A2 Hercules - Space Combat Variant


Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle
For me, I assume it will have it's designated use for sure, and hold out hope for additional use.
A2 to me will work great for evicting neighbors who play their music too loud at night.
Other than that, I just hold out hope that they'll make it a beast to contend with.
We're going to need to wait until they get around to fleshing it out for sure. There is one thing though, the A2 has a lot of firepower, it's drawback is that it all points down. But when you're not in an atmosphere... what exactly is down? Those guns on the bottom of the ship make it possible to bring a large amount of firepower to bare, and the ship is not a turtle.

I thought I was going to buy the M2 as well, but life happened and I kind of forgot. Now I need to find a few ships in a package... so much for my budget. Sigh.


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
Yeah, The funky thing with the A2 is that it's a bit of a mix. It should have been more of a gunship and heavy bomber, and not been designed for military transport as well. Well, unless if it wasn't carrying cargo/troops/vehicles it could make full use of the cargo bay for ammo storage with some sort of way to move bombs and such and load them into the bomb bay or launching mechanism. If it was designed like that, as a heavy bomber/gunship with some cargo capability if need be, then that would be a lot better. You could carpet bomb the hell out of something with 1 A2 Hercules, and provide ground support as a gunship while an M2 Hercules or some Valkyries drop off troops, vehicles, and supplies.
Yep. The A2 Hercules is going to be a fearsome ship for those troops on the ground. I can just see one or two A2's with Gladius/Arrow escorts leading the land assault followed by M2 full of tanks/buggies and their troops flanked by Valkyries and Prowlers.
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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
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Shadow Reaper
Suppose you could take 4 of the 6 fuel tanks off the Star G and fit it to carry 4 tanks. That would be very interesting. Theoretically you could transport your armor across any distance.


Vice Admiral
Mar 1, 2019
RSI Handle
At least one sizeable gun up top would make me happy. I get it's a drop-ship. I tend to do a lot of landing and it would be nice to have a ship of this caliber both in and out of atmosphere. I don't expect any modifications to this model to be able to take out a Hammer Head or two, but I just want the ability to fend them off while I make the jump to Quantum Space, or not be a burden to those escorting me.
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Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2015
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Here is my 2 cents on ships in this game, it seems to me people want to modify ships to suit their wants and needs, I am sorry but this ship was designed for a designated purpose if it doesn't fit your wants and needs you need to move on to a ship that does, expecting the dev's to make a variant or modifications every time a ship doesn't suit the buyers purpose really doesn't make sense to me.

Its just like someone said you have a chassis or frame like the c-130 with a few variants, you don't see them modifying it so it can dog fight or shoot down fighter jets or other air to air combat, it was designated to serve a purpose and that's what it does.

Sorry if the tone of this prolly sounds grumpy and rough but its not meant to be :P I just think these ships were designed for an intended purpose and so many threads I have seen where people are asking them to modify or make another variant to fill a role it was never intended to fill. Besides more ships will be coming in the future who knows what will happen.

I personally loved the Hercules and the roles they fill, if this game pans out the way its supposed to be EVERY ship will fill a role and purpose which will make the people who own those ships more valuable when the need arises.


Vice Admiral
Mar 1, 2019
RSI Handle
Here is my 2 cents on ships in this game, it seems to me people want to modify ships to suit their wants and needs, I am sorry but this ship was designed for a designated purpose if it doesn't fit your wants and needs you need to move on to a ship that does, expecting the dev's to make a variant or modifications every time a ship doesn't suit the buyers purpose really doesn't make sense to me.

Its just like someone said you have a chassis or frame like the c-130 with a few variants, you don't see them modifying it so it can dog fight or shoot down fighter jets or other air to air combat, it was designated to serve a purpose and that's what it does.

Sorry if the tone of this prolly sounds grumpy and rough but its not meant to be :P I just think these ships were designed for an intended purpose and so many threads I have seen where people are asking them to modify or make another variant to fill a role it was never intended to fill. Besides more ships will be coming in the future who knows what will happen.

I personally loved the Hercules and the roles they fill, if this game pans out the way its supposed to be EVERY ship will fill a role and purpose which will make the people who own those ships more valuable when the need arises.
I get what you're saying and understand that point completely. I guess the reason why I open threads like this and the one on Spectrum is because the ships aren't final, they're in concept. I like the lines of the Crusader Industries ships and would like one with the cargo capacity of the A2 but the fire-power to defend it self in space. I like to give CIG feedback and not restrict that feedback to the initial, indented purpose of a ship or its design. In my opinion, I think such feedback could lead to either a new concept or variant based on that feedback, if that makes sense.


