Choosing a Home Defense Weapon


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
I know I said I'd bow out of this conversation but this has really caught me - so rising gun ownership in the US, if everyone was getting one for the right reason, should not be taken as them feeling insecure and wanting personal protection, it is a sign that the population feels the current government is overstepping its limits and is preparing for shit to go down...?
As @Bruttle mentioned it is never black and white, but in this case the rising number of gun purchases can be more linked towards the current emotional state and the general feeling of uneasyness about the future. Be it the goverment mandated stay at home orders that lead to so many job losses and company bancrupcies. The upswel of protests and riots along with the outcry against all cops. So there is a growing feeling of insecurity and when people feel insecure they take steps even if unrational like buying all the toilet paper they can find to bring about some sort of order and security even if its false.

It is my hope that most of these new gun owners also take up the offers for gun safety classes but I fear most will not and thus I fear we will see an increase of stolen weapons and accidentally shootings in the coming months/years.


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
True Canadian anti-theft mechanism. Also, a note saying "sorry for the bad beer . . .and the axe to the neck, knee, chest, and head."
OR You can swap the labels of some of the beer with bottles of tap water from certain areas of Mexico. It'll look the same, it might even taste similar, but Montezuma will make sure that they never return. His revenge is brutal, I speak from personal experience.

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
OR You can swap the labels of some of the beer with bottles of tap water from certain areas of Mexico. It'll look the same, it might even taste similar, but Montezuma will make sure that they never return. His revenge is brutal, I speak from personal experience.
Genius! I was leaving them bud lite, which is basically the same thing, haha.


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Genius! I was leaving them bud lite, which is basically the same thing, haha.
Many years ago I caught a nasty case of Montezuma's revenge from a mom & pop Mexican restaurant in San Antonio, TX on Christmas Eve. it nearly killed me & caused me to be hospitalized for 2 weeks in the ICU. Explosive diarrhea that drained me of my fluids as fast & sometimes faster than I could replace them until I was admitted in the hospital & a few days of high powered antibiotics had been run through my system will definitely make them not want to return ... if they survive. Thankfully, as the old man in Monty Python's movie Holy Grail stated, "I got better".


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
As @Bruttle mentioned it is never black and white, but in this case the rising number of gun purchases can be more linked towards the current emotional state and the general feeling of uneasyness about the future. Be it the goverment mandated stay at home orders that lead to so many job losses and company bancrupcies. The upswel of protests and riots along with the outcry against all cops. So there is a growing feeling of insecurity and when people feel insecure they take steps even if unrational like buying all the toilet paper they can find to bring about some sort of order and security even if its false.

It is my hope that most of these new gun owners also take up the offers for gun safety classes but I fear most will not and thus I fear we will see an increase of stolen weapons and accidentally shootings in the coming months/years.
Totally understand and appreciate that, however it's just that one last question - are all Americans taught of the amendment, the right, the reasons behind it and that it is the one and only reason the right to bear arms exists and that anything else is secondary, before the point they have access for whatever personal reasons they may want to access them for?

I don't live in America, have never been there and don't know the education system. I assume this is the case from multiple US TV shows that were imported from the mid-nineties (before their gun ownership episodes were pulled), but I honestly don't know. I appreciate your and other members providing context, however I have yet to have had an answer to the actual question.

Just a yes or no and I can bow out again 🙂
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Totally understand and appreciate that, however it's just that one last question - are all Americans taught of the amendment, the right, the reasons behind it and that it is the one and only reason the right to bear arms exists and that anything else is secondary, before the point they have access for whatever personal reasons they may want to access them for?

I don't live in America, have never been there and don't know the education system. I assume this is the case from multiple US TV shows that were imported from the mid-nineties (before their gun ownership episodes were pulled), but I honestly don't know. I appreciate your and other members providing context, however I have yet to have had an answer to the actual question.

