Bomber Squadron?


Rear Admiral
Apr 1, 2015
RSI Handle
As we're talking ship name's I should introduce my Vanguard, the 'Obviator' and thanks to this most recent sale, my new Retaliator, the 'Onslaught'. (Sorry wallet)


Space Marshal
Jun 22, 2014
RSI Handle
melted my old 2year taliator for the new base LTI retaliator + torps front/rear and the drop pod

at first i was going to go with double cargo bays(cheap) but really there are better ships for hauling cargo, there is only one heavy bomber :D

'Just the Tip' reporting in


Space Marshal
Aug 28, 2015
RSI Handle
I just picked up my vanguard harbinger, named after my prison husband, "Cookie", and would love an orginized group to apply it to. You know, instead of just flying it around to random places and screaming, "I'm gunna drop some chcocolate chips on y'all!"


Sep 7, 2015
RSI Handle
No fancy carrier based bombers in my hangar (yet), but I'm the proud owner of a still unnamed Harbringer.
Throw me in, if I ran out of torps I'll just ram me 50 tons ship somewhere.


Grand Admiral
Jun 10, 2015
RSI Handle

So a friend is B1-B Bomber Tech at Dyess AFB with the
7th Bomb Wing and during our conversations we decided that we really wanted to do some epic Bombing and Attacking and we started talking about forming "The Bomb Squadron". So I went ahead and spent some time on it.

Our overall Goal/Mission Statement:
To strike fear in the hearts of our enemies, by Organizing Large-scale, Epic, Bombing Runs like they did in WWII. We are talking striking deep into the heart of Vanduul Territory. Taking down as many FOB and Kingships as we can. One-way missions WILL be commonplace. Get used to it. We will eradicate entire Pirate Fleet's as well.

We will be the SpearTip for Operation Pitchfork. Leading the charge into the heart of Vanduul Space, and taking as many of them with us as we go.

Ships in our Group:
We will work with escorts and support ships to ensure an effective delivery of our Torps.

Retaliators and Gladiators will make up the bulk of the Fleet, but of course we need escorts and will be working with the Top Fighter Pilots in The Verse (TEST'S BESTS), as well as our EW Ships and Scouts. Probably need refueling and resupply vessels as well. What else?

Right now @Montoya and I have a Retaliator and some crewmen but could use more. We have many Ships and really need crews but will have no problem recruiting for those via In-Verse Jobboards, NPC's, etc. I think that we will be able to be a real effective recruiting platform. We intend to stream the hell out of our missions (LIVE ON TV!) and document them professionally. This will inspire many pubs to enlist in the TEST Squadron no doubt. But okay, so we have a few openings for leadership roles but for now we tentatively have myself, @Bulloko @MR trout @WarrenPeace and I think @Montoya ? Oh as well as I have a few IRL buddies who my company is designing and making some EPIC SC Battlestations for. They will be joining the TEST Ranks ASAP. All of them are way friendlier and funner to be around then myself of course so no worries there. Also, I do not know if you guys know but my cohorts and I are looking for a space here in Portland for our Star Citizen Command Center (AKA "TEST-NW HQ").

The IRL Base of our ops will be here in Portland, Oregon.
I wish to take heavy participation in this. I have gladiator, Tali and two vanguards for this purpose.
I even have multiple accounts, which I will be giving away to dedicated crew (friends of mine) who will support me.
(my own personal space marshals)

Is there something I can do to further the effects of participating in this Squadron ?


Space Marshal
May 28, 2014
RSI Handle
I wish to take heavy participation in this. I have gladiator, Tali and two vanguards for this purpose.
I even have multiple accounts, which I will be giving away to dedicated crew (friends of mine) who will support me.
(my own personal space marshals)

Is there something I can do to further the effects of participating in this Squadron ?
Buy stock in torpedo manufacturers.


Grand Admiral
Jun 10, 2015
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Space Marshal
May 28, 2014
RSI Handle
So, I'll be writing up a refresh thread for the bomber group here in a couple of days, and since this thread is getting a little long, I went ahead and combed through it for people's pledges and compiled it into a spreadsheet. Anyone who'd like to participate with the bomber group is welcome to edit the spreadsheet, either to add themselves and their ships to the roster, or to remove their pledge, if this is no longer their thing.

Moving forward, I'd like input on the following things: What do individual members of the bomber group want to see organization-wise, what ships are we going to consider applicable for listing, and how focused (or un-focused) are we going to be to the core concept of putting warheads on foreheads?

Additionally, I'd love any artists to throw out ideas for logos/patches, something I'm ill equipped to do myself.

Finally, I'm not gonna lie about being a tidge jealous of @BlackSunder and his success with taking the Rock Raiders official; Good on him and I wish him the best, but now is the time for us bomberbros to focus up and get our torpedoes in a line, so to speak. With that in mind, all of this is in an effort to get our little rat pack officially recognized as a group in TEST.

Feel free to PM me with questions, concerns, pictures of Montoya's nipples, or anything else.
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Space Marshal
Jul 17, 2014
RSI Handle
So, I'll be writing up a refresh thread for the bomber group here in a couple of days, and since this thread is getting a little long, I went ahead and combed through it for people's pledges and compiled it into a spreadsheet. Anyone who'd like to participate with the bomber group is welcome to edit the spreadsheet, either to add themselves and their ships to the roster, or to remove their pledge, if this is no longer their thing.

