3.2 live


Space Marshal
Jun 9, 2017
RSI Handle
I played last night, logged out in my ships bed in orbit at Yela with a cargo of gold. Logged on today, spawned in my ship in orbit at Yela, flew to Levski and sold the gold for a profit.
Stable, FPS 30+ apart from at Levski when it was 25, no freezing, smooth play, using 10-12GB of RAM. Lots of other players around.

The quantum around planets is great.

Played 2 hours this morning made 2000 credits in my 315p. I can even carry a box up the ladder now!

This build looks good. Well done CIG/Testers
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Finally grabbed an hour in 3.2...

Well wow!

So much smoother, i'm using a 2gb GTX750 and getting between 11 and 16fps in the PU which is very doable - but even at 11 it's generally a smooth 11 whereas previously I was finding it juddery and jerky.

Flew my 350R to Daymar, went to the ArcCorp mining station there to have a drive in my Tumbril and saw a guy just riding off out into the desert in a Nox. I guess he was training for the Daymar Rally so I buzzed him a couple of times and then bounced off a big rock only to realise I only had 15 H fuel left because I'd left the AB toggled on (it's not showing when toggled in the Hud) so I landed at the station, grabbed my Tumbril and had a bit of a drive.

Soon I realised that i'd need to take the ship to a Cry Astro so on fumes I climbed out of the atmosphere and QD'd over to '42. Hovering over the landing pad I refueled but then got curious, so with the ship hanging in space I EVA'd down to the pad and went down to the airlock - nope, not open yet LOCKED was clearly on the pad so I went back up and jumped off the platform to EVA back to my ship... and was paralyzed. Could only move my neck, everything else was unresponsive. Had to backspace and woke up back at Olisar with my favourite ship 47,000km away.

While I was getting out of bed I saw a message on the chat "Hey who's 300i is this?" - someone was at CR42 looking at my ship. They had barely made it to the Astro, but then had a glitch where they couldn't refuel, they were stranded. I gave them permission to take the 350, but they couldn't - the door was open but with the ship being locked they could not take control.

I grabbed my Connie and flew over there as fast as I could. Instead of just giving the guy a lift back, I unlocked the Origin and they flew it back to Olisar for me so double winning there.

I then logged out in my connies bed just off Olisar, went back to the menu screen and closed the game normally, maybe the first time I have ever done that from a game in the PU.

A fun little adventure to see me into patch 3.2. Looking forward to getting a 4gb GTX1050 from somewhere to get me up to 20 frames per second! :slight_smile:
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