Anthem: I see the path.


Space Marshal
Jun 26, 2015
RSI Handle
Destiny: 9-9-2014 releases to mass criticism after finishing the main story there seemed to be a lack of gameplay. 9-15-2015 release of The Taken King. The game fixed and reignited lived another 2 years before being replaced by Destiny 2.
Destiny 2: 9-6-2017 released and was soon critiqued because of lack of a lot that Destiny 1 had. Only more issues arouse around the release of the first two expansions, CoO and WM. 9-4-2018 Forsaken released. And fixed most of the issues, and breathed new life into this game reaching a peek of almost 4 million per day. (I will get current numbers after the new dlc drops this week) however even in the current "off season" we are in right now Destiny is pulling almost 1 million per day.

The Division: lackluster at launch. Patch 1.8 added a lot of life back into the game.

Diablo: Loot 2.0

Do you get my point yet?

Anthem is going through the same process. In a year Anthem has the POTENTIAL to be something truly great. However it will take some time to get there. My biggest worries going into the launch was that EA (fuck EA) would not understand this, would not let BioWare take the time it needs, and/or wouldn't recognize changes that need to be made. This fear of mine has been alleviated. BioWare has already started working on the much needed fixes. Have already implemented some. With them being fairly open about what they are looking at. As week as stated that they have the full backing off EA(fuck EA). It does seem they are being honest with us. So here is my advice. Get one month Origin access ($15 real 'Merica money, I think like $20 fake Canadian Monopoly money.) You will get 30+ hours out of the game. And if you like it, and want to see more buy the game, or keep access. If you don't then it only cost you $15. Be ether way you go watch the game. In one year from launch, at the latest, if the right moves are made Anthem really could come into it's own. And for the first time I have some faith that it can get there. I see the path.

And I hope BeRRRT and myself will have a long time together.


Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2015
RSI Handle
The problem with the Division 1 was the same problem Anthem is having now, the E3 trailers they showed and the developer interviews promised more than what was given at launch and this to me is the whole issue at hand, this whole idea of buying something we were sold on years ago and then finding out we have to wait 3 months, 6 months or 1 year like the Division 1 before the game we saw at the E3 convention 2 years earlier gets delivered to us. Division 1 took several DLC's and more than 6 months before the game started getting better unfortunately for many people they had already moved on. The end game was horrible, the loot was bad, the zones were empty, the grouping sucked, hacking etc.... you name it the Division in the first 6 months was bad after you reached max level, just because it got better doesn't let these developers off the hook and this is where I will always disagree with this whole "its ok it will get better" mentality, its like buying a car and them telling you they will install the A/C system 6 months later.

Let me be clear, Anthem is not a bad game, it's an unfinished game, its a game that was chopped up and delivered to the consumer in pieces, now whether EA forced its release I don't know, all I know is I watched the dev interviews, I watched the E3 trailer from 2017 and this is not what we were shown and its not what we were promised and I don't care what planet you live on or what baked world you live in selling it for 60$ and calling it done is nothing more than fraud to the consumer if you have to update the game a half dozen to a dozen times in the first week or two of its release just to make 75% of your player base happy and keep them coming back then I am sorry you failed. This is not Beta, its not a demo or early access anymore its full release, full price and it should be a AAA game from a AAA company based on their own interviews and in game footage they provided.

I have this eerie feeling were going to see a price drop in the next few weeks just like FO76 did when it fell on its face.

Anyways just my two cents nothing personal I am glad people like the game, I liked it for about 50ish hrs but at 65-70 hrs in I barely log in anymore.

Peace! :P


Space Marshal
Jun 26, 2015
RSI Handle
The problem with the Division 1 was the same problem Anthem is having now, the E3 trailers they showed and the developer interviews promised more than what was given at launch and this to me is the whole issue at hand, this whole idea of buying something we were sold on years ago and then finding out we have to wait 3 months, 6 months or 1 year like the Division 1 before the game we saw at the E3 convention 2 years earlier gets delivered to us. Division 1 took several DLC's and more than 6 months before the game started getting better unfortunately for many people they had already moved on. The end game was horrible, the loot was bad, the zones were empty, the grouping sucked, hacking etc.... you name it the Division in the first 6 months was bad after you reached max level, just because it got better doesn't let these developers off the hook and this is where I will always disagree with this whole "its ok it will get better" mentality, its like buying a car and them telling you they will install the A/C system 6 months later.

Let me be clear, Anthem is not a bad game, it's an unfinished game, its a game that was chopped up and delivered to the consumer in pieces, now whether EA forced its release I don't know, all I know is I watched the dev interviews, I watched the E3 trailer from 2017 and this is not what we were shown and its not what we were promised and I don't care what planet you live on or what baked world you live in selling it for 60$ and calling it done is nothing more than fraud to the consumer if you have to update the game a half dozen to a dozen times in the first week or two of its release just to make 75% of your player base happy and keep them coming back then I am sorry you failed. This is not Beta, its not a demo or early access anymore its full release, full price and it should be a AAA game from a AAA company based on their own interviews and in game footage they provided.

