3.1 is live


Nov 21, 2017
RSI Handle
Think i'll give up on this 3.1 for a while .

Jump into my trusty Cutty , fly to Deakins , spend 2,500 of my CR , fly back to Port Olisar , nope won't let me sell it there WTF ??? Fly to Levski CTD Lose the ship an cargo somewhere in the Verse ? Log in again . ship it shown as uknown , flie a claim and again WTF ??? you have to pay to expedite your own ship that game swallowed due to it doing the CTD??? c'mon that's a fucking joke . so now at 916 cr tried another run an guess what....... :middle_finger: sorry it's alpha and this needs sorting its a fucking joke .

Hop onto the Issue Council and it seems i'm not the only one who is pissed off about it , i'm number 70 in the list of others who have mentioned it .

Oh and the usual after you lose a ship shit has turned up I know have


Drake Cutty

Drake Cutty 2

Drake Cutty 3

Drake Cutty4

In my ship ( or should that be Shit ) list

Not happy , but they'll fix it..........eventually.........hopefully..............


Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
As is usual for me by now, the live PU release is borderline unplayable compared to PTU.

-Several attempts to take off in my Aurora resulted in CTD every single time after powering on. Very annoying as it's one of the 2 ships I own.
How on earth is this not a blocker?? The starter ship with the highest player ownership not flyable, how can you release to live like this?? Btw I don't know if this was the case on PTU or not, cos I never tried my Aurora there.

-Tried my 300i and it seems to be improved from 3.0 a bit, meaning it can actually fly now without spinning in random directions all the time. Also, it now has a 2 scu cargo space that actually shows up on trade consoles. Animations generally work better and I don't fall through the cockpit every time I exit the seat! Flight physics is still annoyingly random though, falling like a rock to planets, endless drifting in turns (or turning on a dime at full speed sometimes), on-foot physics inside are bugged as usual. I guess this won't get better till way into the next year as they don't care to update the ship, that according to Disco, something like 40% of backers own? And I bet that a large number of ppl own it as their ONLY ship. FU CIG for not fixing this for 2 years now, it's getting really annoying. That's why I ended up buying an Aurora in the first place... Oh, so I guess it's good business sense from their point of view.

-Done a trading run from Delamar (or Deymar?) back to Ollisar, made a whopping 12 credit profit on 1 SCU of cargo! Kinda low, but at least the game only crashed after I sold my cargo. Yay, I guess? I wanna do this more!

-Fps is Improved! But it's still all over the place, getting anything from 15-20 to 50-60. Didn't see many glitches apart from thrusters and other particle effects being totally off, and the moon surfaces look way better both from up close and at a distance. Lots of very short frame drop spikes compared to 3.0, which had less but way longer literal "stops". Overall, this is an improvement. I do get intervals of buttery smooth 60fps in 1080p with Very High settings, especially around planets when nearing the atmosphere. It's really beautiful and I fall in love with the game again and again in those moments. It gives me a glimpse of whats to come, and that makes me a believer again. Sadly that state doesn't last very long. The longer I play, the worse the spikes get, until I get disconnected, or the game crashes after a random action I do. (btw, I tried all graphics settings with fresh restarts of the game, and as with all previous releases, using Very High gives me the best possible framerates. So if the game looks kinda bad and your fps is still low, try going up in the quality settings instead of down!)

-Still the usual tons of network issues with desync and losing connection, and way more random ctds than 3.0! Not a good experience, especially that the fps is better and I wanna play it way more than I did with 3.0. (tested my network connection, restarted router, all that crap, again the problem is not on my end, at least not something I could find. I would be so much happier if it was on my end, cos than I could fix it at least...)

-interdictions / breaks in quantum travel due to asteroids cause disconnects almost every single time, so about 7 out of 10 quantum jumps I do end up disconnected. Enemies never show up in interdictions, those always end up as disconnects a minute later.
Again how was this not a Blocker? Why isn't this totally broken thing not disabled until it get's into a mostly working state? They said features that are so unstable would just get pushed on to next patch. Why is this still in?

-REC system totally broken again. I have several ships rented and showing active on my account, yet only one shows up in AC ship list, and non in PU spawn list. But, in the PU, one of my rented ships shows up when selecting the ship to load with cargo, and only then. So not spawnable, but I can put cargo in it. It would be great if they added an alternative way to use REC or just disable the whole system or sumthin. Dear CIG, simply not giving a fuck doesn't make the problem go away, especially with the starter ships being so broken!
As it was stated before, rented ships are not meant to be available in PU. This would be fine, if the Aurora, 300 series, and Mustang - the starter ships 70%+ of players own, and most of em own as their ONLY ship - would fucking WORK! But they don't! 300 series, still mostly broken physics; new for this release-> Aurora fully broken; Mustang, still the old broken model with helluva bugged physics.
I think this is a stupid decision, bordering on a pay2win mentality, and it annoys me. I know a lot of you don't agree with me cos you spent thousands of dollars and want to feel superior for it. Fine, I can understand that. If I had thrown that much money at something I liked, I would want to as well. But I hope you agree on that CIG should at least get the basic ships into a working state ffs! Anyways, it would be nice if I could use the rented ships in AC for some single player fun at least! I have been a subscriber for 2 years, yet I can't use the REC they given me for literally anything now. Also, doing multiplayer and earning REC by being better then the others has become meaningless. Yes it's fun for a while to just play for the sake of it, but that added incentive of a reward is important!
I was thinking of giving them some more money for a turtle, cos I love that little armored boxy thing, but no way I'm doing that after this shit show of a release.

