Battlestar Galactica


Rear Admiral
Nov 19, 2023
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Hmmm, that's a bummer. I have absolutely no sway in the Media, my first class honours degree in it is just a piece of paper, all my experience gained since those days are in tele-customer care however lets see what I can do...

*Dialling tone*

*Numbers beeping*

*Phone ringing tone*

*Click of line being picked up*

"Hello there! Please allow me to introduce myself, my name is Mr. 'Bobface and I'm contacting in regards to the recent disappointing announcement about the uncertain fate of a successful 1978-79 TV franchise, itself successfully recommissioned in 2004?

Battlestar Galactica is a modern day parable of persecution, escape, redoubt and eventual triumph over adversity, it's place in the modern Sci-Fi cannon clearly cast in concrete with many worldwide references to its plot and cast, such as the famed "Starbuck" coffee franchise obviously named after a central character, the well known "Battlestar" bridge in London UK, third only to London Bridge and Tower Bridge on the lips of the people of that fine city, and has been the obvious influence on generation after generation of people who named their very children in honour of the show with names such as Athena, Apollo, Baltar, Boomer, Boxy, Daggit and Galaxtica all holding good stead in the lists of most popular baby names year on year for near on the last five decades.

Yes, fourty six whole years this property has held its place in the public conciousness but dipite this previous world defining success, it has come to the attention of my esteemed associates at TestSquardon that a planned resurgence of the story for a new generation who have lost hope in civilisation in recent years has lost backing and support of production companies and producers? This most henious of injustices cannot be allowed to pass unchallenged, as we stand here today on the preicipice of societal and world order collapse threatening civilization itself, now more than ever, we need to see what can happen to humanity when it is devorced from its ancentral home and cast into the cold void of space.

I beseech thee, reconsider you position and think not only about the impact Battlestar has had in the past but the impact it will have in the future, showing people of all nations exactly what we risk loosing, what could be oh so easily snatched away by an alien race of superfiends, if we do not come together and work in peace and harmony as one true family of Earth.

So, whaddya say?"

*awkward pause that goes on just a little too long"

"Sir, this is a Wendys."

Sky Captain

Space Marshal
Oct 13, 2018
RSI Handle
Too bad on the BSG remake getting the boot. With drones being engaged in warfare and humanoid bots being further introduced into manufacturing in our world today, BSG's Cylon mythos provides an ever more-interesting backdrop for storytelling for us. Still, I wondered how the writers were going to make BSG feel different or better as a 'remake'. Ron Moore's BSG series already did that.


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
As much as I love BSG, I'm rather glad that it's reboot is currently on the shelf. Whenever all the political, DEI & ideological BS has been eradicated from Hollywood, then perhaps they can get actually skilled & qualified writers & directors that can truly do this IP the production that it well deserves. If they are forced to do some DEI hiring, hopefully they'll be the equivalent of a Star Trek "red shirt", that are those that get killed off in the various episodes, preferably with as few lines & screen time as possible.
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
As much as I love BSG, I'm rather glad that it's reboot is currently on the shelf. Whenever all the political, DEI & ideological BS has been eradicated from Hollywood, then perhaps they can get actually skilled & qualified writers & directors that can truly do this IP the production that it well deserves. If they are forced to do some DEI hiring, hopefully they'll be the equivalent of a Star Trek "red shirt", that are those that get killed off in the various episodes, preferably with as few lines & screen time as possible.
I wonder if the original BSG was released today it would be accused of pandering to DEI? I haven't watched it in decades but the most memorable story lines I can recall were the ones where they had to make some tough choices based on what was happening to the refugee fleet and some of the ships condition which qualifies for the dictionary definition of "woke".

