Call me SteveTank


Lead Aurora Theorycrafter
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Hello everyone,

My name is SteveTank and I like tanks. I have a lot of ships and I don't mind sharing. I'm pretty much up for anything as captain, crew, or escort. Doesn't matter who's ship I'm on.

My ship, your ship, his ship, her ship.
One ship, two ship, red ship, blue ship.

I just want to go out there and have fun. My internet is quite terrible at the moment but it's looking to get better in 7 months, which is plenty of time to get that all worked out before the Beta. I may not be in game often due to my 10 GB data cap, but if I am give me a holler. I'm up for just about anything.

Now for the Q&A section:

Where you from stranger?
South West region of the USA in a state of panic also known as Arizona.

What drew you to Star Citizen?
I had a few friends who pledged and were playing in the Alpha. I didn't think much of it at first until they showed me the Reclaimer and how the gameplay was for Alpha 2.0. I fell in love and now I know about the game than they do.

What do you look forward to most in Star Citizen? (PVP, Exploration, etc)
FPS combat. I wanted a space game that would let me be a person and not just a ship or a commander who floats somewhere above the battlefield. This experience makes me feel more like I'm playing the game rather than just watching it.

What was the first game you remember playing?
I think it was peek-a-boo but as far as digital games go, Frogger on the Atari 2600.

What other games do you play?
Borderlands, Trine, or pretty much anything I find interesting on Steam. You can find me there as SteveTank.

How did you first hear about Test Squadron and what convinced you to join?
I searched through all of the other orgs that were listed and I liked the logo for TEST. I watched the State of the Squadron report and thought that this would be entertaining. I was looking for a group that was focused on fun and not creating a second job. I asked my friend, Daethwing188 to check it out and ask around since he's much more social than I am. A couple of days later I signed up. Though that was almost 6 months ago... I just now found this area on the forums, ha.

Picard or Kirk?
Picard with Data, Scotty, and Spock. If we're going to pick captains, then I want to pick the crew too.


Lead Aurora Theorycrafter
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Heya @Stevetank

Glad to see your posts here on the TEST forums, seen ya around the Cutlass debacle.... I mean thread, on the RSI site, so WELCOME!!!!
Great to see you here too. I'm planning on checking in here as well as the RSI forums. I figured that after being in TEST for almost 6 months, I should probably check in at the main site, ha.

Welcome aboard!
Thanks. I like your duck.


Lead Aurora Theorycrafter
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
So, just so you know, I have owned a Cutlass for about 2 years, in fact, check this out,

The old girl, today, Nov 11, 2016.
I didn't grab a red till this sale. I have the Blue, Black, and Red in my hangar and I thought that the Red was a little weird from what I remember. I also noticed that inside of the Black, there were ports to place things like a trophy case and other things. Then I found out that if you get inside of the Blue and close all of the doors, you can make it fly by opening and shutting all of the cell doors repeatedly. I also was unable to get inside of the Red as of 2 days ago. I can't walk up the ramp for some reason.

Oh yeah, I loved Frogger........

Welcome to the Forum and to TEST SQUADRON.
Nice to have you with us.
Thanks for the warm welcome.

Welcome, SteveTank! Join my crew and I'll join yours and we can fly and crash each other's ships and then we'll fight about it.
Nice! We'll have to team up. I happen to be very good at always being able to make it to the crash site no matter what ship I fly :D


Lead Aurora Theorycrafter
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Hi Steve, glad to see you on the cool forums for a change.
Yeah... the Cutlass forums just aren't enough anymore. Nice to see you here too :smile:

Welcome to the shit-show!
Welcome to TEST!
Thank you.
Welcome aboard shipmate!
Thank you.
Welcome aboard!

Not a lot of adults here, I take it. Most of you guys look like miners*. Can I ask what the Rock Raiders are?

*pun intended
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