Advice please! Moving house, but there's a problem


Grand Admiral
Dec 14, 2019
RSI Handle
Hey all.

I'm due to move to my dream home in the UK. It's huge. Has a pool. An annexe for my daughter. A huge games room. A nice garden.

My issue is that to get all this, I've had to head out into the countryside.

At the moment, living near the south coast of England, my internet looks like this. My wife and I work withoug any issues online. We stream movies. I play a lot of online games, Star Citizen included of course:


My issue is that, having been told by my vendor his speeds were around 60, it seems this is what he's getting and having checked, this may be as fast as I can get there:

speed new.jpg

If this is as fast as it gets, is this enough
- for my wife and I to work I'm sure it's fine
-for Steam etc downloads it's not ideal but it will do
-what about gaming generally / streaming 4k content on Netflix etc
-Ping looks ok?

I'm not an expert here and thoughts would be welcome!!

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Space Marshal
Jun 2, 2016
RSI Handle
Are both connections ADSL by chance? That's a huge difference between up and download bandwidth, not an issue on itself, but it could be better with fiber.

Anyway, a 35Mb, 13 ms latency, 0% packet loss, internet access is great. Be sure to wire your computers to the router instead of using WiFi and you'll be alright.


Space Marshal
Apr 8, 2016
RSI Handle
It's enough to play games. I'd get the big house every time infect I think I'd prefer to sit in my huge garden with a pool and forget all this silly internet stuff! :P


Space Marshal
Apr 25, 2019
RSI Handle
Hmm I don't actually think that is a good result for a fiber connection, not a FTTH type at least.
Just for comparison I run a speed test, these are my results:

I'm conneccted by Wi-Fi 5Ghz to the router, so it could even be inproved with Wi-Fi 6....

That sayed, is not a bad connection but 13ms of ping is not "full fiber", very likely is a mixed connection with fiber up to the street hub, and then copper up to the house, perfectly viable for anything, and I don't expect you'll having some problem while either working or playing, but defenetly improvable.
I'll suggest to look for a new carrier contract, maybe they'll offert a batter connetivity solution, with either more bandwith and eventually a batter connection tecnology.

About internal connection Wi-Fi is not really a problem nowadays: a good modem with wi-Fi 6 support up to 2 GB/s of connection, considering a good FTTH fiber today is about 1GB/s, untill you'll have a home server with streaming I hardly see it get capped before the internet line do! Just be sure to have a good coverage of the home and eventually use some dedicated access point to carry the signal in that part of the house that is further away from the base router (or outside near the pool).


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Welcome to Rural England!

Mrs 'BobFace and I upgraded to Fibre about a year back after my in-laws got it and they live in a field in the middle of nowhere.

We discovered at the time a lot of the issue with Internet Speed in the UK is that there are two types of Fibre connection - Fibre To The House and Fibre To The Cabinet with a copper line the rest of the way from the cabinet to the home.

As the infrastructure is so baked in in the UK it doesn't make it cost effective to pull down all the existing copper, especially out in the sticks, to get that last bit of performance from the link. In the city it makes sense to upgrade it or keep the copper as the cabinet is just at the end of the road and there is minimal hit to speeds, but out here a cabinet can be half a mile or more away, so if you are over a certain distance from the cabinet you really see it in your download/upload speeds.

That said, if you are on Wi-Fi and don't plug directly in to the router you might have been bottlenecked anyway. A single band router with 2.4ghz radio in it you're likely only getting something like 54mbps max in ideal conditions anyway depending on the standard it was running by. If you have a dual band 2.4ghz and 5ghz router you could get up to 600mbps but that's on the 5ghz the 2.4ghz will be much slower but have much further range than the 5ghz band which is short range.

Hope that helps, I learned the above while getting our new connection but that doesn't necessarily mean I know what I'm talking about but it sounds like it makes sense ;-)
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Trick Shot Bob

Space Marshal
Jan 2, 2015
RSI Handle
Hey all.