And that's the last I'm going to say on the matter - culture war misappropriation of terms is all a little too IRL right now considering there are guys with swastika tattoos looting high street bakery stores where I am right now. I come here to leave that nonsense behind and enjoy a little Cider chat.
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Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
When I was referring to DEI, I was meaning that they not hire people simply based on their race, gender, orientation, etc, but instead on their actual skills & abilities to tell the story effectively. As I recall, both the original & the newer remake seemed a bit of a dance between the military side of the fleet & the civilian side, with them all being refugees being hunted by the Cylons.

As for looters, well I'm a bit of an extremist in regards of that subject, I believe that thieves aren't punished harshly enough anymore. Unless somebody is stealing a loaf of bread just to eat something because they & their kids are starving and the government is ignoring them, we need to go old school by bringing back the removal of hands. Once enough of the thieves have been dealt with in this way, then they'll know that doing so will eventually result in their death & they will deserve it for having chosen to be a human parasite. If somebody breaks into my home, I'll kill them on the spot & feel good about it, because they chose to try to take something that was mine, so I'd have taken their worthless life. If I was a business owner, I'd be constantly pestering those in charge to actually punish criminals by making the laws give more harsh penalties with less loop holes & holding the police accountable for how much crime is going on.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
When I was referring to DEI, I was meaning that they not hire people simply based on their race, gender, orientation, etc, but instead on their actual skills & abilities to tell the story effectively.
"Diversity, Equality and Inclusion" exists to counter not hiring people because of their race, gender, orientation etc, not hiring people because of their race, gender, orientation etc. Check it out online, any point of authority on the subject I've been able to find (including the UK government Home Office statement on it, EDIT - Link below) only mentions elimination of discrimination, not the creation of it.

What you may be referring to is called "Positive Discrimination" and is not DEI. If someone has convinced you that DEI is anything other than expunging discrimination and persecution of people because of certain traits they may posses, they are either mistaking the two for whatever reason or trying to radicalise you for reasons known only to them or to whomever has radicalised them. If it's misappropriation of terms, that doesn't happen by accident. It's usually to devalue, distract and destabilise the thing that has been misappropriated because someone somewhere doesn't want it to happen as it devalues, distracts and destabilises whatever they have invested their interests in, and try to convince bystanders who have low-to-no direct experience of it, because it doesn't apply to them, that it's happening is in a worst possible dystopia form that could impact them if only it actually existed in that way in the first place. The mob forms, their interests are defended if not entrenched and progressed.

Example: You have a vacancy and a highly qualified woman applies, but the office manager marks them down as unsuitable for the position because they are concerned the woman, of childbearing age, may fall pregnant and they will have to go through the hiring process again to find maternity cover. That is negative discrimination and an Equality issue - if that woman is best qualified for the job and would otherwise have got it if she was male, she should get it. Not a man of lesser qualification just because that man can't get pregnant. Equality is not: a woman with gets the job over dudes with similar or higher skillsets because the hiring managers want to tick the quota box and some eye-candy will do nicely. That's positive discrimination, not DEI.

Example: In the UK ex-convicts find it hard to get a job regardless of what they were convicted for, because who's going to trust people who have broken the law? A shoe-repair chain has become famed for not discriminating against ex-convicts to the point it is now common knowledge they will give their application a fair shot at a job and thus get more applications from that sector. They won't give a guy with no hands a job because he's ex-con, but they won't discriminate against him because he's been in the slammer. This is Inclusion. Inclusion is not: Giving preference to applicants from a certain school or university over other institutions because of Fraternity bonds that assume anyone who went to Alpha Sierra Sierra is "their kind of guy". That's positive 'Frat Bro' discrimination, not inclusivity.

Example: ex-military because some have issues adjusting to life on Civvy-Street, Example: Older people because they have less time to go before retirement, Example: People of different racial or religious backgrounds, Example: Sexual orientation, Example: Gender identification, Example: preference of sports team, example, example, example, absolutely anything can be discriminated against for absolutely any reason. These above examples may not be perfect but they make the point:

DEI is to stop negative discrimination, regardless of its root causes, not to force positive discrimination to fill quotas etc - you're not going to hire men as bra user acceptance testers, there is no Inclusion quota for how many males have to be in that role, but there are people out there right now who will pretend that there is and there are.

