
  1. Relic

    newb reporting in.

    Where you from stranger? space obviously? What drew you to Star Citizen? this is all derkerter's fault. What do you look forward to most in Star Citizen? (PVP, Exploration, etc) crashing into all the things because i'm not a very good pilot! What was the first game you remember playing? oh...
  2. Nekovala

    New streamer in bound

    I've seem to have gained access to the PTU, so I'll be streaming frm time to time asap from tomorrow UTC+1 to my channel : Its very empty and have no "streamer setup" but, if you wanna check sometimes, you'd be welcome :) I'll post a follow up when I'm streaming :D
  3. William


    Hey all. I just applied to Test Squadron. Figured I'd say hello to you guys. I've been a backer since last year, I bought a game package for my brother (he got some new parts for his PC for christmas, so I figured I'd get him a game). Just bought a package for myself. Some stuff about myself...
  4. Zuko

    Pepe pls.

    Hello! my name is Brett (Handle : MainStreamGamer) I'm from the United States of Freedom (America), Florida to be exact born and raised in the great state. What drew you to Star Citizen? I'm a nerd and I nerdgasm'd when i saw it on kicker starter back in the day forgot about it until recently...
  5. BeanBoy

    Hey All!

    Where you from stranger? -I come from PHX, AZ. Valley of the sun. Here the temperatures rise to 120 degrees in the summer and the pavement becomes hot enough to fry an egg. (I've tried it) What drew you to Star Citizen? -I remember finding Star Citizen when they first started their KickStarter...
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