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  1. Voices

    State of the Squadron 21!

    [Concern Decreasing]
  2. Voices

    How much rock could a rock raider raid if a rock raider could raid rock??

    How much rock could a rock raider raid if a rock raider could raid rock??
  3. Voices

    Been a while but I am still alive, still here, and still drunk.

    Been a while but I am still alive, still here, and still drunk.
  4. Voices

    Initial plans for PU?

    I want to get into the salvage and repair rather early personally. that and a few deployments for mining operations. naturally all while hammered
  5. Voices

    Having Issues with Mumble

    Having Issues with Mumble
  6. Voices

    [POLL] Who here is U.S. Military ?

    United States Marine Corps Sergeant (E-5) Comm Tech 5 Years Pendleton, 29 Palms, Yuma, Hawaii Deployed: Philippine's, Oman, Africa, Singapore, Afghanistan, Egypt, Jordan and some others im probably forgetting. Current assignment 1st Civ Div, 2nd Couch, 3rd Beer Unemployed College Student (Yr-1)
  7. Voices

    So with Marine around the corner...

    I could see people getting together and working on tactics (working on CQB etc,) but anything more than that I just don't see holding up till later on when there is more to get from it.
  8. Voices

    I'm... I'm just going to leave this here

  9. Voices

    off to the bar to watch the Qualifier

    off to the bar to watch the Qualifier
  10. Voices

    installed my new SSD and downloading SC

    installed my new SSD and downloading SC
  11. Voices

    charlie charlie one - fellow pew professionals

    this is crazy... but call me maybe....for reporting in possibly....
  12. Voices

    adding another class to my schedule so going to be on a lot less, damn.

    adding another class to my schedule so going to be on a lot less, damn.
  13. Voices

    Mining/Trade Fleet?

    your answers are located here hope to see you out there
  14. Voices

    Funny Idea...

    hehe, i'll just sit over here in my corner drinking beer in my Aurora
  15. Voices

    Elite: Dangerous TEST Squadron

    hey, CMDR Mcclintock is my handle in game. feel free to add me
  16. Voices

    News update

    thoughts and good vibes your way boss,
  17. Voices

    going to be on ED if anybody wants to join up.

    going to be on ED if anybody wants to join up.
  18. Voices

    It's a Lego Rock Raider kind of day.

    It's a Lego Rock Raider kind of day.
  19. Voices

    Inebriation complete. Reporting for duty

    Where you from stranger? Born in the black hole Charlotte in the NC galaxy What drew you to Star Citizen? looking for a good space game and realizing there were not any that fit what I wanted, I clicked on the RSI site and haven't looked back since. What do you look forward to most in Star...
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