I understand that pragmatically we will want to keep this Bagel you speak so highly of... but before we keep it, can we crash it into a SUN? And when it is crashed, may I ride on it and yell and woop, and pretend I am American Badass Cowyboy? perhaps we can make hats for the occrassion? I think we can find two Bagels if we goto Tim Horton's and then we can use one for blotting out the sun and one for crashing into the sun?
I don't see the sense of keeping a super weapon if it makes the game so easy we are the best ARMY... we are, in fact, only a best squardon.
I know we have no votes, and Putin will decide, but I would like to ask Putin to say we crash it into the sun, then find another Bagel and air Superiourity with it.
Also, it's 420Am on a Thursday, why am I able to type to coherently?