I have since confirmed he was serious. The ship will remain in my possession for a future giveaway of some kind.I appreciate your graciousness very much and would like to gift it back to you so you can re-raffle it off to another Testie. It's not that I don't appreciate it, I already have far too may spaceships as it is (including an Aurora LN). So, it seems to me it would be better for you and Test Squadron if it went to someone that didn't have one already. If you know what I mean. :) So please feel free to try it again and hopefully she will find a home in a hanger that was missing an Aurora. :) Thank you Black Sunder. You da man.
That's the rigging of a ship. Hence he thinks contest was riggedI didn't xD
Oh, hahhahahahaThat's the rigging of a ship. Hence he thinks contest was rigged
I...don't get it.Congrats to all the winners!
Now I get it.I *really* wanted that DUR.... this is so rigged.
Congrats to the winners!
..and thanks for this Black Sunder!!Now for the Honorable Mention and the picture I liked the most is from @Bruzdawg who posted this:
How rude of me!!! Thanks @Black Sunder for the donation of the prices!!!Close!!! I was one above you, Congrats to all winners!!! When can I expect the beer, just shot my second and last shell :eek: