So I agree with
@BUTUZ here. The build crashes too often, but also the Prospector has some serious issues that have been persistent across the last few builids.
Mining is a lot of fun, but quite a few people have run into an issue where mining causes your ship to fly no faster than 50 m/s. It takes a long ass time to fly up 31,000 meters to where you can QT from there, and chances are an NPC pirate is going to jump you. In those circumstances, you can't run, or hide. Even if they don't find you, I have either crashed to desktop or experienced a 30000 error right while trying to QT. It's extremely frustrating. not one single successful load of ore delivered in probably my 15 latest attempts. It's been reported, but nothing done about it - it's not even an acknowledged open issue.
so also about the ctd's. Have you looked at your log file? Every occurence on mine lately actually say this:
[lobby] CCryMatchMaking::SessionDisconnectRemoteConnectionFromNub: cause=17 reason="Quit via console command"
System Fast Shutdown (ExitOnQuit enabled)
BaseInput - Shutting down all force feedback
ActionGame - Shutting down all force feedback
[CIG] CCIGBroker::FastShutdown
[CIG] CCIGBroker::StopProcessThread
I typed no such command.