[ALL GONE THROUGH BRUTE FORCE] Banu cube redemption code for all !


Space Marshal
Mar 4, 2020
RSI Handle
Hey all,

Following CIG annoucement that the Banu Code will be available for all who can not attend in person a Bar Citizen, here is the code sequence to redeem one on the new RSI redemtion page : https://robertsspaceindustries.com/pledge/redeem-code

The first sequences can be found on the Reddit post.

Code is 16 digits total, but some good people are working hard to find the rest of the clues :like:


Edit : code is YOBA-ROKE-CHIO-INYA all codes already gone, seems it was brute-forced before we had the next comms...

Some ppl from SC leaks (Pipeline) were running brute force scripts to try various combinaisons of code, YOBA originate from SC leaks discord.

edit2 : cube was available today 21th of June again after Banu message comm-link, gone in a few minutes. Managed to get it in cart but could not go further...

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Space Marshal
Jun 2, 2016
RSI Handle
On one hand, as a completionist myself, I feel people got butthurt about not being able to get this or every other "limited" flair. On the other hand, I wish CIG would make stuff more unique, and that collecting flair was more like an ingame side job, instead of giving it away to everyone. Yes, I know it sounds contradictory.

Maybe CIG could do two versions of the cube, like with subscriber flair? One inert for whom resolves the puzzle, and another prettier, perhaps with a musicbox-like mechanism for the Bar Citizen attendants?
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
They have upped the number to 200.


I fear the backers on the side of the planet who are asleep when the code is cracked are gonna be a tiny bit disappointed especially if they were actually working on a solution.

Personally I am not fussed about this since Flair became perma-lost (I know you are supposed to be able to go get it back but drop your stuff into Crusader and there 'aint no ship that dives that deep to get it back) but happy for those excited about this, just concerned there is no way for the clues to launch to all parts of planet earth while all backers are actually awake to compete on a level field...
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Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2016
RSI Handle
Unless I'm entirely mistaken, there are only 7700 possible 4-letter Banu words.
So like... Brute force force the last one?
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Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2016
RSI Handle
I already tried entering all 4 letters Banu words from the Rust society bany dictionnary, not working 😅

Funnily the system does not lock you after so many attempts. And they are not that stupid, the code will probably be redeemable once all 4 clues are known.
Man, I was doing the same xD
Yeah, I don't think the code works before the last word is released. To prevent such likeminded geniuses like us.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
YOBA-ROKE-CHIO-INYA all codes already gone, seems it was brute-forced before we had the next comms...
Stupid move by the forcers to find the answer and distribute before last part of the code released if it hasnt been yet - all redemptions can now easily be revoked and a new code set up, if the organisers even want to.

Unless 200 seperate indeviduals all indevidually forced, but still they can all be revoked or replaced with a wheelie bin with a frowny face painted on the side or something :-)
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Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2016
RSI Handle
Ah, so it just was in the reverse order. Ah well.
Anyone know what was the prize anyhow?


Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2016
RSI Handle
Wait, if it's just in-game cosmetic item, why limit it to 200 people in the first place?


Space Marshal
Mar 4, 2020
RSI Handle
So it turns out the cube was available again yesterday at the time the Banu message was released.

And guess why? Because the fourth clue, which was supposed to be found yesterday (and not brute forced last Saturday) was in the content of the last comm-link post, in the signature of the Banu message (YOBA).

Of course it was gone in a few minutes.
I managed to put it in cart but the checkout did not complete and it was gone by the time clicking everything was finished.

So instead of a nice treasure hunt gathering Banu fans and decoders, we had a complete mess-up "CIG" style, like it is often the case unfortunately. They seem to never learn.

Anyway this total crap shows some things :

- that the activation of the code was possible without even the 4th clue made public.
- that the new Code Redemption page is absolutely not protected against brute force attack, as you could spam 16 digits sequences without even being locked from the website.
- that CIG is bad at predicting players behavious.
- that there never was anywhere acknowledgement of the issue after Saturday, and they just ninja added more codes without reassuring people that the previous batch gobbed Saturday was not the only one to be released.
- that the code was only realisticly redeemable for one time zone only, US time zone. When half the world was asleep already...

I am fed up with this rigged "scarce rarity" attitude CIG is implementing all the time. Not everyone can stay all day in front of a computer/phone screen to spam redemption page when codes are up, once clues are all found. Or to go to a Bar Citizen, and only a handfull of Bar citizens will be probably visited by CIG this year, beyond their studios location.
This is not "meeting" or "rewarding" their community as they state. What a great start for celebrating 10 years of backing this game ! Very poorly conceived idea...
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Doc Flanigan

Mar 27, 2021
RSI Handle
So it turns out the cube was available again yesterday at the time the Banu message was released.

And guess why? Because the fourth clue, which was supposed to be found yesterday (and not brute forced last Saturday) was in the content of the last comm-link post, in the signature of the Banu message (YOBA).

Of course it was gone in a few minutes.
I managed to put it in cart but the checkout did not complete and it was gone by the time clicking everything was finished.

So instead of a nice treasure hunt gathering Banu fans and decoders, we had a complete mess-up "CIG" style, like it is often the case unfortunately. They seem to never learn.

Anyway this total crap shows some things :

- that the activation of the code was possible without even the 4th clue made public.
- that the new Code Redemption page is absolutely not protected against brute force attack, as you could spam 16 digits sequences without even being locked from the website.
- that CIG is bad at predicting players behavious.
- that there never was anywhere acknowledgement of the issue after Saturday, and they just ninja added more codes without reassuring people that the previous batch gobbed Saturday was not the only one to be released.
- that the code was only realisticly redeemable for one time zone only, US time zone. When half the world was asleep already...

I am fed up with this rigged "scarce rarity" attitude CIG is implementing all the time. Not everyone can stay all day in front of a computer/phone screen to spam redemption page when codes are up, once clues are all found. Or to go to a Bar Citizen, and only a handfull of Bar citizens will be probably visited by CIG this year, beyond their studios location.
This is not "meeting" or "rewarding" their community as they state. What a great start for celebrating 10 years of backing this game ! Very poorly conceived idea...
This should be a spectrum post. I would up vote x1000 (if I could)
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