A question on ship skins..


Space Marshal
Nov 7, 2017
RSI Handle

The skins are indeed swappable, meaning that once applied, they are not permanently affixed to the ship, and you will still have the option to remove or swap skins.
afaict this means you can indeed switch back and forth between skins
should be fine :)


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
They have confirmed that the skins that you purchase with cash money will be free to swap around in addition to the listed base skin. It's the paint jobs that will be purchased in game that will be single use only unless you have that done as an upgrade at the ships manufacturer, because they it becomes the new standard for replacement with the insurance claims.

Mich Angel

Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2016
RSI Handle


Space Marshal
Apr 25, 2019
RSI Handle
Interesting video; so there's no guarantee you'll (currently) be able to remove skins if applied outside of the game. Got it!
Actually if I understand correctly the last CIG video they plan to convert all the skin in this new system, so any skin will be optiona and swappable, so even skin like the "2949 Best in show", the pirate edition or the special Advocacy skin for the Mercury will just be normal skin that will be applied in-game and swappable rater then being a fixed item you attach to the ship in the hangar.

Mich Angel

Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2016
RSI Handle
Interesting video; so there's no guarantee you'll (currently) be able to remove skins if applied outside of the game. Got it!
What he's talking about is something totally different than the skin sold during this week...

And IMO it's odd he even goes in to that part at all, sometime he just confuse people with his remarks.. ha ha ha...

That have been stated from the start that those upgrades including various color changes or skins that are applied on purchase on web store are permanent like any ship.
( unless they decide to change that either way it's just a different base color nothing else )

It's same as original color you just change base color/skin before paying for it, so that is a original color/skin and not a skin change and can only be removed by melting & re-buying.

But it's not been said that you can't apply other skin over that like on any other ship, it just have a different base color that's all!


Actually if I understand correctly the last CIG video they plan to convert all the skin in this new system, so any skin will be optiona and swappable, so even skin like the "2949 Best in show", the pirate edition or the special Advocacy skin for the Mercury will just be normal skin that will be applied in-game and swappable rater then being a fixed item you attach to the ship in the hangar.

Yeah exactly Like that ... ^^^^ ship have different base color don't change or interfere with anyone that chose to change skin/color over the base color base color will still be the same.

Unless they fix that to which is what I hope but either way it'll be possible to change your color/skin on any ship eventually.

This is just the Tier one implementation of it so it's far from where it'll be 🍻
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Space Marshal
Mar 4, 2020
RSI Handle
I have the skins pack for the Arrow and I can confirm you can take them off and put them on as often as you'd like.
But with a paint pack, say you have 3 arrows, can you use 1 pack and paint your 3 arrows with different skin? or if when you use one skin, the rest of the skins in the pack are locked for use?

Mich Angel

Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2016
RSI Handle
Skin works like the ship guns, quantum drives... etc... it's just a asset you can own and change on your ship nothing more nothing less..

As if you have ten guns it don't lock up any of the other you have..

This is not that complicated... see this is how it works...











Space Marshal
Staff member
Feb 19, 2018
RSI Handle
But with a paint pack, say you have 3 arrows, can you use 1 pack and paint your 3 arrows with different skin? or if when you use one skin, the rest of the skins in the pack are locked for use?
Yes, each paint from the pack can be used on a separate spacecraft.

And as Mich says, Bored Gamer confused all those who don't exactly know how it works -- CIG clarified many times that the special paints sold as ship variants, like the last year's Best in Show, are not skins, therefore you can't "remove" them once upgraded to. So, you have 100% guarantee that you wouldn't be able to "remove" any special paint variants, while you can remove any skin at any time : ) @Starscribe

Mich Angel

Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2016
RSI Handle
Yes, each paint from the pack can be used on a separate spacecraft.

And as Mich says, Bored Gamer confused all those who don't exactly know how it works -- CIG clarified many times that the special paints sold as ship variants, like the last year's Best in Show, are not skins, therefore you can't "remove" them once upgraded to. So, you have 100% guarantee that you wouldn't be able to "remove" any special paint variants, while you can remove any skin at any time : ) @Starscribe
Exactly like that ^^^^^^^^^

IF I buy a new Black Ferrari with yellow stripe and I put on a nice coll racing wrap on it and now it look like a Ferrari race car, but it's still a Black Ferrari with yellow stripe under the skin.

Easy.. ha ha... 🍻
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