Just a yes or no and I can bow out again 🙂
For a large portion of the US public school system, it's long since been infiltrated & hijacked by leftist ideologues that seek to "change" (destroy) America "for the better" (in their warped opinions) by abusing their position to brainwash the children during their formative years into hating what America was founded to be. It's been slowly spreading like an invasive species without much scrutiny for decades, but now that it's so spread out & entrenched, they're no longer keeping their objectives in the shadows. Hence the true evil that has been sowing the seeds of discord throughout America if not Western Civilization, which has lead us to this point in history which has us on the verge of yet another bloody civil war. Thus the American right to bare arms has never been more important as it reinforces ALL of our other rights & will eventually set right this ideological quagmire that those on the extreme left have caused in order to seize control by wiping away our rights, because they are seeking to finish the job by means of election fraud. All of which is & has been covered up by the mainstream media outlets that are owned or controlled by those with that same anti-American ideology if not foreign powers spreading propaganda. A war is coming, defend yourselves & stay as safe as you can. God bless America & the great state of Texas.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
The public educational system is not just Left leaning. The Left has sold out to the Progressive movement, in much the same way as it was during the 30's last century. That's the group that kept the US out of WWII until it was attacked by the Japanese and had war declaired on it by Germany and Italy. For years the US watched its closest ally, the UK; burn and we did nothing because of the influence of the Progressives at that time, especially including Margaret Sanger; the founder of Planned Parenthood. Sanger's ideas about abortion were based upon the same ideas Hitler used to kill millions in gas chambers, and Sanger applied that same calculus especially against the Black community in the US.

That's not liberal. That's Left. They're not the same thing. The difference between liberals and traditionalists in Western civilization goes back 2,750 years to ancient Greece and their experimental lab with 16,000 separate democracies. In the West, traditionalists on the right value liberty over radical egalitarianism (equality of outcome) and settle for equality of opportunity. Liberals generally favor equality over liberty. That's a viable, sensible difference and for 2,700 years, democracies have held these two things in tension. Note however, all of the Founders of the US were decidedly on the right. They all valued liberty above equality, and that is the reason so many checks and balances are written into our founding documents. The founders did not trust governemnt at all, and they determined to make it and its role in life as small as possible in order to protect personal Liberty.

Progressivism is something entirely different. Liberals do not champion censoring free speech. They don't champion violence. They don't champion hatred. What we see on our streets is the consequence of Progressivism working its way through the public schools for 20 years, and finally erupting during the tensions of COVID.
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Space Marshal
Aug 20, 2016
RSI Handle
Totally understand and appreciate that, however it's just that one last question - are all Americans taught of the amendment, the right, the reasons behind it and that it is the one and only reason the right to bear arms exists and that anything else is secondary, before the point they have access for whatever personal reasons they may want to access them for?

I don't live in America, have never been there and don't know the education system. I assume this is the case from multiple US TV shows that were imported from the mid-nineties (before their gun ownership episodes were pulled), but I honestly don't know. I appreciate your and other members providing context, however I have yet to have had an answer to the actual question.

Just a yes or no and I can bow out again 🙂
Unfortunately, this one's not a yes or no answer either. Our education system isn't uniform across the nation. It differs wildly from state to state, from school to school, even from teacher to teacher inside a school. So the answer isn't a solid yes or no, but mostly. Everyone is taught about the constitution and its amendments. The degree of detail though is dependent on the school, teacher, and location.

For the most part though, the school systems across the nation are highly opinionated. They base their curriculum in whatever ideology is the current focus. They do so under the guise of equity and fairness, but really are just pushing their own agendas. These agendas tend to pick one or more topic and use the school as a method to push the chosen view point onto the minds of the children attending. I find it to be absolutely deplorable.

Drugs, sex (the act of), religion, guns, knives, bullying, gender, smoking, opinions, and many more have all taken the spotlight at one point or another. They have all either had or have their turn being demonized by the school system. These topics are focused on to the detriment of all others. So while American children may know exactly what a safe space is, and are taught that marijuana leads to sucking d***k for heroin, they are incapable of math'ing their way though a tip percentage at a restaurant. There is even a percentage that make their way through the education system without ever learning how to read. I wish I was kidding.

That's where the responsibility falls on the parent. Once again though, that responsibility isn't always met with action. That's where the real problem is. We, as a nation, are looking at third generation sh-tbags. One set of undisciplined, candy coated parents raises undisciplined, candy coated kids. Those kids raise even more candy coated and undisciplined kids, and so on. The hard work ethics, and morals, along with things like politeness and discipline that my parents instilled in me from a young age, are completely absent from generational knowledge passed down in most families.

This has led to a huge division in America. On one side you have those that hold to traditional values like honesty, morality, hard work, and thinking for yourself. On the other side, you have those that have been raised for the most part without guidance. Their only moral compass is the one that is fed to them daily by social media and whatever trendy beliefs are the topic of the month. So to say that they're lost, indecisive, undisciplined, and soft is an understatement.

