A long delema I've had....Any Advice?


Space Marshal
Aug 27, 2015
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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Full load of Joker weapons on a Buccaneer once the Suckerpunch is fixed
Just be aware that the pre-2.6 data on weapons had the Jokers create an intense power drain and overheat quickly, some ships won't be able to load 8 of them and those that can could be left with nothing but insults and nasty language to throw after about 3 seconds.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Yeah, but can you solo with the hurricane?
It's a glass cannon. If you like to fly defensive it ought to rock. I wanna see it in Void Armor wearing all ballistic and low power reactor for tiny sig. 2XS4 Ballistic Cannons and 4X S3 Pyros, and it would be an unholy terror appearing from nowhere. Replace the turret with a Tracker module and you have a Ghost Tracker with a smaller sig than the Hornets, since it is a smaller bird. Could be the perfect spotter for the Polaris.


Space Marshal
Aug 27, 2015
RSI Handle
It's a glass cannon. If you like to fly defensive it ought to rock. I wanna see it in Void Armor wearing all ballistic and low power reactor for tiny sig. 2XS4 Ballistic Cannons and 4X S3 Pyros, and it would be an unholy terror appearing from nowhere. Replace the turret with a Tracker module and you have a Ghost Tracker with a smaller sig than the Hornets, since it is a smaller bird. Could be the perfect spotter for the Polaris.
This is an interesting idea. I'm gonna ponder swapping my Buc for a Hurricane, if it's available during the Holiday sale
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Richard Bong

Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Yeah, but can you solo with the hurricane?
The turret on the Hurricane is manned, whether it can be slaved to the pilot, since it isn't a remote turret is an open question, but I doubt it. You should be able to AI it, but you are giving up controlling more than half your firepower.


Space Marshal
Apr 23, 2014
RSI Handle
From the Q&A:

Can the turret be slaved like the Super Hornet?

The most upvoted question in the Q&A thread! The plan is to support slaved turrets in general – and the Hurricane’s turret will be no exception. While the balance factors for these slaved turrets are not yet fully determined, the current design direction would require the use of an avionics blade (you can think of it like installing a card into one of your PC motherboard slots) to provide the functionality and manage the additional workload on the targeting computer and related gear when in use. Up to this point, we’ve integrated some of the remote turrets on the current list of flight-ready ships on case by case basis so far, but the long-term preference is to establish a consistent systemic solution to remote turret integration rather than simply accommodating the various edge cases one ship hardpoint at a time. Overall, a lone pilot will not be totally kneecapped if their gunner decides to take the day off, but solo operating a ship designed for multiple crewmen would need to consider a loadout adjustment, and avionics would be part of that decision.

This may have changed but IDK one way or another. Hurricane looks cool, but I personally don't like the combination of Fragile + Not Agile. But for that amount of dakka in a small package :ok_hand:
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