Aegiz, pronounced the same as Aegis



Where you from stranger?

What drew you to Star Citizen?
Space, the final frontier.

What do you look forward to most in Star Citizen? (PVP, Exploration, etc)
Total immersive gameplay where i can be lowered into a tank to float, while wearing full VR and forceresponsive gear(I WISH!)
Other then that, flying spaceships, shooting things. Mostly roids, but also bad guys.

What was the first game you remember playing?
ohh... cant remember the name. Was this game on my sega 16bit, it was coop, and we played as characters of different werekind, like werewolf, werebear and something else. And we had to run around killing loads of monsters. Such an awsome game. Computer game, it was this racing game, where you could build your own tracks and stuff. Was on these gigantic floppydisks, cant remember the name. First game i game the shit out of, Dune 2 for my sega 16bit!

What other games do you play?
Love Stellaris, Space Engineers, Dual Universe, Starcraft 2, Dota2, Hearts of Iron 4, battlefield 4, Osiris, Satisfactory, Arma3, kerbal space program... kinda a lot of games.

How did you first hear about Test Squadron and what convinced you to join?

Star Citizen organization charts. The relaxed attitude and humoristic spirit.

Picard or Kirk?
Im more of a babylon 5 guy...



Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Welcome to the TEST party!

What was the first game you remember playing?
ohh... cant remember the name. Was this game on my sega 16bit, it was coop, and we played as characters of different werekind, like werewolf, werebear and something else. And we had to run around killing loads of monsters. Such an awsome game. Computer game, it was this racing game, where you could build your own tracks and stuff. Was on these gigantic floppydisks, cant remember the name. First game i game the shit out of, Dune 2 for my sega 16bit!
Sounds rather like Altered Beasts on the Sega systems.

Also, Babylon V was definitely a great show that was well before its time. I'm hoping that there will be a remake of it that follows the same main story, but adds some additional depth while also using modern CGI tech for those scenes that are a bit dated now.
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