Anthem: I see the path.


Space Marshal
Aug 31, 2015
RSI Handle
Another thing, is if we as gamers attack games like Anthem, all we gonna get in future will be shitty games, that are safe bets, that don't innovate, have no scope, or anything.
Give EA and Bioware some credit here, they did a bold move with Anthem. Yes it had issues, that frustrate me, and i want tem fixed asp, but there is some great stuff in the game, have not had so much fun with friends for a while. Last time we had fun like this, was Division 1 launch imo.

And for those crying about AAA title status, and 60$ games, how many game titles that are AAA and cost 60$, that are online, with innovative features, work on day 1? And do you truly believe Star Citizen will be better? Big complicated games will have issues.

I think this is why there are so many people complaining about Anthem. Anthem is not innovative. It takes pieces from other games that work and tries to fit it in a puzzle. The issue is that they assembled the puzzle by forcing the pieces in place without seeing how they match up. Not going to rehash my issues with Anthem. I gave it 35 hours, I stuck through almost all of the story, I did as much content as I could, and my opinion is still the same. I hope that Anthem changes like Division, No Man's Sky, and many other initially disappointing games that redeemed themselves. Being a part of the Test community is being able to debate qualities in things we like and don't like without offense being given. I hope everyone sees these types of debates as feedback and not game shaming other players. You play what you enjoy, hell I still play Star Trek Online.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Being a part of the Test community is being able to debate qualities in things we like and don't like without offense being given.
Depending on how our little TEST community is molded by the soft caring hands of The Glorious Leader and his assistants, TEST could become a real force for good in gaming by just doing what we are already doing with SC and its issue counsel but with every release we play...

Say for instance "Neck-Hacker 2" comes out (a game where you have to hack computers with nothing but your neck) and The Glorious Leader deems it worthy of TESTly attention. Some players love it, some players don't because we're not all automatons, but next to that what all of us can do while playing is note any bugs that happen, what you as an individual feel works and what you feel doesn't work and then pop it all on some kind of wittly named forum section here for discussion and review.

This thread has been full of good points where Anthem works, doesn't quite work, and flat out has bugs. I'm still no closer to playing it as I don't have 60 bucks. If we had an "Issue Counsel" style area as SC does where people can go legitimately dump feedback on any game out with the understanding some may be subjective to them, it may even help the whole industry evolve and innovate in the long run. Assuming they feel like reading it.
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Space Marshal
Mar 10, 2016
RSI Handle
lets be honest I hope you enjoy 3.5 but like all things star citizen it promises much looses something in the making and hopefully there is still something left to entertain for at least the next 3 months. I can not see 3 months of game play being added but that's just me!


Space Marshal
Aug 27, 2018
RSI Handle
lets be honest I hope you enjoy 3.5 but like all things star citizen it promises much looses something in the making and hopefully there is still something left to entertain for at least the next 3 months. I can not see 3 months of game play being added but that's just me!
It's a completely different game when you play with friends!
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Space Marshal
Mar 10, 2016
RSI Handle
I have no doubt but if I use a Mike I disturb the Mrs and well you know in its current form is it worth it?


Space Marshal
Jan 2, 2014
RSI Handle
I'm having fun playing anthem. When i get to the loot plateau ill just play some other shit til they fix it up and add more content. Not sure why everyones freaking out, all these loot games (sans borderlands) go through this growing pain. That said though, the Destiny 2 launch really chapped my ass because they didn't learn shit from the evolution of D1, except for maybe that they wanted to repeat it in hopes players would still put up with their bullshit content cycle. I hear its better since forsaken, but that ship has sailed for me, fuck that.
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