I have this eerie feeling were going to see a price drop in the next few weeks just like FO76 did when it fell on its face.

Anyways just my two cents nothing personal I am glad people like the game, I liked it for about 50ish hrs but at 65-70 hrs in I barely log in anymore.

Peace! :P
I, for the most part, agree with you about Anthem. I'm kinda done too, just using it to hold me over until Destiny 2 DLC this Tuesday, and 3.5. however, I could see myself coming back in some time, when everything it working right. But I am happy to see that there are paths and ways for the game to get better. because if anthem gets good, destiny has to get better, if destiny gets better then Division has to kick it in gear, and if Division gets it in gear then Anthem.... you see? And I see signs of a dev team that claims to have EA(fuck EA) letting them do them (this is honestly the one part I am worried about) and a dev team talking to the community and actively working to make fixes and telling the players what those are.


Space Marshal
Nov 24, 2018
RSI Handle
I hold out hope for Anthem getting to where it needs to be, so far it is very lackluster overall and not much grabbed me to want to stay. Being Bioware I expected to get an attachment to the characters like I did with Wrex, Tali, Grunt, Mordin and crew, but when I played before uninstalling I just skipped through dialogue, never felt any desire to read those emails and even the Forge felt like it was missing a lot.

So I will still be keeping an eye on Anthem, but for now it just isn't my game. But I agree, if it makes Division and Destiny do better, then we all benefit!


Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2015
RSI Handle
I think your statement says it all... not even two weeks into a game and people are already done to come back at a later date and hoping the game is better..... this in itself is proof the game is a failure 2 more weeks and we will see players leaving in droves especially with Division 2 a little over a week away.

"I'm kinda done too, just using it to hold me over until Destiny 2 DLC this Tuesday, and 3.5. however, I could see myself coming back in some time, when everything it working right. But I am happy to see that there are paths and ways for the game to get better. because if anthem gets good, destiny has to get better, if destiny gets better then Division has to kick it in gear, and if Division gets it in gear then Anthem.... you see?"

The problem is many people won't come back, I for one will not come back 2-3 months later (I heard May was the earliest date for real content) to see if they made the game better, to me the bridge is burned and so many bridges are being burnt these days there aren't any bridges left and this is why the standards have become low, this is why companies can get away with dumping lumps of shit on the consumers, we have becomes so desperate and bored we will buy anything myself included.

Again I hate to use a dumb analogy but if you bought a car and found out later they were going to put steering wheel in it 6 months later you wouldn't have bought it or asked for a refund, I almost at this point want a refund the end game is so bad, boring and just unplayable to me its laughable especially when there are so many other games out there to learn from BioWare learned nothing and dumped a chopped up dumbed down version after 6 years and to me its not worth their reputation to do this, Ubisoft, EA, BioWare etc....... these companies and more have chosen to make profits over quality products and its sad.

Now to start a Division 2 thread......... :P
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Space Marshal
Jun 26, 2015
RSI Handle
I think your statement says it all... not even two weeks into a game and people are already done to come back at a later date and hoping the game is better..... this in itself is proof the game is a failure 2 more weeks and we will see players leaving in droves especially with Division 2 a little over a week away.

"I'm kinda done too, just using it to hold me over until Destiny 2 DLC this Tuesday, and 3.5. however, I could see myself coming back in some time, when everything it working right. But I am happy to see that there are paths and ways for the game to get better. because if anthem gets good, destiny has to get better, if destiny gets better then Division has to kick it in gear, and if Division gets it in gear then Anthem.... you see?"

The problem is many people won't come back, I for one will not come back 2-3 months later (I heard May was the earliest date for real content) to see if they made the game better, to me the bridge is burned and so many bridges are being burnt these days there aren't any bridges left and this is why the standards have become low, this is why companies can get away with dumping lumps of shit on the consumers, we have becomes so desperate and bored we will buy anything myself included.

Again I hate to use a dumb analogy but if you bought a car and found out later they were going to put steering wheel in it 6 months later you wouldn't have bought it or asked for a refund, I almost at this point want a refund the end game is so bad, boring and just unplayable to me its laughable especially when there are so many other games out there to learn from BioWare learned nothing and dumped a chopped up dumbed down version after 6 years and to me its not worth their reputation to do this, Ubisoft, EA, BioWare etc....... these companies and more have chosen to make profits over quality products and its sad.