And that I believe is all I have to say on the matter. It's basically the same as I already said, but long-hand so I'll allow it.

As for looters, well I'm a bit of an extremist in regards of that subject, I believe that thieves aren't punished harshly enough anymore. Unless somebody is stealing a loaf of bread just to eat something because they & their kids are starving and the government is ignoring them, we need to go old school by bringing back the removal of hands. Once enough of the thieves have been dealt with in this way, then they'll know that doing so will eventually result in their death & they will deserve it for having chosen to be a human parasite. If somebody breaks into my home, I'll kill them on the spot & feel good about it, because they chose to try to take something that was mine, so I'd have taken their worthless life. If I was a business owner, I'd be constantly pestering those in charge to actually punish criminals by making the laws give more harsh penalties with less loop holes & holding the police accountable for how much crime is going on.
I understand and accept your example as your opinion, I would not dream of telling you it's not because it is, but I would point out your above statement contains a paradox:

Criminal steals for non-urgent non-family feeding related reasons (likely villainous criminal greed related reasons) > Criminals hands are removed so they cannot steal whatever it was they were previously stealing > With no hands, criminal can no longer do what they previously legally did to fulfil the basic human needs of them and their family like putting food on the table > Criminal now regularly stealing a loaf of bread just to eat something because they & their kids are starving and the government is ignoring them, because they are a former criminal whom the government itself removed the hands of - which you state is a reasonable exception for minor theft.

It's a self fulfilling prophecy. I'm not saying I know a better way to deal with criminals, I don't, but I'm saying the above arrangement contains said paradox that takes a potentially functional member of society and makes them a for-certain unproductive member of society.
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Rear Admiral
Nov 19, 2023
RSI Handle
100% agree with NaffNaffBobFace.

My wife and I both currently serve on hiring committees at our respective workplaces. Nobody is hired just because of their race, sex, ethnicity, sexual orientation, etc. But, if we have two equally qualified prospects then we have to look at other qualities they have that might benefit our workforce. For example, my department has 90% women employees. It would not be inappropriate to hire a male prospect over an equally qualified female prospect in order to better represent the male population. I’ve never heard of anyone complaining about DEI as a social injustice when it benefits white males.

To me, DEI comes down to social justice and a sense of empathy. Imagine if you’re an Iranian male who has great credentials/experience/personality but gets denial after denial for jobs. You may not even get many interviews if ethnicity is known. And when offered a job, it’s for significantly less pay than your contemporaries. This is social injustice and the concept of DEI is intended to help balance these scales.

Let me give you a personal example. I’m a white male and in my life prior to 2017 I’ve interviewed for 12 of 13 jobs I’ve ever applied for. Of those 12 jobs that I interviewed for, I was offered 10 jobs. But, in 2017 I became unexpectedly disabled. I was highly educated at that time having previously earned a doctorate, 12 years of experience in healthcare, and excellent yearly reviews. After becoming disabled I went on unemployment and applied for 80 jobs in 1 year and was asked to interview only 3 times. After interviewing I was offered 2 jobs. One of these 2 job offers was for 1/3 of my pre-disability wages. There were no changes to my resume and on each application I checked the box divulging that I had a disability - the nature and extent of which was not known to the employer.

Do you see a difference that one checkbox can have on your job prospects? I was previously living the dream as part of the majority, and then the next day was instantly struggling to get a job and pay bills as part of the minority.

Imagine if you were a minority and this was your lived experience throughout your life. I had to deal with this for just 1 year and my spirits were crushed. I was literally on the verge of giving up and trying to apply for disability…which I didn’t want to do. I wanted to work!

Did DEI help me get a job? I don’t know. But, can my lived experience as a disabled person benefit my workplace as I serve on accessibility committees? Absolutely! Perhaps, DEI did help me stand out from an otherwise equally qualified person.

