Anyone else excited about *when* not if, TEST finds a Bengal?


Vice Admiral
Jan 19, 2016
RSI Handle
What if we found two Bengals?

We could like, drag race them past a major dock or something. Bengal racing could be a thing.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
According to the JJ Abrams Star Trek, a Black hole will simply let the ship time travel to the past leading to an alternate universe. Other Universe TEST Squadron will get a great new flagship and proceed to throw it back into the black hole to us. We'll pass it back and forth until one of us gets bored and then crashes it into the sun creating another black hole.
So, really, we don't have to waste any time going out actually looking for one, as alterna-reality Test will find one and send it to us! :)

...that is assuming they are not waiting for us to send them one...


Space Marshal
Jan 1, 2016
RSI Handle
I understand that pragmatically we will want to keep this Bagel you speak so highly of... but before we keep it, can we crash it into a SUN? And when it is crashed, may I ride on it and yell and woop, and pretend I am American Badass Cowyboy? perhaps we can make hats for the occrassion? I think we can find two Bagels if we goto Tim Horton's and then we can use one for blotting out the sun and one for crashing into the sun?
I don't see the sense of keeping a super weapon if it makes the game so easy we are the best ARMY... we are, in fact, only a best squardon.
I know we have no votes, and Putin will decide, but I would like to ask Putin to say we crash it into the sun, then find another Bagel and air Superiourity with it.
Also, it's 420Am on a Thursday, why am I able to type to coherently?

Carlos Spicyweiner

Space Marshal
Oct 14, 2015
RSI Handle
I understand that pragmatically we will want to keep this Bagel you speak so highly of... but before we keep it, can we crash it into a SUN? And when it is crashed, may I ride on it and yell and woop, and pretend I am American Badass Cowyboy? perhaps we can make hats for the occrassion? I think we can find two Bagels if we goto Tim Horton's and then we can use one for blotting out the sun and one for crashing into the sun?
I don't see the sense of keeping a super weapon if it makes the game so easy we are the best ARMY... we are, in fact, only a best squardon.
I know we have no votes, and Putin will decide, but I would like to ask Putin to say we crash it into the sun, then find another Bagel and air Superiourity with it.
Also, it's 420Am on a Thursday, why am I able to type to coherently?
If these bagels get too close to the sun, they'll get burned. And I don't care how much cream cheese you put on a burned bagel, it will still taste like crap. I propose we lightly toast our bagels and get back to exploring ways of crashing large capital ships into the sun. Focus, people! Focus!


Grand Admiral
Jul 15, 2015
RSI Handle
Just so you know the first one is getting repaired enough to quantum travel to the nearest sun to be dumped in. Tears from the community will follow and empower Montoya to greater heights. TESThate will climb a million fold. We'll probably gain a LOT of new members.

We're keeping the 2nd one though.
I thought we were crashing it into sol to create maximum over-tears from the SC community?!?! BLASPHEMY!
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Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
If these bagels get too close to the sun, they'll get burned. And I don't care how much cream cheese you put on a burned bagel, it will still taste like crap. I propose we lightly toast our bagels and get back to exploring ways of crashing large capital ships into the sun. Focus, people! Focus!
Bagels, Bengals, cream cheese, beer; This is starting to sound like a party.


Space Marshal
Mar 1, 2015
RSI Handle
When I find it, dibs on the vessel name and paint job.
You seem to be the only one who wants to keep it long enough to do such a thing, what've you got in mind?

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
When I find it, the name won't matter, because paint peels when it's exposed to our glorious sun...
Isn't TEST paint BEST paint? Peel proof? Like my well-weathered skin? Dried and dehydrated (Yes, I know they're the same thing) by years of over exposure and over consumption of glorious beer!
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