Space Marshal
Mar 10, 2016
RSI Handle
Unfortunately if a ship has any sort of decent cargo capacity CIG want it to be vulnerable to attack. It is why the Valkyrie mysteriously cannot carry cargo in its open hold with door. It is why the caterpillar is not the pirate attack boat promised. Only the older and smaller ships seem to have got away with it a bit i.e. connie, freelancer being noteable. I would argue cutlass to but its hold isn't really large.
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Space Marshal
Dec 22, 2015
RSI Handle
Unfortunately if a ship has any sort of decent cargo capacity CIG want it to be vulnerable to attack. It is why the Valkyrie mysteriously cannot carry cargo in its open hold with door. It is why the caterpillar is not the pirate attack boat promised. Only the older and smaller ships seem to have got away with it a bit i.e. connie, freelancer being noteable. I would argue cutlass to but its hold isn't really large.
I agree with this. CIG is moving away from the "jack-of-all-trades" ships and focusing on specialization. Reason being: if you have a ship that can do a little bit of everything, you dont need any more ships.


Vice Admiral
Mar 1, 2019
RSI Handle
I agree with this. CIG is moving away from the "jack-of-all-trades" ships and focusing on specialization. Reason being: if you have a ship that can do a little bit of everything, you dont need any more ships.
Yeah that's true, and maybe I'm asking for too much. Basically I am looking for a jack of all trades, but a master at nothing. The idea being it's a good all around ship, but if I really want to haul I need something specialized in hauling, if I really want to dominate in space combat I need a HH or Polaris, etc. I don't want it to do "everything" but I do wish it had at least one large gun on top. I'm not looking for massive cargo space like the M2 or C2, but enough to haul a few things around.

I know they're talking about giving players the ability to adapt ship roles by offering modules for those ships, that might give me the ability to do what I want to do. IE sacrifice one feature for another etc.
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Space Marshal
Dec 22, 2015
RSI Handle
I know they're talking about giving players the ability to adapt ship roles by offering modules for those ships, that might give me the ability to do what I want to do. IE sacrifice one feature for another etc.
Yes and no. They are steering away from this slowly. They have some ships with modularity such as the Caterpillar, but they are not making any ships like this currently anymore. If they have a certain model ship, (aka reliant) they are making multiple subsets such as the mako, kore, sen, etc., etc. No longer will modularity be a thing for future concept ships.
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Vice Admiral
Mar 1, 2019
RSI Handle
Yes and no. They are steering away from this slowly. They have some ships with modularity such as the Caterpillar, but they are not making any ships like this currently anymore. If they have a certain model ship, (aka reliant) they are making multiple subsets such as the mako, kore, sen, etc., etc. No longer will modularity be a thing for future concept ships.
That's a bummer
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Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2015
RSI Handle
I get what you're saying and understand that point completely. I guess the reason why I open threads like this and the one on Spectrum is because the ships aren't final, they're in concept. I like the lines of the Crusader Industries ships and would like one with the cargo capacity of the A2 but the fire-power to defend it self in space. I like to give CIG feedback and not restrict that feedback to the initial, indented purpose of a ship or its design. In my opinion, I think such feedback could lead to either a new concept or variant based on that feedback, if that makes sense.

I totally get what you are saying as well, yes the ship is in concept but that's exactly the concept they came up with lol. Yes we would all love a ship that can haul a shit ton and then blow anything it comes up against out of the water, this is not exactly fair or balanced, this is why you have tradeoff's with ships you sacrifice cargo area for firepower and vice versa at least until you get into the capital or larger ships.

I also hear you when you say you like a particular style I also love the crusader designs and the Hercules is one of my favorites as well but I am happy with the concept and being a cargo hauler if I need protection I will hire or ask friends/org mates to fly escort this is after all the whole point of star citizen, to pick a role, fill that role and this is where the game will thrive imo, there is nothing like the feeling of being in a role you enjoy and knowing other people need you, if you start designing ships that can do everything by themselves you start to remove the whole experience imo.

I have no problems giving you more firepower but I would expect to cut your cargo in half to make room for the firepower if you are happy with that then maybe they can make a 4th variant gunship.
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Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
protection I will hire or ask friends/org mates
Not sure I'd recommend hiring test to fly protection. As if you have beer they will shoot you to get you to drop the beer. If you don't have beer they might just shoot you for not having beer. If you give them all the beer to start the mission then they might just accidentally crash into you.

As for the Hercules, I agree its a great looking ship and it was hard choosing between C2 and M2. I opted for the C2 as I figured I'd be mostly flying it to bring supplies then attempting to insert a strike force against a hot landing zone. But how knows I might end up with all three.
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