But, I’m not here to talk about highly politicized subjects such as DEI. I’m here to talk about fun stuff like SC.
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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
I wonder if the original BSG was released today it would be accused of pandering to DEI? I haven't watched it in decades but the most memorable story lines I can recall were the ones where they had to make some tough choices based on what was happening to the refugee fleet and some of the ships condition which qualifies for the dictionary definition of "woke".
No, it does not. Both BSG settings are of individualist, not collectivist societies. Apportioning resources is based upon need, not radical compensation for past inequities, and so is not evidence of collectivism, nor equity. Both practice equality of opportunity, not equality of outcome. Both are free societies, not degenerate, socialist societies.

Neither BSG is focused on normalizing perversion as a means to destroy the soul of its culture. They have real, meaningful morals. They make real claims about what is and is not objectively right and wrong. Neither of them remotely satisfy DEI, and there is no evidence in either BSG of systematic propagandizing. Both societies are at peace with objective truth. They are not postmodern societies, which are always evidenced by a profound skepticism concerning objective truth. They never speak of “my truth” and “your truth”, but rather “the truth”.

You still don’t understand what you have had explained to you on multiple occasions. I suggest you try reading George Orwell’s Animal Farm, or even better, try C.S. Lewis’ That Hideous Strength.

I understand the confusion here and why you brought up the first series in particular, but bear in mind the significant difference between a free society under temporary martial law, and an authoritarian society. That was indeed the focus in the first series of several episodes. After the emergency, the Commander wanted to retain martial control but ceded his power to civilian authority which then loosened the strictures of martial requirements, because the convoy was essentially civilian and free, as opposed to military under strict authority. You have pinpointed precisely how military authority is antithetical to a free society. However, were that society not based upon individualism and freedom, there never would have been that delicious tension. Authoritarian, collectivist societies aren’t really any different under martial law.
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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
What you may be referring to is called "Positive Discrimination" and is not DEI. If someone has convinced you that DEI is anything other than expunging discrimination and persecution of people because of certain traits they may posses, they are either mistaking the two for whatever reason or trying to radicalise you for reasons known only to them or to whomever has radicalised them. If it's misappropriation of terms, that doesn't happen by accident. It's usually to devalue, distract and destabilise the thing that has been misappropriated because someone somewhere doesn't want it to happen as it devalues, distracts and destabilises whatever they have invested their interests in, and try to convince bystanders who have low-to-no direct experience of it, because it doesn't apply to them, that it's happening is in a worst possible dystopia form that could impact them if only it actually existed in that way in the first place. The mob forms, their interests are defended if not entrenched and progressed.
I’m sorry but you are completely misinformed, and your conspiracy theory piled on about how if others disagree they have been radicalized is wild supposition and character assassination.

DEI is the result of the writings of Ibram X Kendi. I hope you’ll look him up. His writings come almost half century after discrimination was outlawed in the United States. It is specifically and deliberately “anti-racist” and seeks retribution for past injustice through continuing injustice. It is very deliberately and specifically, third stage post-modernism. It is nothing even remotely similar to “blind justice”. You are entirely wrong, and entirely ignorant of the real issues.

DEI proposes to replace merit based hiring, firing, entrance to schools and other institutions, etc. with race and sex preferenced practices, even when this requires lowering professional standards to admit less qualified persons. Anyone can pick up any DEI training manual and see this is so. Anyone familiar with the entrance requirements at places like Harvard knows that they routinely skip more highly qualified applicants in order to admit people of specific races and decline people of specific races. This practice is becoming ubiquitous and there are hundreds of lawsuits in the news as result.

Example: the Secret Service DEI hires were obviously too short to protect Trump so did not meet the qualifications of that job, and some were actually hiding behind the stage and hiding behind Trump himself, seconds after the shots were fired despite their job was to shield Trump with their bodies during such instances. These people were hired under reduced standards for height and courage necessary to the job. They did not merit their positions and neither did the Secret Service Director who bungled the entire operation in more than a dozen ways. This is DEI in action.