I'm due to move to my dream home in the UK. It's huge. Has a pool. An annexe for my daughter. A huge games room. A nice garden.

My issue is that to get all this, I've had to head out into the countryside.

At the moment, living near the south coast of England, my internet looks like this. My wife and I work withoug any issues online. We stream movies. I play a lot of online games, Star Citizen included of course:

View attachment 22305

My issue is that, having been told by my vendor his speeds were around 60, it seems this is what he's getting and having checked, this may be as fast as I can get there:

View attachment 22306

If this is as fast as it gets, is this enough
- for my wife and I to work I'm sure it's fine
-for Steam etc downloads it's not ideal but it will do
-what about gaming generally / streaming 4k content on Netflix etc
-Ping looks ok?

I'm not an expert here and thoughts would be welcome!!

So this is comparable to the connection I have, I'm relatively urban but Openreach's networking for the estate is abysmal.

From my experience you can stream and game without an issue at these speeds, you'll need to think ahead when DL'ing games and large updates. Avoid prime time DL's or you have "Dad, why is the internet slow!?"

You'll be fine.

Also great to hear the house move is going well!!


Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
For those arguing that it must be the copper vs fiber... Fiber is the same shit. It's not the issue. It's the quality/age of the wire and distance to hub and whatnot.
This is what I get on my phone via WiFi 5ghz AC. Its Copper lines all the way. I usually get double this on my PC, it's a perfectly fine gigabit net connection that can actually deliver at the quoted rate and even above. Just fresh copper and fresh box on the street,it makes a lot of difference.


@Starscribe You should be fine playing and streaming with that download rate, I had the same rates for years and had no issues.
Edit:just saw that youd want 4k streaming. That might be an issue, dunno the rates of that. Full HD should be fine though it may need a longer buffer time.


Space Marshal
Jan 2, 2019
RSI Handle
Mine is roughly that speed and im in a fairly rural part of wales, never had any issues.
Unless you live in a city its harder to get the higher speeds here. Lines are getting better all the time though so hopefully not too long


Dec 8, 2021
RSI Handle
Dont worry..i am living with 20/5 speed for some time now, been worse in the past. Now i am at 30/8. Internet is via LTE mobile network...

You will get used to it at least...having dream house in countyside wins every time!


Space Marshal
Jun 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Those are good speeds.

However, I am more concerned about the pool than anything else. As a pool owner myself, it's second only to a boat in terms of a money sink. It also takes a lot of upkeep.

Many people like the idea of a pool and I was one of them. If I could go back in time, I would it smack my former self with a rolled up newspaper on the wrist and yell NO...

Good luck to you.


Space Marshal
Sep 28, 2017
RSI Handle
Those are good speeds.

However, I am more concerned about the pool than anything else. As a pool owner myself, it's second only to a boat in terms of a money sink. It also takes a lot of upkeep.

Many people like the idea of a pool and I was one of them. If I could go back in time, I would it smack my former self with a rolled up newspaper on the wrist and yell NO...

Good luck to you.
Solution: Above ground pool, that way when you're sick of it restoring the yard is much simpler and FAR less expensive.


Grand Admiral
Dec 14, 2019
RSI Handle
Those are good speeds.

However, I am more concerned about the pool than anything else. As a pool owner myself, it's second only to a boat in terms of a money sink. It also takes a lot of upkeep.

Many people like the idea of a pool and I was one of them. If I could go back in time, I would it smack my former self with a rolled up newspaper on the wrist and yell NO...

Good luck to you.
Cheers. The upkeep will be an issue. The cost appears covered, there's an array of solar panels across the pool roof and we'll be putting more into the grid (and getting paid for it) than we take out!


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
In the next place I move to, I'm definitely looking into finding ways to add solar to my place if it'll be possible. After having survived that Texas freeze last Feb due to the Texas power grid failing for multiple days, having the ability to have at least some power to keep more comfortable will be clear peace of mind.
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