Moving forward, I'd like input on the following things: What do individual members of the bomber group want to see organization-wise, what ships are we going to consider applicable for listing, and how focused (or un-focused) are we going to be to the core concept of putting warheads on foreheads?

Additionally, I'd love any artists to throw out ideas for logos/patches, something I'm ill equipped to do myself.

Finally, I'm not gonna lie about being a tidge jealous of @BlackSunder and his success with taking the Rock Raiders official; Good on him and I wish him the best, but now is the time for us bomberbros to focus up and get our torpedoes in a line, so to speak. With that in mind, all of this is in an effort to get our little rat pack officially recognized as a group in TEST.

Feel free to PM me with questions, concerns, pictures of Montoya's nipples, or anything else.
Psst... spreadsheet seems locked.


Grand Admiral
Jun 10, 2015
RSI Handle
So, I'll be writing up a refresh thread for the bomber group here in a couple of days, and since this thread is getting a little long, I went ahead and combed through it for people's pledges and compiled it into a spreadsheet. Anyone who'd like to participate with the bomber group is welcome to edit the spreadsheet, either to add themselves and their ships to the roster, or to remove their pledge, if this is no longer their thing.

Moving forward, I'd like input on the following things: What do individual members of the bomber group want to see organization-wise, what ships are we going to consider applicable for listing, and how focused (or un-focused) are we going to be to the core concept of putting warheads on foreheads?

Additionally, I'd love any artists to throw out ideas for logos/patches, something I'm ill equipped to do myself.

Finally, I'm not gonna lie about being a tidge jealous of @BlackSunder and his success with taking the Rock Raiders official; Good on him and I wish him the best, but now is the time for us bomberbros to focus up and get our torpedoes in a line, so to speak. With that in mind, all of this is in an effort to get our little rat pack officially recognized as a group in TEST.

Feel free to PM me with questions, concerns, pictures of Montoya's nipples, or anything else.
Put me down for Crew interests and Auxilary too !


Space Marshal
May 28, 2014
RSI Handle
You should be able to put yourself down, unless the spreadsheet is still locked.
Although, if memory serves, you're already on the sheet. The auxiliary column is a work in progress that may go away entirely, that's why I want input. Do we count starfarers and other as-yet-unnamed support ships, or do we rely on a nebulous but likely to happen logistics group to handle that and focus on organizing our bomb wings?

Reptar Khan

Vice Admiral
Feb 22, 2015
RSI Handle
What do individual members of the bomber group want to see organization-wise, what ships are we going to consider applicable for listing, and how focused (or un-focused) are we going to be to the core concept of putting warheads on foreheads?
+1 Tali 'My Lil Friend'
Here are some thoughts :)

As Bomber Squadron, we need to stay on target, & focus on our primary objective:
That big boom at the end!
I suggest that we let the other squadrons do what they do best (Logistics, EWAR, ect.).
We keep our scope to: Sending in the Bombers to blow up all-the-things.
(Think a Montoya point-n-click)

That makes our squadron division simple:
-Bombers: Retaliators, Harbingers, MIS
-Escorts: Everything else, including spare turret volunteers

2 fluid tiers of participants
-'House Broken': listen to FC, min drama, Blood Alcohol Comcentration under 42
-'F$&k it Aaaaall, F$&k it all, I don't give a S&@t anymoooore!': Strike fear into everyone with our reckless disregard to any cohesive strategy and show up to blow up in a general direction

Goals could be something like:
(in no particular order)
1) Support major TEST fleet ops
2) Bringing back Shock & Awe TEST Style (Ex: Show up for a minor Op. Pitchfork fight with 100s of Talis blow up everything, Everything.)
3) Generally not suck at said fleet ops
4) Fun (Alcohol)
5) Stress test the CGI servers by firing everything at once at a Kingship or whatever happens to agro our armada of torpedo boats!
6) Become a sexy symbol of fear the TEST Miners warn griefers about "Leave or I'll call our Bomber Squadron, and No-one wants that!"
Last edited:


Rear Admiral
Apr 1, 2015
RSI Handle
+1 Tali 'My Lil Friend'
Here are some thoughts :)

As Bomber Squadron, we need to stay on target, & focus on our primary objective:
That big boom at the end!
I suggest that we let the other squadrons do what they do best (Logistics, EWAR, ect.).
We keep our scope to: Sending in the Bombers to blow up all-the-things.
(Think a Montoya point-n-click)

That makes our squadron division simple:
-Bombers: Retaliators, Harbingers, MIS
-Escorts: Everything else, including spare turret volunteers

2 fluid tiers of participants
-'House Broken': listen to FC, min drama, Blood Alcohol Comcentration under 42
-'F$&k it Aaaaall, F$&k it all, I don't give a S&@t anymoooore!': Strike fear into everyone with our reckless disregard to any cohesive strategy and show up to blow up in a general direction

Goals could be something like:
(in no particular order)
1) Support major TEST fleet ops
2) Bringing back Shock & Awe TEST Style (Ex: Show up for a minor Op. Pitchfork fight with 100s of Talis blow up everything, Everything.)
3) Generally not suck at said fleet ops
4) Fun (Alcohol)
5) Stress test the CGI servers by firing everything at once at a Kingship or whatever happens to agro our armada of torpedo boats!
6) Become a sexy symbol of fear the TEST Miners warn griefers about "Leave or I'll call our Bomber Squadron, and No-one wants that!"
Just, all of this. Alcohol and high powered explosives are one of my favorite combinations.
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