Best personal shuttle?


Grand Admiral
May 27, 2018
RSI Handle
So once it matters where we leave our ships and we can't just "claim" them to spawn them wherever we happen to be, I'm probably going to leave certain ships in certain systems and other ships in other systems. What is the best relatively inexpensive choice for simply shuttling from port to port to get to the various ships in your fleet? I'm guessing the most important factors would be speed and fuel capacity/usage. Weapons would be more of an after thought if your goal is just to get from dock to dock I would think. Or is hitchhiking the way to go?


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Hitchhiking in an infinite universe leaves you open only to the options available where you are. If you are on Terra and need to get to Tyrol, and the only ships going to Tyrol are in Nul, you have to hitch to Nul to get to Tyrol. Not great. Hitchhiking can get you in a general direction but not exactly to your destination.

Freelancer pulls up
Pilot: "Where are you going to, mate?"
You: "Aiming for GrimHex in Stanton System"
Pilot: "Mmmm, From Kilian? Stantons out of my way, I'm off to Taranis so I can drop you off there and you can try to hitch to Terra and from there to Stanton but traffic is low in Taranis due to all the death awaiting you there, or I can drop you at the next system which is Ellis but you will then nee to grab a ride to Stanton from there or to Magnus and then Magnus to Stanton."
You: "Uh... Ellis?"
Pilot: "No problem, jump in the back. Watch out for the yellow boxes, it's medical waste, used Med-pens so don't let 'em stab ya or you'll be needing one yourself."

Hitching may get you system to system easily but the further out you get the more stops and new rides you'll have to grab to get you places.

For cheap QD equipped ship look no further than the Aurora ES. At $20 there is nothing more affordable, however I'm not sure if they have guarenteed a Jump Drive for all ships yet. The Aurora LX (Dat seat tho) has a jump drive as standard equipment so that may be the best bet.

For something a little more capable I'd say the Avenger base model, again not sure about Jump Drive, but it just seems to have everything you need.

Not sure if there will be Taxi Missions for Players (beware of trolls), NPC Taxis or even rentable ships in the PU like rental cars that will charge for the amount of time you are flying it. Little too early to say.
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Major Templar

Space Marshal
Sep 6, 2014
RSI Handle
So once it matters where we leave our ships and we can't just "claim" them to spawn them wherever we happen to be, I'm probably going to leave certain ships in certain systems and other ships in other systems. What is the best relatively inexpensive choice for simply shuttling from port to port to get to the various ships in your fleet? I'm guessing the most important factors would be speed and fuel capacity/usage. Weapons would be more of an after thought if your goal is just to get from dock to dock I would think. Or is hitchhiking the way to go?
I would say find a ship that is small, quick, carries a small amount of cargo, and is cheap. Small so it can take any size jump hole. Cargo so you can transport a bit of goods from point A to B and recoup the costs of travel. Sure, you have to travel anyway but might as well get paid for it. And cheap which is always a plus when it comes to buying ships. WIthin the range of most pilots and not going to break the bank if you lose it.

As for hitchhiking, it will be a fun aspect of the game. Maybe you'll see people just try to cross all systems by hitchhiking. There will be both legal hitchhiking with an agreement and then there will be those who stow away on a ship bound for the outer systems hoping not to be caught.

I will also point out that you'll have people running transit from location to location with their passenger ships. You might even have some who go all out and RP the entire thing.


Space Marshal
Jan 2, 2019
RSI Handle
Hitchhiking in an infinite universe leaves you open only to the options available where you are. If you are on Terra and need to get to Tyrol, and the only ships going to Tyrol are in Nul, you have to hitch to Nul to get to Tyrol. Not great. Hitchhiking can get you in a general direction but not exactly to your destination.

Freelancer pulls up

Pilot: "Where are you going to, mate?"
You: "Aiming for GrimHex in Stanton System"
Pilot: "Mmmm, From Kilian? Stantons out of my way, I'm off to Taranis so I can drop you off there and you can try to hitch to Terra and from there to Stanton but traffic is low in Taranis due to all the death awaiting you there, or I can drop you at the next system which is Ellis but you will then nee to grab a ride to Stanton from there or to Magnus and then Magnus to Stanton."
You: "Uh... Ellis?"
Pilot: "No problem, jump in the back. Watch out for the yellow boxes, it's medical waste, used Med-pens so don't let 'em stab ya or you'll be needing one yourself."

Hitching may get you system to system easily but the further out you get the more stops and new rides you'll have to grab to get you places.

For cheap QD equipped ship look no further than the Aurora ES. At $20 there is nothing more affordable, however I'm not sure if they have guarenteed a Jump Drive for all ships yet. The Aurora LX (Dat seat tho) has a jump drive as standard equipment so that may be the best bet.