And I will say again, there is no reason for your ignorance, and no excuse for it. This stuff is all very easily traceable in recent history. Again, I am recommending one of today’s best intellectual historians who explains this all very clearly and succinctly here:

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Space Marshal
Oct 22, 2018
RSI Handle
I wonder if the original BSG was released today it would be accused of pandering to DEI? I haven't watched it in decades but the most memorable story lines I can recall were the ones where they had to make some tough choices based on what was happening to the refugee fleet and some of the ships condition which qualifies for the dictionary definition of "woke".

And that's the last I'm going to say on the matter - culture war misappropriation of terms is all a little too IRL right now considering there are guys with swastika tattoos looting high street bakery stores where I am right now. I come here to leave that nonsense behind and enjoy a little Cider chat.
The original series, *In the Context of Its TIME* was very forward thinking, almost too much so to be produced. TV had some very strict rules then, both written and unwritten, and the show was intended to challenge some of those. What made it unique was the social commentary - specifically the acknowledgement of the nuclear Armageddon which hung over the horizon, just 25 minutes away, as the driving event of the story. Other details like female fighter pilots and persons of color in positions of authority were just steps in societal changes that had already been happening for decades.

Ronald Moore's reboot had a lot of us in doubt, until we saw the tone and quality of the writing. It was a superbly executed view that carried on the direction the original wanted but wasn't able to; he captured the meaningful part of what made BSG a story worth telling.

Bottom line is that it would not be BSG without the social lens, BUT good storytelling doesn't need to pander to any flavor of the month issues or ideologies. It just needs to shine a spotlight on what is, and what might be. So to your question.. yeah, some would. Some have with each entry of the IP produced to date. The rest of us are going to try to enjoy what's there, and maybe, just maybe, learn something to become a better human being. At the very least we'll enjoy some shiny explosions :)

Han Burgundy

Space Marshal
Jan 15, 2016
RSI Handle
Sonofabitch. Here we go again everyone...
Gay people exist, brown people exist and can speak, and most shocking: Women are people. Like actual human persons with an internal experience and everything. It's pretty neat.

But also: I think I am done with reboots. Time to make space for some original stories...


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Sonofabitch. Here we go again everyone...
Gay people exist, brown people exist and can speak, and most shocking: Women are people. Like actual human persons with an internal experience and everything. It's pretty neat.
I take it someone I have set to ignore has responded? Just set them (or even me if it's me doing your head in) to ignore, the forum literally hides them like they don't exist. I only see comments from people on my ignore list when they are quoted in others posts, but even then I think it is spoilered with a "this person is on your ignore list".

But also: I think I am done with reboots. Time to make space for some original stories...
I think (just my own personal thoughts) that the cost in making an IP and getting viewers on board , especially for effects heavy Sci-Fi, is now is pretty steep and unlikely to be greenlit. I reckon it's why we see so many spin-offs from things like Star Trek, Star Wars etc etc. Every now and again we see an attempt to get a non-screen IP like D&D up and running as that thing is a bottomless pit of potential IP spin-offs but brand new...?

I'm in total agreement though I got a little tired of Re-boots when I think it was Spider-Man got to like number 3 and got a re-boot and then immediately got a re-boot of the re-boot (might have been something different but think it was Spider-Man). It's why I'm okay with giving things like Pacific Rim etc a try, anything that brings new directions to the fold for a few movies can only be a good thing.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Han, if you’re going to whimper responses, you should respond to things people here have actually said. And this is the problem with your gaslighting. You and Naff both want to pretend that DEI is no different than the anti-discrimination laws we’ve had here in the US for half century when it is obviously different. The daughter of a friend of mine has perfect SAT scores, and a handful of impressive accomplishments by the time she was 18, and yet could not gain admission to any of the California State schools. They all turned her down because she is white. At the same time, these same schools have 51% of their admissions require remedial classes their first year because the entrants cannot pass minimum entry standards. It is plain to see that merit has been replaced by racial preference. This is discrimination and it is illegal.

