Any RL scientists in the house?


Space Marshal
Nov 29, 2016
RSI Handle
Hello Testies!

I was wondering how many astrophysicists, biologists, botanists, basically any and all scientists, there are in Test. I have a fleet of endeavors and lots of ideas that I want to push on CIG on the forums, but I want to make sure my science sounds more real than not. Or ideally maybe get a little 'think tank' going to feed CIG ideas on science/research and how to implement it in game. <3


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
I'm not a scientist but I'm enthusiastic and can theorycraft with the best of 'em. Have an Endeavor with Supercolider. First thing I plan to do is throw a box of fridge magnets into it.

From previous conversations on here let rip with the science and the scientists will come to you!


Space Marshal
Oct 30, 2017
RSI Handle
B.Sc. Geographer with focus on state vulnerability.

Think its sort of a lost cause, honestly. Our actual science is suppressed in many ways, take the whole idea of space ships and fuel. Its proven to be zero point energy into anti gravity into transdimensional travel at beyond the speed of light.

And then the whole alien threat thing, utter nonsense. They are peaceful and highly evolved. So we simulate a future in which war is now in space with ships that run out of fuel and earth based economy. It's a farce.

Have a nice day :)

(If you have any questions to what you just read, please 1) watch the national press club event from 2001, presented by Dr. Steven Greer, then 2) watch "Unacknowledged" 2017 and then you could finish with "Close Encounters of the Fith kind")


Space Marshal
Nov 29, 2016
RSI Handle
B.Sc. Geographer with focus on state vulnerability.

Think its sort of a lost cause, honestly. Our actual science is suppressed in many ways, take the whole idea of space ships and fuel. Its proven to be zero point energy into anti gravity into transdimensional travel at beyond the speed of light.

And then the whole alien threat thing, utter nonsense. They are peaceful and highly evolved. So we simulate a future in which war is now in space with ships that run out of fuel and earth based economy. It's a farce.

Have a nice day :)

(If you have any questions to what you just read, please 1) watch the national press club event from 2001, presented by Dr. Steven Greer, then 2) watch "Unacknowledged" 2017 and then you could finish with "Close Encounters of the Fith kind")
I know there is absolutely some made up bullshit science in game to provide the FTL lifestyle essential to gameplay, but I though I read that CIG is going to use 'real' science everywhere they can, and had astrophysicists on staff to help keep things as real as possible. Which is where I am trying to launch from, for the sake of getting CIG on board with anything that 'we' come up with while they are also trying to figure out how science and research will look in game <3

Sky Captain

Space Marshal
Oct 13, 2018
RSI Handle
Well qualified for planetary surveys with training in geology, hydrogeology, karst hydrology, mineralogy, geochemistry, crystallography, toxicology, sedimentology, ecology, geophysics, and more.

Star Citizen science game play could be fun if done right:

+ Experimentally adjusting warp plasma flow to push engines to '11'.
+ Collecting exotic space particles to supercharge the ship's food replicators.
+ Curing diseases before they turn neighboring characters into tribbles.
+ Monitoring vacation planet destinations from great distance.
+ Brewing exotic ... um ... medical ... coctails.
+ Beaming enemies boarding the ship into the ship bulkhead.
+ Discovering one's ancestors in the future space time continuum.
+ Finally solving the Oak Island mystery.
+ And more!


Space Marshal
Nov 29, 2016
RSI Handle
Well qualified for planetary surveys with training in geology, hydrogeology, karst hydrology, mineralogy, geochemistry, crystallography, toxicology, sedimentology, ecology, geophysics, and more.

Star Citizen science game play could be fun if done right:

+ Experimentally adjusting warp plasma flow to push engines to '11'.
+ Collecting exotic space particles to supercharge the ship's food replicators.
+ Curing diseases before they turn neighboring characters into tribbles.
+ Monitoring vacation planet destinations from great distance.
+ Brewing exotic ... um ... medical ... coctails.
+ Beaming enemies boarding the ship into the ship bulkhead.
+ Discovering one's ancestors in the future space time continuum.
+ Finally solving the Oak Island mystery.
+ And more!

my dream is using super colliders on the endeavor to collapse wormholes.. while enemy fleets are travelling in them :D


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
my dream is using super colliders on the endeavor to collapse wormholes.. while enemy fleets are travelling in them :D
Theorycraft it and they will come!

And if they don't come we'll Half-Ass and Search-Engine our way through, a lot of this Future Tech is theoretical which means it's presumption until proved one way or the other anyway!

Wormholes - A theory which importantly is not incompatible with General Relativity so theoretically as far as we know possible, even if none exist in nature... two points in space linked by a structure or portal typically imagined as a tunnel but potentially, visually, something else maybe as simplistic as 2D patch of space missing any length (distance) between the two points which may be separated by billions of conventional miles, or as complex as a structure made of non-light interacting matter which would be essentially invisible until you interacted with it (i.e. as the wind is).

A few scientific theories exist.
- Some speculate they are points of gravity which warp space-time allowing one to traverse two points in space without having to move across the intervening space.

- Some speculate it is a structure made of exotic negative-mass or anti-matter particlaes with properties contradicting those one would expect from reality and conventional expectations.

- Some speculate its more in line with electromagnatism.

- A bunch of other ideas.

So as none have been observed as existing at present, if they exist at all, and we don't know how those would function exactly in reality, choose your favorite I'd say...?

In terms of the game we already have a bunch of in game options which could support the creation and destruction of wormholes.
- We already have Gravity play with the tractor beam and anti-grav bikes and artificial gravity on our ships.

- We already have exotic matter in the shape of Quantum Matter.

- We already have electromagnetic play with EMPs and the Supercollider.

I'm suspecting in game because you (currently) need Quantum Fuel to traverse a jump point, it means it's partly an exotic material structure which needs the exotic quantum material to be able to traverse in whereas your conventional drives would be useless. That said, we also have Quantum Interdiction... If the Interdiction Devices have a similar disruptive influence on the exotic matter of a wormhole as they have on the exotic matter of Quantum Fuel, you might be able to disrupt a Jump Point with a Mantis or cap-ship scale Quantum Suppression module for the Endeavor...?

But I very much suspect we won't be allowed to collapse holes in the game. You'd just fly to a system you liked, collapse all the jump points and proclaim yourself king. 😄 You might, however, be able to hold them closed as long as your supply of Quantum Interdiction juice lasts, though...?
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Space Marshal
Jul 18, 2016
RSI Handle
Hello Testies!

I was wondering how many astrophysicists, biologists, botanists, basically any and all scientists, there are in Test. I have a fleet of endeavors and lots of ideas that I want to push on CIG on the forums, but I want to make sure my science sounds more real than not. Or ideally maybe get a little 'think tank' going to feed CIG ideas on science/research and how to implement it in game. <3
Wrote a bachelor thesis on dying stars, ended up getting an engineering job at a space base without a degree...
Do I count?
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