Chen got hit by a car


Space Marshal
Apr 8, 2016
RSI Handle
I don't think chen should take out a student loan to pay for damage on some tossers car after being run over!!. That makes me angry.

I think we should arrange for 9000 test squadron members with baseball bats to go round there and stand outside his drive (and obviously fill up his entire street, and the next two streets too).

It will be like the final fight in the third matrix, thouands of us all standing there, silently, with baseball bats just looking at him. Whilst Montoya walks up to him with his big guns out and his baseball bat, pushing a pram, even the kids have got tiny baseball bats made out of lollypops.

"I am [concerned]. I hear you are trying to extort money from one of my members? Could we discuss this in private?"

I think it's a great idea, but if for any reason this is not deemed appropriate then we need to set up a donation page so that we at test squadron can donate to chen so that he can buy the biggest baddest lawyer money can buy so we can fuck him over so hard he'll have to sell his house to pay chens lawyer fees when he wins!!!!
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Space Marshal
Mar 11, 2016
RSI Handle
Today I went to see the damage of the car and to seek a police officers opinion.
The guy wants me to pay for the repair of the minor dint on the hood possibly a $500-600 job.
The police stated that I am in the wrong as I am not to cross there.
going to seek the lawyers advice which is probably going to be the same, pay for the damages.

If that is the case then I am going to either take a student loan or sell a couple of lens and my lti bmm.
Sorry to hear that. hopefully this turns out ok.


Grand Admiral
Jul 15, 2015
RSI Handle
Today I went to see the damage of the car and to seek a police officers opinion.
The guy wants me to pay for the repair of the minor dint on the hood possibly a $500-600 job.
The police stated that I am in the wrong as I am not to cross there.
going to seek the lawyers advice which is probably going to be the same, pay for the damages.

If that is the case then I am going to either take a student loan or sell a couple of lens and my lti bmm.
Nonononono FUCK OFF

We have to start a donation fund right now!
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ADI Spai
Feb 15, 2015
RSI Handle
Woady McWoadface
I am ok physically, however The driver is starting to ask for money to repair his car. I'm not quite sure how everything is going to pan out. as a student with no real income. So far I have started to take precaution like getting a checkup with the doctor, witting a recount of the events that happened linked here, seeking legal advice and confirming with the thirdpartys that he did say "I was not looking left" (in the blind spot that i was in).
Make sure those are all written witness testimonies. If they change their stories it's your word against theirs. And also there are cameras EVERYWHERE These days so maybe look for some surveillance footage. If/when he tries to take you to court video makes for an open and shut case. Good luck beating the pants off him (legally speaking, of course)

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
And we're not afraid to use them to JOUST cars that drive into the Bicycle Lane!
Amen to that. It's not hard to share the road.
Although we do have a breed of cyclists up here who seem to think the rules of the road don't apply to them. It's funny seeing the police ticket 20+ cyclists at once for running a stop sign.


Grand Admiral
Jul 15, 2015
RSI Handle
Amen to that. It's not hard to share the road.
Although we do have a breed of cyclists up here who seem to think the rules of the road don't apply to them. It's funny seeing the police ticket 20+ cyclists at once for running a stop sign.
The situation in Britain isn't much worse. 44 year old men with unfaithful wife syndrome taking up the roads with their javelin-priced bikes and their beer bellies squeezed into latex


Space Marshal
Dec 20, 2014
RSI Handle
Just got back on the hype train after an unacceptable hiatus and came back to my merry band of misfits and I find this!
Chen, buddy, from one 'strayan to another, we 'strayans can be assholes sometimes, especially when it comes to people on pushies. Hope you're well and everything is sorting itself out.
That he is asking for money for you to repair his car is ridiculous, don't take that shit.
Take care and let us know if you need anything.


Mar 8, 2016
RSI Handle
Today I went to see the damage of the car and to seek a police officers opinion.
The guy wants me to pay for the repair of the minor dint on the hood possibly a $500-600 job.
The police stated that I am in the wrong as I am not to cross there.
going to seek the lawyers advice which is probably going to be the same, pay for the damages.

If that is the case then I am going to either take a student loan or sell a couple of lens and my lti bmm.
Argh, shit - that hurts badly :(


ADI Spai
Feb 15, 2015
RSI Handle
Woady McWoadface
Amen to that. It's not hard to share the road.
Although we do have a breed of cyclists up here who seem to think the rules of the road don't apply to them. It's funny seeing the police ticket 20+ cyclists at once for running a stop sign.
Not an uncommon sight in Portland lol. You'll REALLY get a laugh when you see a BIKE COP with little LED's on his handlebars writing those citations!
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