Obviously discrimination is happening and lying about this isn’t helping anyone. It is absurd to say discrimination isn’t happening when anyone opening their eyes can see it happening. DEI is new, and it is toxic.
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Rear Admiral
Nov 19, 2023
RSI Handle
Example: the Secret Service DEI hires were obviously too short to protect Trump so did not meet the qualifications of that job, and some were actually hiding behind the stage and hiding behind Trump himself, seconds after the shots were fired despite their job was to shield Trump with their bodies during such instances. These people were hired under reduced standards for height and courage necessary to the job. They did not merit their positions and neither did the Secret Service Director who bungled the entire operation in more than a dozen ways.
Height requirement for Secret Service sounded like BS to me, so I looked it up.

The Secret Service qualifications on their very own government website seems to confirm my disbelief.

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Han Burgundy

Space Marshal
Jan 15, 2016
RSI Handle
Han, if you’re going to whimper responses, you should respond to things people here have actually said. And this is the problem with your gaslighting. You and Naff both want to pretend that DEI is no different than the anti-discrimination laws we’ve had here in the US for half century when it is obviously different. The daughter of a friend of mine has perfect SAT scores, and a handful of impressive accomplishments by the time she was 18, and yet could not gain admission to any of the California State schools. They all turned her down because she is white. At the same time, these same schools have 51% of their admissions require remedial classes their first year because the entrants cannot pass minimum entry standards. It is plain to see that merit has been replaced by racial preference. This is discrimination and it is illegal.

Obviously discrimination is happening and lying about this isn’t helping anyone. It is absurd to say discrimination isn’t happening when anyone opening their eyes can see it happening. DEI is new, and it is toxic.
Oh boo fuckin hoo, you sun-dried hickory-smoked proto-dork of a human being. I got a 2260 on the SATs, and a 98 on the ASVAB and didn't qualify for a single academic scholarship at any state schools because I am white and my parents were firmly middle class. Did I cry about being discriminated against and go to the press about all the blacks and browns taking away the rightful white college spots? Nope. No I didn't. I simply went and got a predatory loan like everyone else and tried to choose a major that would make me some cash. I bet your neighbor's brother's sister's lawyer's former roommate left a little something out of the story. The REAL story should be about how it is so expensive to get a degree these days. And that isn't a liberal vs conservative thing. It's a class thing. Rich people heading rich universities encourage their rich friends in finance to lobby their rich friends in politics to prop up an ever-inflating pricetag that translates to nothing more than inflated administrator salaries and increased debt for the common working citizen. But you do you, boo. I bet that boot leather tastes wonderful to your twisted palate. Someday YOU TOO will be rich just like golden daddy, you just need to cut his taxes so that extra cash can flow down to you...Which it totally will. Any decade now...

Wasn't this thread about Battlestar? Jesus H., Mary, and Joseph, people...OH, on that topic: I think the whole reboot thing is a security blanket for the studios who have been trained to try and make a CINEMATIC UNIVERSE out of every goddamn thing. The movies that are truly good are the ones that aren't such a "Bigger villain next week" vibe and have a cohesive beginning, middle, and end. Example: Bullet Train. Watch it. FANTASTIC movie but it does not set up a sequel. It ends and is done. That's considered a risk now. New IP is a gamble and they just keep gambling badly by using the same ten writiers and directors for everything. The orobos of hollywood has eaten itself and the current state of movies is the evidence of that. Apple TV and A24 seem to be the two production houses that are breaking this trend and they are making some absolute bangars.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
I appreciate that but it doesn’t tell us anything about the requirements before DEI was enacted, and it doesn’t tell us anything about who should have been assigned to ward someone who is 6’3”. Obviously, these women who are 10” shorter than Trump should not have been assigned as meat shields for him. They completely failed to protect him, before, during and after the shooting. Their appeals as to what to do and where to go clearly showed they were completely unprepared for that situation, as did their inability to lift him and move him to safety.