Which brings me back to the question. For some, yes. They are taught about the second amendment and the gravity of the subject along with many other important topics. For others, no. They are only taught to focus on the "flavor of the week" and whatever social emergency is currently threatening us all. The good thing is you can usually spot which side of the proverbial fence a person is on. It's kind of like the joke about the marathon runner. "How can you tell if someone runs marathons? Don't worry, they'll tell you."

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
This has led to a huge division in America. On one side you have those that hold to traditional values like honesty, morality, hard work, and thinking for yourself. On the other side, you have those that have been raised for the most part without guidance. Their only moral compass is the one that is fed to them daily by social media and whatever trendy beliefs are the topic of the month. So to say that they're lost, indecisive, undisciplined, and soft is an understatement.
There is one further issue to note. Post-Modernism has become the most common world view in all western civilization. That view holds that truth itself is unobtainable, and that therefore all that matters is that there exist "competing narratives" or ways of describing life, and that these are essentially a power struggle. In Marxism, the struggle was between classes. In today's neo-marxism, the struggle is between races, sexes, anything that the proponents can use to manipulate the masses.

One thing is certain--if you do not believe in the existence of truth, there is no way to observe when you've been lied to. Truth no longer seems to matter. We're raising an entire generation that doesn't care about truth at all. So it doesn't actually help to note to a BLM sloganeer that the police commit less than 1/1000 the malpractice as we see in medicine, or law. People don't care how often police malpractice occurs. The facts simply do not matter to them. What matters is the narrative they've been programmed with.

At the BLM protests there have been many journalists asking protestors how often unarmed black men get killed by police in America. They never have any idea, but wave their hands and say "thousands!" There were nine last year. If people cared about the truth, they'd view the police as excellent at their jobs and though we'd still need to always hold them accountable for malpractice, people would agree they're doing excellent work.

Instead, they're throwing bricks and firebombs.
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Unfortunately, this one's not a yes or no answer either. Our education system isn't uniform across the nation. It differs wildly from state to state, from school to school, even from teacher to teacher inside a school. So the answer isn't a solid yes or no, but mostly. Everyone is taught about the constitution and its amendments. The degree of detail though is dependent on the school, teacher, and location.

For the most part though, the school systems across the nation are highly opinionated. They base their curriculum in whatever ideology is the current focus. They do so under the guise of equity and fairness, but really are just pushing their own agendas. These agendas tend to pick one or more topic and use the school as a method to push the chosen view point onto the minds of the children attending. I find it to be absolutely deplorable.

Drugs, sex (the act of), religion, guns, knives, bullying, gender, smoking, opinions, and many more have all taken the spotlight at one point or another. They have all either had or have their turn being demonized by the school system. These topics are focused on to the detriment of all others. So while American children may know exactly what a safe space is, and are taught that marijuana leads to sucking d***k for heroin, they are incapable of math'ing their way though a tip percentage at a restaurant. There is even a percentage that make their way through the education system without ever learning how to read. I wish I was kidding.

That's where the responsibility falls on the parent. Once again though, that responsibility isn't always met with action. That's where the real problem is. We, as a nation, are looking at third generation sh-tbags. One set of undisciplined, candy coated parents raises undisciplined, candy coated kids. Those kids raise even more candy coated and undisciplined kids, and so on. The hard work ethics, and morals, along with things like politeness and discipline that my parents instilled in me from a young age, are completely absent from generational knowledge passed down in most families.

This has led to a huge division in America. On one side you have those that hold to traditional values like honesty, morality, hard work, and thinking for yourself. On the other side, you have those that have been raised for the most part without guidance. Their only moral compass is the one that is fed to them daily by social media and whatever trendy beliefs are the topic of the month. So to say that they're lost, indecisive, undisciplined, and soft is an understatement.

Which brings me back to the question. For some, yes. They are taught about the second amendment and the gravity of the subject along with many other important topics. For others, no. They are only taught to focus on the "flavor of the week" and whatever social emergency is currently threatening us all. The good thing is you can usually spot which side of the proverbial fence a person is on. It's kind of like the joke about the marathon runner. "How can you tell if someone runs marathons? Don't worry, they'll tell you."
Thank you, as not all Americans are taught it that leaves the country in a very unusual position.

No further questions, backing back out.


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
Thank you, as not all Americans are taught it that leaves the country in a very unusual position.

No further questions, backing back out.
Its more then not taught its as the others have said based upon the ideology of the school and teachers how its taught. The second amendment is a perfect example of this as you can ask two people on different sides of the idological spectrum and they will tell you how they interpret it and it will lead to different conclusions that support their views.