For something a little more capable I'd say the Avenger base model, again not sure about Jump Drive, but it just seems to have everything you need.

Not sure if there will be Taxi Missions for Players (beware of trolls), NPC Taxis or even rentable ships in the PU like rental cars that will charge for the amount of time you are flying it. Little too early to say.
Problem is theres nothing to stop people shooting you in the head after you let them on board then stealing your ship


Space Marshal
Aug 28, 2016
RSI Handle
For me it's probably going to be a Cutlass. It is probably going to be one of the best all around ships in the game since you can get away with soloing in it and carry stuff with you. I'll frequently just spawn mine in then go get a Dragonfly to carry in the back and just go exploring.


Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle
So once it matters where we leave our ships and we can't just "claim" them to spawn them wherever we happen to be, I'm probably going to leave certain ships in certain systems and other ships in other systems. What is the best relatively inexpensive choice for simply shuttling from port to port to get to the various ships in your fleet? I'm guessing the most important factors would be speed and fuel capacity/usage. Weapons would be more of an after thought if your goal is just to get from dock to dock I would think. Or is hitchhiking the way to go?
I don't think I'd recommend the Cutlass specifically but @DarthMunkee has the right idea. To me, if you can turn a transit into some cash, then great. There are other options other than the Cutlass though, depending on your gameplay style. For the record, I use the Cutlass Black often nowadays to run between Port Olisar and Hurston.


Space Marshal
Aug 28, 2016
RSI Handle
I don't think I'd recommend the Cutlass specifically but @DarthMunkee has the right idea. To me, if you can turn a transit into some cash, then great. There are other options other than the Cutlass though, depending on your gameplay style. For the record, I use the Cutlass Black often nowadays to run between Port Olisar and Hurston.
You're right, it's not going to be the best choice for everyone, but I think it's going to be the one for me. Either that or a Mustang/Aurora. Maybe I'll leave those scattered about just in case.


Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle
not much of a "shuttle" tho is it?
That's actually a really good question. It has pretty good cargo capacity for the price, and it can take 8 passengers plus some crew at the same time it's carying a load of cargo. The pilot can shoot generally forward, or launch a lot of missiles, and the crew can man a turret and shoot toward the reverse. It'll give your opponents something to think about when lining up that shot. It's not for everyone, but as a pickup truck it's pretty capable.

Edit: No can man. Use one of the 3 back doors. Any opponents toward the rear will appreciate the rain of ice pellets.
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Vice Admiral
Mar 1, 2019
RSI Handle
If the 325a doesn't get the update it needs to be an effective combat ship, then that'll be my commuter ship. I'm sure I'll need more than one because if you leave your commuter at a truck stop to pick up say a mining ship but then you land that mining ship on Terra, you'll need a way to pick that other ship up.
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Space Marshal
Oct 8, 2016
RSI Handle
So once it matters where we leave our ships and we can't just "claim" them to spawn them wherever we happen to be, I'm probably going to leave certain ships in certain systems and other ships in other systems. What is the best relatively inexpensive choice for simply shuttling from port to port to get to the various ships in your fleet? I'm guessing the most important factors would be speed and fuel capacity/usage. Weapons would be more of an after thought if your goal is just to get from dock to dock I would think. Or is hitchhiking the way to go?
X85 85X, small, fast, 2 seater, no cargo
I'll probably use a 300i or 315P to get around. Small, luxurious enough for a snob, fast and with a decent fuel tank (at least the 315P).
I don't think I'd recommend the Cutlass specifically but @DarthMunkee has the right idea. To me, if you can turn a transit into some cash, then great. There are other options other than the Cutlass though, depending on your gameplay style. For the record, I use the Cutlass Black often nowadays to run between Port Olisar and Hurston.
85X is the go-to ship for in-system quantum-driving, although if you want to haul cargo, then maybe a Titan Avenger. I'm not sure you can stuck a jump drive and go interstellar in an 85X, though.

For interstellar travel, the 315p will be my go-to ship (it comes with the jump drive stock, although by the time the game releases, everything could change). The Titan Avenger would be a good choice, as well.

There really is no equivalent to something like a "pinnace" or a smaller shuttle craft for a larger ship that can't get into atmosphere. I'm talking something that is just meant to be a shuttle, and just has seats (like, 4-8) and can carry small amounts of cargo and/or a vehicle. Probably the Cutlass is the best substitute for this, as it has the jump seats and can carry cargo. A Titan would also do in a pinch.

Sorry for getting needlessly obsessive...but that's the thing with obsession, you need to do it, ha ha!
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