So I dunno what your point is, but these folks obviously failed to do their jobs. And WTF were they doing hiding behind the stage and behind Trump himself? No one needs to like Trump to see how fubar that situation was.
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
DEI is the result of the writings of Ibram X Kendi. I hope you’ll look him up.
Unignored, so I could do just that.

looking at their bibliography their first published work was in 2012. Whereas The Equality Act 2010 was enacted in... 2010. Two years prior to whomever this is had their first works which I understand to have been historical reference/record writings set to print, and the theoretical stuff you appear to be [CONCERN]ed by even later.

I don't know whether you personally came to a conclusion having read all of their texts, have been convinced to believe or want others to believe something - but if it's just what this person is writing about, that's not what is occurring in the majority of settings in the majority of cases where DEI is concerned - you may have been under a misapprehension, it happens, may have been sold a missapropriation of same or similar terms, or at worst where you may be able to see it provably happening in reality that way, sorry, they're just not doing it right - there are no quotas in equality etc, there is no positive discrimination, just removal of discriminations which would otherwise have excluded candidates for traits not related to the work being offered such as gender, age etc.

Diversity, Equality and Inclusion measures pre-date this writer's early works and their later theoreticals - they may be a radical theorist/activist now as you state but I am having a hard time seeing how their concepts impacted on things which had already been enacted before they posited them publicly in print.

Now I do recall the last time we spoke you argued quite passionately with primary source definitions of the dictionary, and I fear something similar with the nature of the passage of time may again happen here, so while I do appreciate your taking the time to reach out, back in the ignore list you go young man.

Have a pleasant evening.
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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
My friend is a Process Engineer in aerospace. He was thrilled his daughter wanted to go to school close to home, at UC Davis, but since she couldn’t get in, he sent her to Penn State with her two older sisters. The point remains, she was denied access to a school she was very overqualified for, to make room for students who have to take remedial classes, beneath college level. So obviously, merit is not the basis for admissions in CA.

As it rarely happens I should note we’re agreed about college costs. I think we may disagree about the why of those costs, but surely the Boomers are guilty of idly sitting on their hands while the future is stolen from their children. It’s a big deal that parents no longer have the expectation that their kids will have a better life than they do. So you have my sympathies.

As per rebooting BSG, both series in the past were so good that telling the same story a third time is full of hazard. There’s nowhere to go. The first reboot sold on the “grittier, darker, scarier” premise and it was that. I preferred the more classic version. Fact is though, there are so many different stories out there to turn to good serials, it is only the writers who are failing. I’ve seen some fabulous ideas go down in flames all for lack of even basic writing skill. Shanara, The Seeker, so many others. . .and so many still on the table. If one is really willing to spend $20M/episode, virtually anything is possible. Amazon, Disney, Netflix. . .all spending what was in the past considered impossible amounts of money and the writers keep screwing it all up. I can’t help but recall The Witcher here, and there’s Rings of Power. Both should have been fantastic successes, but the writers screwed it all up. Who’s left to tell a great story?

I’ll tell you what it looks like is turning all the writers into failures—it’s narcissism. These writers are so entitled they care more about inventing their own story, that they are screwing up really good stories. That’s certainly what has happened at Disney, Amazon and Netflix.
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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
No Naff, you argued from the dictionary. No philosopher is stupid enough to do such a thing.

I can multiply the examples. I’m making a positive claim. DEI is discrimination that replaces merit with grievance identification. You are making a negative claim. You are saying this doesn’t happen. I have given evidence and could give much more. You cannot give evidence for a negative claim. All you can do is try to invalidate my examples. Thing is, probably everyone here knows of specific examples of DEI replacing merit with grievance group membership.

Look, you are full of shit. The world is full of examples of the things you are pretending don’t happen. You are obviously full of shit and no one wants to waste their time throwing pearls before such swine.
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  • o7
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