Alternative/Loose Command Structure


Sabre Addict
Jun 2, 2016
RSI Handle
Perhaps I wasn't clear enough with my point, but it's been addressed a few times. I have no issues with coherency or organisation in the org on a macro level. I was merely concerned that there would only be a select few able to post said events or a bottleneck of a senior member strictly moderating those who wish to post ops.

As for the question of answering the call, if someone comes looking for aid; y'all are my TEST family, I'll be there, even if it's to use my StarG as a bowling ball.

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
I was merely concerned that there would only be a select few able to post said events or a bottleneck of a senior member strictly moderating those who wish to post ops
'Strict' and 'TEST' are very much the antithesis of one another. You have no worries there.

Our leadership is very good at organizing but not strangling.


ADI Spai
Feb 15, 2015
RSI Handle
Woady McWoadface
Perhaps I wasn't clear enough with my point, but it's been addressed a few times. I have no issues with coherency or organisation in the org on a macro level. I was merely concerned that there would only be a select few able to post said events or a bottleneck of a senior member strictly moderating those who wish to post ops.

As for the question of answering the call, if someone comes looking for aid; y'all are my TEST family, I'll be there, even if it's to use my StarG as a bowling ball.
A Star G would make a terrific bowling ball. You know what an Orion kinda reminds me of? I'll let you know when I organize a job to boost one.

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
A Star G would make a terrific bowling ball. You know what an Orion kinda reminds me of? I'll let you know when I organize a job to boost one.
Oh I can see where this is going.
Space sports.
Today the Orion is the bat, and the Gemini is the ball. Batter up!
Tomorrow, the Orion's are the bowling pins, and the Gemini is the bowling ball.
The possibilities are endless

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
Do I need to come in with the final word on this matter before you all theorycraft yourselves into a black hole?
Which matter, the organization that seems to cause confusion? I don't know why the words "organization" and "structure" scare the shit out of some people. It's not like this org is heavy handed whatsoever. Just look over at ADI. ;)
Or the space sports? Because I really want your take on bowling with capital ships. Pretty please. :)


Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
RSI Handle
As I said before, @Adiran has addressed the concerns correctly, but I also see there are people here that do not understand or know what happens behind the scenes.

This may be a surprise to some of you that have posted here, but getting TEST to this point has not been a happy accident.

There are meetings, schedules, planning, interviews, media strategies and a boat load more to get us to this point.

The fact that some of you do not even realize all this shit happens behind the scenes means we have done our job well.

Let me answer the question, are we all military style or is this a loosely based structure?

The answer is yes!

To clarify:

We will have divisions, some of which have already organically sprouted like the Rock Raiders.

There will also be a combat division, dogfighters, stealth bombers etc.

If you log in one evening and feel like going on some stealth bombing runs, you go into the stealth bombers channel and join them for an evening of fun.

Nobody is forcing you to do shit.

If you just want to log in and dick around, you can do that too, nobody is forcing you to join any division.

The only time we put out a call to arms if we need combat pilots and troops.

If one of our Bengal carriers is under attack by a large force and we need bodies to throw at them, we put out the call. You can choose to ignore it and do your own thing, or you can come help fight for the org.

Those who give them time and their lives to participate in our org ops will reap the rewards.

Those who keep to themselves simply will not get access to a lot of the ships, weapons and technologies we may reserve for the more active and org specific operations.

Making sense so far?


Sabre Addict
Jun 2, 2016
RSI Handle
@Montoya I appreciate you weighing in, but your post filled to address my concern/query.

(Please note I care a lot less about this issue than my frequent posts actually might convey)

Everything you said sounds great and as someone whose run sizable guilds previously, I totally get it. I'm onboard for structure and what you said sounds great, but what I'm worried about are the little TESTies being able to plan big org ops without the blessing of the larger TESTies. If, for example, I want to setup a wing of ships to run mining and salvage ops with a fighter escort, am I going to be able to post the request in more than an LFG in discord, or will I first have to seek blessing from the Rock Raiders as it's their purview, or otherwise an org officer (or whatever the term for the secret TEST shadow government is ;3 )?

I have no problems with structure and coherency and the progress of TEST goals, I'm just curious if everyone interested could play a part, or if the guiding hands are a requirement at the more macro levels.

I'm TEST through and through and fly the black and yellow proudly. I'll be there when TEST needs and look forward to painting the PU black and yellow, possibly literally even.


May 3, 2016
RSI Handle
As I said before, @Adiran has addressed the concerns correctly, but I also see there are people here that do not understand or know what happens behind the scenes.

This may be a surprise to some of you that have posted here, but getting TEST to this point has not been a happy accident.

There are meetings, schedules, planning, interviews, media strategies and a boat load more to get us to this point.

The fact that some of you do not even realize all this shit happens behind the scenes means we have done our job well.

Let me answer the question, are we all military style or is this a loosely based structure?

The answer is yes!

To clarify:

We will have divisions, some of which have already organically sprouted like the Rock Raiders.

