEST Squadron - Why?

    We all have many varied and absolutely shameful reasons why we joined this terrible organization led by a bald guy who could probably break us like Bane did Batman. Oh God, Montoya is Bane! HL3 Confirmed! So why did YOU join this organization? I'll start: I originally pledged to the game back...
  20. Black Sunder

    Thanks To Montoya - The Leader That Keeps on Giving

    Montoya does not know this but he has been giving us all great presents throughout the whole year of 2014. Now hold on a second, how could he not know what he has been giving us presents all year? Because he has been doing these things without knowning(blame the fleeting moments of sobriety)...
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