Now to start a Division 2 thread......... :P
Did Division 1.8 bring players back? Did Destiny 2 Forsaken? But somehow Anthem can't? EVERY SINGLE LOOTER-SHOOTER HAS GONE THOUGH THIS EXACT SAME THING. Is it dead? Maybe, it totally depends on if the dev teams ability to adjust and fix.

Car analogy is stupid and has nothing to do with video games. Anthem, in my opinion is not bad or boring. Lack of contact, yes.... Just like.... I'm getting sick oh saying this.... Every other looter-shooter at launch.

Ubisoft has on point lately. R6S, For Honor, Assassin's Creed, and The Division. But if you think Div2 is going to be in a good state at launch you are only fooling yourself. We already know the main endgame is running the missions again with a new enemy. If I remember correctly there will be one raid at launch.

TLDR' welcome to looter-shooters. The issues you bring up have been issues in every game to date. They are issues we had in 2014. They are issues that will be with Div2.
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Staff member
Jan 16, 2016
RSI Handle
TLDR anyone who actually played Anthem with friends had fun and paid not more than $0.25-0.50 per hour, which is GOOD VALUE for entertainment.

It's true this isn't a 1000 hour game. Anybody who doesn't like it for that reason is simply being unreasonable. It's brand new IP, a brand new genre for Bioware. It isn't the end-all be-all that the emotionalists are irrationally hoping for in every game that gets produced (spoiler: that's the reason they hate new games - their own unreasonable expectations).

It's still a good game, and at $60, well priced IMO.

I look forward to its updates.


Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2015
RSI Handle
I guess I expected more, I didn't expect 2 weeks out to be so bored I can barely log into the game. But its all good I played Division 2 beta past 2 days and I can promise it will launch in a better state than Anthem did 100% they had 2 years of Division 1 to iron out a lot of the issues. Is it AAA ? or Perfect? Absolutely not I haven't seen to many games that are lol. Red Dead 2 was about the best game I have seen releases in the past 5-10 years, the work they did was amazing to me, the online part not so much but even then they called it a online beta lol.


Space Marshal
Aug 27, 2018
RSI Handle
It’s $60. That’s lunch for 2 people at a decent café and you’ve had a fortnight of gameplay.

Perspective is lacking in this argument.
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Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2015
RSI Handle
You have to compare the 60$ to other games that cost 60$ and then compare those games with the expectations and goals of each game, if Anthem was a single player solo story driven game alone then 25-30 hrs in the story is done(yes I know its a live service and the story continues) and by the industry standard for story driven games its subpar, most give you around 40-60 hrs of story line the good ones anyways, Red Dead 2 was 60+ hrs of story line.

This isn't just a story driven game though by BioWare's own definition its an open-world action role-playing game so we have to compare it to other games in that category, Destiny, Borderlands, Witcher 3, GTA, AC Odyssey these games are listed in the same category and by those instances this game fails in comparison.

As I see their schedule for March, April and May its clear to me this game was released early and then they decided to call it a "live service" I would have much rather had them wait till July and put all that crap in the game at release, but no were stuck with a mediocre game and being tossed parts of the game in sections which leads to our problem and why so many people are disappointed and grumbling about the game, why did they not put all this stuff in the game and just release it in June/July as a more complete game and finished product?? I am sure money has everything to do with it.
Last edited:


Space Marshal
Jan 2, 2016
RSI Handle
General Fisting
Did Division 1.8 bring players back? Did Destiny 2 Forsaken? But somehow Anthem can't? EVERY SINGLE LOOTER-SHOOTER HAS GONE THOUGH THIS EXACT SAME THING. Is it dead? Maybe, it totally depends on if the dev teams ability to adjust and fix.

Car analogy is stupid and has nothing to do with video games. Anthem, in my opinion is not bad or boring. Lack of contact, yes.... Just like.... I'm getting sick oh saying this.... Every other looter-shooter at launch.

Ubisoft has on point lately. R6S, For Honor, Assassin's Creed, and The Division. But if you think Div2 is going to be in a good state at launch you are only fooling yourself. We already know the main endgame is running the missions again with a new enemy. If I remember correctly there will be one raid at launch.

TLDR' welcome to looter-shooters. The issues you bring up have been issues in every game to date. They are issues we had in 2014. They are issues that will be with Div2.
We have an issue here in that the fact that you WANT these things to be true, is over riding your ability to make a unbiased assessment of the game currently.