-After several issues, I have done a full delete -> clean install, no change in behavior. At least the patcher seems to work fine for me

TLDR.: while fps is kinda better, shits more broken than before (again), and I'm pissed off about it, and I'm not even allowed to get pissed! (untill Wednesday at least, doctors orders...)


Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle
It's not so bad at all, this is kind of fun. I'm in the process of figuring out some circuitous routes that would enable visiting each station, and outpost in a sequence until you've run through all of the commodities. The problem is, for me at the moment, the chance of crashing and losing money seems to approach 1 after just 3 landings.

It goes like this: Take Flourine from Olisar,
1. Sell Flourine at Deakins on Yela. Pick up Ag supplies at Deakins,
2. Sell at Terran Mills or Gilette on Cellin buy Processed Food.
3. Sell at Bensen or Ag Corp on Yela Buy Hydrogen ***
4. Sell at Grim Hex, Levski, or Port Olisar.

See those ***? Inevitably if I try that I will have crashed before or at that point. Expensive.
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Space Marshal
Jan 27, 2018
RSI Handle
Another smaller patch should be out by the end of the week:


Hi everyone,

First off, thank you all for taking the time to provide this extremely helpful feedback.

We are currently aiming to get a stability patch out by the end of the week that will address the expediting fee, as it's currently set too high, considering the possibility of a client crash.

In addition, we have been developing the ability to auto-rejoin in the case of a crash, with proper ship persistence, but unfortunately it didn't quite make the cut for 3.1. There is a chance we get this functionality in the game in an interim patch before 3.2, after the stability patch we aim to release at the end of this week, but of course no guarantees.

I do want to reiterate though, that the long-term design intention is to have consequences for losing your ship in the PU (specifically due to in-game events, not client or server crashes) to create a risk/reward dynamic.

The bigger the ship, the bigger the deductible/time penalty will be - although it's massively important to callout that we will balance this against the economy to make sure that the earning potential matches the risk.

Thanks again!


Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle
Patch for stability might be a good thing, I am also thinking I need a bit of a better system. I just need to wait till the end of April before I can think about that.


Nov 21, 2017
RSI Handle
So they've reset the accounts and i'm back at a whole 5,000cr . first run to deymar in me Bucci I wipe out a norti Cutty Pirate , then its CTD......shit .
Log in again and yup if you wish to get your ship back faster ( 30 min wait for the Bucci ) you still have to pay a fee , even though the game or servers caused a crash , so it still sucks .


Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle
So they've reset the accounts and i'm back at a whole 5,000cr . first run to deymar in me Bucci I wipe out a norti Cutty Pirate , then its CTD......shit .
Log in again and yup if you wish to get your ship back faster ( 30 min wait for the Bucci ) you still have to pay a fee , even though the game or servers caused a crash , so it still sucks .
I had a ticket opened yesterday asking about missing ships, ships that had missing parts after claim, and not being able to use them after a software or network crash. Got a reply last night.

The response was the reset that they did last night was a temporary fix, just to get people going again, but that a patch is still in the works to address "stability and persistence issues". I suggest not putting too much effort into earning aUEC, or buying upgrades, because there is a strong possibility that will be reset again when that patch is released.


Space Marshal
Oct 8, 2016
RSI Handle
Yes, I would suggest people play and have fun, but not get too caught up in "getting ahead" or "making money."

The reset was nice, but, when they patch it, they will most likely reset all the accounts.

I like looking at the smiley face on my Kastak Arms SMG!


Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
RSI Handle
I was flying around Daymar yesterday, enjoying a good session with good frame rates!

Then the client crashed.


I look forward to the day when I can get a solid 4hrs in with no crashes!
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Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle
Well, 3.1.1 is out, but apparently a lot of people are getting CTD's very soon after starting the game.

I downloaded the update, and immediately got an error -- "Data.4pk missing" or some such...I can't even get the game started :(
I got in, 20fps. Called my cutlass, it had no doors. Went back in, then suddenly people started saying in chat "what happened to FPS", and I noticed mine went to 7 fps. I touched the terminal and CTD. Sigh.

Going to reboot and see, but not holding my breath at the moment.


Space Marshal
Oct 3, 2014
RSI Handle
I hate to say this... but it feels like I've gone though 100 minor revisions. I'm bored with this game (maybe I should make a youtube video of me dancing in the bar with my new shoes and shirt I purchased, cause that is about what I feel this game has delivered so far), and it has not even made it out of alpha. I tried to play it about 6 months ago... just can't get into it any more. Am I going to liquidate my fleet? NEVER! I'll take this good or bad investment to the grave, but I am not buying anything else until I feel better about it.
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