There will also be a combat division, dogfighters, stealth bombers etc.

If you log in one evening and feel like going on some stealth bombing runs, you go into the stealth bombers channel and join them for an evening of fun.

Nobody is forcing you to do shit.

If you just want to log in and dick around, you can do that too, nobody is forcing you to join any division.

The only time we put out a call to arms if we need combat pilots and troops.

If one of our Bengal carriers is under attack by a large force and we need bodies to throw at them, we put out the call. You can choose to ignore it and do your own thing, or you can come help fight for the org.

Those who give them time and their lives to participate in our org ops will reap the rewards.

Those who keep to themselves simply will not get access to a lot of the ships, weapons and technologies we may reserve for the more active and org specific operations.

Making sense so far?
+1 for Montoya, but think we all already said that sir? :rolleyes: My question is, how do you actually know who is participating and who isnt? Obviously if you see people around enough you will know but the organisation is getting big, you might overlook people and some of their efforts. Hence they may get excluded from some of the rewards.


May 3, 2016
RSI Handle
@Montoya I appreciate you weighing in, but your post filled to address my concern/query.

(Please note I care a lot less about this issue than my frequent posts actually might convey)

Everything you said sounds great and as someone whose run sizable guilds previously, I totally get it. I'm onboard for structure and what you said sounds great, but what I'm worried about are the little TESTies being able to plan big org ops without the blessing of the larger TESTies. If, for example, I want to setup a wing of ships to run mining and salvage ops with a fighter escort, am I going to be able to post the request in more than an LFG in discord, or will I first have to seek blessing from the Rock Raiders as it's their purview, or otherwise an org officer (or whatever the term for the secret TEST shadow government is ;3 )?

I have no problems with structure and coherency and the progress of TEST goals, I'm just curious if everyone interested could play a part, or if the guiding hands are a requirement at the more macro levels.

I'm TEST through and through and fly the black and yellow proudly. I'll be there when TEST needs and look forward to painting the PU black and yellow, possibly literally even.
Just post it in doscord or the forum mate, count me in on any hair brained scheme you come up with. I'd say most people would be the same. Post it up somewhere where we can all see it and we'll all pile in. :rolleyes:


Mar 28, 2015
RSI Handle
@Montoya I appreciate you weighing in, but your post filled to address my concern/query.

(Please note I care a lot less about this issue than my frequent posts actually might convey)

Everything you said sounds great and as someone whose run sizable guilds previously, I totally get it. I'm onboard for structure and what you said sounds great, but what I'm worried about are the little TESTies being able to plan big org ops without the blessing of the larger TESTies. If, for example, I want to setup a wing of ships to run mining and salvage ops with a fighter escort, am I going to be able to post the request in more than an LFG in discord, or will I first have to seek blessing from the Rock Raiders as it's their purview, or otherwise an org officer (or whatever the term for the secret TEST shadow government is ;3 )?

I have no problems with structure and coherency and the progress of TEST goals, I'm just curious if everyone interested could play a part, or if the guiding hands are a requirement at the more macro levels.

I'm TEST through and through and fly the black and yellow proudly. I'll be there when TEST needs and look forward to painting the PU black and yellow, possibly literally even.
Well i know for a fact in rock raiders we plan on allowing anyone to start groups for things. We will work on a way to alow anyone to post or get the word out about operations they wish to do. I have no doubt about any other branch or division that they will do the same.

If you want to lead a mining fleet but are not among the few chosen to lead oficial ops simply post about it and if people want to join you they are free to. Even if its during an oficial op. We wont hold anything against anyone for doing that kind of thing.

Oficial ops are there to help everyone in the org. Either to provide security, income, or even things like ships. Participating gets you and even thoes who cannot participate perks.

@Mog_No_1 there is no real way to track 5k people without full time employees. However what i believe @Montoya is refering to is things like a ship replacement program where the only way to get a free ship is to die on an oficial op.

I know rock raiders may one day find a lucrative mining opertunity far from where we are based. In that case participating in that op will get you a free mining ship all set up and waiting to be used once you get there. Things like that. Participating gets you benefits of new ships working programs like ship replacement and a large comunity to sit and drink with while you play.

There will def be a way for anyone to lead fleets or organize operations. You wont have to be leadership to do that.


Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
RSI Handle
what I'm worried about are the little TESTies being able to plan big org ops without the blessing of the larger TESTies
I know what you are getting at.

The hard truth is that if you are dreaming of running big org ops, you will definitely need to put your time in and build those relationships with the right people.

Are people willing to follow you into battle? Do they even know who you are?

You say you have run guilds, so you know the the leadership personalities emerge and players tend to coalesce around groups they enjoy spending time with.

If a total random member nobody has ever met before shows up and starts demanding command of a cap fleet, what will happen?


Sabre Addict
Jun 2, 2016
RSI Handle
If a total random member nobody has ever met before shows up and starts demanding command of a cap fleet, what will happen?
I think demanding coming from an unknown or a TEST personality would put folks off.

Anyways, I'm picking up that which you are putting down.
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