Its a million miles, and i mean a million miles from what Destiny was at launch, Destiny had a base of sound gunplay, intriguing if completely botched lore, varied weapons, unique special drops, incredible PvP, and one of the best raids of any game, ever.
Yes, there was a lack of strikes and only one raid, but they were a vastly superior to the two or three mission types Anthem uses to pad out its broken end game (two thirds of which is pointless, because you can get everything you need on guardian 1 difficulty or what ever it is, so its completely pointless playing any other difficulties)

Anthem is a car crash, it will be incredibly fortunate to still have its servers running this time next year.
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Space Marshal
Jun 26, 2015
RSI Handle
We have an issue here in that the fact that you WANT these things to be true, is over riding your ability to make a unbiased assessment of the game currently.
lol... really? ok, go read my post from last month "What Anthem made me do" I uninstalled Origin because the beta was crap. (I installed again because of Apex blindsided me.) but I have been on the Anthem is trash side all along before I played the full game and gave it the same shot I gave other games. so what biases am I showing? 2 weeks ago I was on your side. every time I mention EA (fuck EA) <-- I do that! WHAT BIAS?!?! or is it just because I am enjoying a game that makes me bias?
Its a million miles, and i mean a million miles from what Destiny was at launch, Destiny had a base of sound gunplay, intriguing if completely botched lore, varied weapons, unique special drops, incredible PvP, and one of the best raids of any game, ever.
No, it's not it's at the same pace as D1 and D2, When D2 launched there was no endgame, we sat around running strikes, and doing public events. That was it. a raid once a week or so. Anthems gameplay is not bad, way too ability focused for me, but after I got the right gun I was enjoying the gunplay. and how long did the raids release after the main game? 2-3 weeks if I remember right. Anthem has everything Destiny had a launch except botched lore and PvP. where you trade out the gunplay for the combo system and abilities (as well as a few guns).
Anthem is a car crash, it will be incredibly fortunate to still have its servers running this time next year.
want to put money on that? It's not a car crash, it will be going strong in a year.

We have an issue here. The fact you WANT these things to be true is overriding your ability to make an unbiased assessment of the game's current state.
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Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
RSI Handle
Anthem is a car crash, it will be incredibly fortunate to still have its servers running this time next year.
The Destiny 2 reddit community has 225k subscribers, the game has been out for 18 months.

Anthem's reddit community has 184k subscribers, the game has been out for 18 days.

I am not implying that subreddit member counts are an accurate metric for the success of game, but what I am pointing out is that in comparison, that is a huge community that subscribed to a source to read overwhelmingly positive information about a game.

If it was a car crash as you stated, that subreddit would be filled with raging teenagers screaming about wasting their money. Its simply not happening.
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Space Marshal
Aug 27, 2018
RSI Handle
The reaction to Anthem reminds me a lot of the outcry from some segments about SC.


Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2015
RSI Handle
The Destiny 2 reddit community has 225k subscribers, the game has been out for 18 months.

Anthem's reddit community has 184k subscribers, the game has been out for 18 days.

I am not implying that subreddit member counts are an accurate metric for the success of game, but what I am pointing out is that in comparison, that is a huge community that subscribed to a source to read overwhelmingly positive information about a game.

If it was a car crash as you stated, that subreddit would be filled with raging teenagers screaming about wasting their money. Its simply not happening.
Lmao and how many people actually unsub from those? I barely log on youtube yet I am subscribed to like 30-40 people and maybe watch less than 5 consistently. Subs on reddit are not a good example brother. Plus the hype of this game was huge its expected to have a large audience of gamer's that to me is a good assessment of how a game is tracking for followers not how successful a game is.

The game as it stands is heading for a brick wall, the content they are adding in the next 3 months should have been in the game at release, these "chapters" are simply there to make the game functional, I have no idea why they decided to spread out the content like this, story lines I can understand but basic fundamentals of the game???? That's just stupid.


Staff member
Jan 16, 2016
RSI Handle
@Phil let's agree to disagree. You see yourself as a prophet of failure. Fine. I don't.

Moving on...
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Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2015
RSI Handle
@Phil let's agree to disagree. You see yourself as a prophet of failure. Fine. I don't.

Moving on...
Not even sure what that means...... I guess you could be interpreted as atheist of success not sure what the opposite of a prophet of failure would be. :) I am not predicting failure btw I have stated many times the game has already failed to deliver upon its release it can only get better with added content. :P


Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
RSI Handle
The game as it stands is heading for a brick wall, the content they are adding in the next 3 months should have been in the game at release, these "chapters" are simply there to make the game functional, I have no idea why they decided to spread out the content like this, story lines I can understand but basic fundamentals of the game???? That's just stupid.
I think the bigger story here is the growing trend of "game shaming".

There are plenty of games I tried and do not enjoy, but I never bothered going into their communities or discussion forums and telling people that a game they enjoy is really very bad and they just do not see it yet.

Im not implying you are doing this, we are a multi-game community here, but all too often we see people who seem to make it their mission to let others know that a game they enjoy is fundamentally broken, stupid, unfinished, and therefor by definition the people that are playing it have some sort of mental deficiency because no logical person would be playing aforementioned game.
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