One side pushes heavily the idea that its the rights of the states to to maintain an armed militias that the second amendment applies to and not an indivigual right of the people. As well as the idea that it should be limited to weapons of the era and/or non military looking weapons and even then it should be heavily regulated as to who and why. After all its not like arm citizens can stop a modern military and so its pointless to continue to support that part as its aniquated.

ACLU Position
Given the reference to "a well regulated Militia" and "the security of a free State," the ACLU has long taken the position that the Second Amendment protects a collective right rather than an individual right. For seven decades, the Supreme Court's 1939 decision in United States v. Miller was widely understood to have endorsed that view. This position is currently under review and is being updated by the ACLU National Board in light of the U.S. Supreme Court decision in D.C. v. Heller in 2008.

The other side pushes heavily on the idea that its the right of the people to keep and bear arms and should not be infringed.




Space Marshal
Apr 23, 2014
RSI Handle
One side pushes heavily the idea that its the rights of the states to to maintain an armed militias that the second amendment applies to and not an indivigual right of the people. As well as the idea that it should be limited to weapons of the era and/or non military looking weapons and even then it should be heavily regulated as to who and why. After all its not like arm citizens can stop a modern military and so its pointless to continue to support that part as its aniquated.
You can make a valid argument that the intention of the Second Amendment is to allow the formation of a militia and then stop it there.

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. "

It's a valid interpretation of the second amendment to say that the people have a right to form a well regulated (which you could extrapolate "well regulated" to mean in a modern sense something like a mandatory waiting period and instructional firearm safety calsses) milita and that private citizens unaffiliated with that are SOL.

It's not an argument or interpretation that I support but this is the problem with taking a closing on 300 year old document as being personally penned by Jesus.

It's also a flat out fact that your modern sporting rifle is infinitely more deadly than a flintlock. Top rate of fire back when the Constitution was penned was a whopping 4 rounds per minute if you were really good. The difference between a personal hunting rifle and a standard issue military long arm was basically zilch. Nowadays firearms are more accurate, more deadly, much longer range, and much higher rates of fire with faster reloads. You can make a valid argument that if the framers had knows how much firearm technology would have developed they may have done things differently. But again- 300 year old document being treated as holy and untouchable.

But also I'm seeing a lot of political posts jesus guys slow your roll. Can I just have one website where I don't have to see "LIBERALS BAD" or "ORANGE MAN BAD" or "BLM BAD"?


Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
RSI Handle
For a large portion of the US public school system, it's long since been infiltrated & hijacked by leftist ideologues that seek to "change" (destroy) America "for the better" (in their warped opinions) by abusing their position to brainwash the children during their formative years into hating what America was founded to be.
Counterpoint: America has a two party system that depends on a polarized populace to maintain the status quo. This means my party is the good one that will ensure my family will succeed in life and America will be strong, the other party is evil and represents everything bad and stupid.

With that said, you guys have succeeded in derailing a nice discussion about guns into partisan bullshit which means I will now need to lock it down, good work.


Space Marshal
Apr 5, 2017
RSI Handle
Counterpoint: America has a two party system that depends on a polarized populace to maintain the status quo. This means my party is the good one that will ensure my family will succeed in life and America will be strong, the other party is evil and represents everything bad and stupid.

With that said, you guys have succeeded in derailing a nice discussion about guns into partisan bullshit which means I will now need to lock it down, good work.
Shots fired! On a real note thanks for doing the right thing Now lets get back to talking about guns and not the ethics behind them.


Space Marshal
Sep 28, 2017
RSI Handle
A buddy of mine recently learned how to throw knives, found that the expensive high quality butter knives his wife recently purchased were weighted perfectly and have appropriate stiffness for throwing. So he posted videos of him throwing them into a large log, driving deeply into it and mentioned he's adding them to his home defense plan...
...unfortunately, they seem to have worked counter to his defense against wife plan as I haven't seen him post anything for a while.


Space Marshal
Apr 5, 2017
RSI Handle
A buddy of mine recently learned how to throw knives, found that the expensive high quality butter knives his wife recently purchased were weighted perfectly and have appropriate stiffness for throwing. So he posted videos of him throwing them into a large log, driving deeply into it and mentioned he's adding them to his home defense plan...
...unfortunately, they seem to have worked counter to his defense against wife plan as I haven't seen him post anything for a while.
His wife decided to use him as a practice log after he discovered her new skill and purpose for the knives.
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