Combat - Testing Observations and Questions


Space Marshal
Aug 14, 2017
RSI Handle
Hi All,

Come over, grab a beer :beer: and have a seat.

I've been doing some combat testing over a few weeks and got some interesting observations, which led to some questions that I'd like to get your thoughts on.

I did combat testing in Aurora, F7C Hornet, and Andromeda.

0) Testing is always better when you are fueled up with beer, so no questions there. Though an interesting and very important finding that the larger the ship, the more beer it can carry.

1) It seems like it's always much easier to destroy a pirate ship than the same player ship. And I'm not talking about the maneuvering and hitting, but the number of hits required to destroy a target. Player ships appear to be incredibly tanky. Even in situations where I'm in a connie and the opponent is in an Aurora or 350R. The pirate ship may pop after as little as 2 shots. Something larger, like a pirate Cutlass for example, can have its engines broken off and shards flying around after 2-3 hits, then explodes after few more hits.
On the other hand, a player controlled ship can survive dozens of hits and be just slightly damaged if at all, and the connie has 4x size 4 guns. Not talking about a smaller ship, like a Hornet - you can shoot and shoot and the enemy doesn't have a scratch.
I even had a case where a player was static, I've been shooting connie's guns non-stop until they overheat and deplete all charge, and when they did, shot 16 missiles (all hit, as the player didn't move). This scenario happened twice with a player in a Hornet and in a Sabre (I've read about Sabre's bugged shield transfer rate, but connie's guns should have depleted any small ship's shields very quickly).

2) It also seems like the damage you take from players is way greater than you take from pirates. You can fight many pirates and be fine, especially in something with a large enought shield, like a connie. But players seem to hit you much harder. I had cases where a newly spawned connie with full shield was severely damaged by Hornet's 1 missile (seemed to be class 1 missile, but one engine was torn away). Or in many cases a newly spawned connie with full shields destroyed by 2 missiles. Same for guns - few hits, too much damage. Also for something smaller like a Hornet, things appear even tougher.
This is very interesting, as if damage coming from a player is indeed much greater than damage coming from an NPC, then I would expect my damage to also be quite large on non-npc players, but this doesn't seem to be the case.

So, questions here are:
- Did you experience the same?
- What can this be: bugs (the game is Alpha), lagging?
- Players with rented equipment? Did anyone rent equipment (guns, shields, etc). Is it really much more powerful than stock and can cause the above situations? But I would assume it's quite unlikely that absolutely everyone has rented equipment.

What are your thoughts on this?


Space Marshal
Staff member
Mar 15, 2016
RSI Handle
0) absolutely true :beers:
1) Yes, it is harder to kill players then NPCs, but I didn't count the hits, I use repeaters, so I guess it is also caused by evasion. NPCs don't evade as good as players do. The course of NPCs is more predictable. I noticed that leading your target helps hitting it. If the targets course is predictable, leading is easier. Players tend to take more aggressive evasive actions, which makes leading harder.
1a) Static players means eminent server crash. No damage is dealt during static phase, probably the server will crash before static phase is over
2) that depends on the players skills. 4 pirate 350Rs or 2-3 pirate Gladius can do a lot of damage to one Super Hornet if the Super Hornet is the bait and all pirates target you. You can evade fire from 1 or 2 directions, but when the fire comes from more directions, you will take damage, especially since the Gladius (not sure of the 350R) uses ballistics.
I once tried to lure a sabre out of an asteroid field, just applying reverse throttle, I forgot to strafe side wards. When the Sabre came in range, I reacted too slow and it ripped my Super Hornet up in a few seconds. Evasion is the key too taking and dealing damage to NPCs or players
3) You would be a fool not to rent better weapons. When flying fixed, a higher size matters. When fighting evasive targets, slow shooting weapons miss more often, better hit with one heavy missile and deal damage, then scratch the paint with multiple light missiles.


Space Marshal
Oct 8, 2016
RSI Handle
- Players with rented equipment? Did anyone rent equipment (guns, shields, etc). Is it really much more powerful than stock and can cause the above situations? But I would assume it's quite unlikely that absolutely everyone has rented equipment.
3) You would be a fool not to rent better weapons. When flying fixed, a higher size matters. When fighting evasive targets, slow shooting weapons miss more often, better hit with one heavy missile and deal damage, then scratch the paint with multiple light missiles.
^ What he said. The bigger the gun, the bigger the punch. The stock weapons on most ships are usually smaller than the mount can take, usually because of the use of gimbals. I don't really like the gimbals, so I take them off and put on the bigger weapon.

You can earn REC in Arena Commander (there's some debate, but most people agree that racing is the fastest way to earn REC) and then spend it in the Electronic Access store on the RSI website. Try to borrow somebody's ship to test out weapons ahead of time, if you can, you can see what you prefer.


Space Marshal
Jan 1, 2016
RSI Handle
I always get my arse kicked no matter if it is an NPC Gladius or a player Aurora. I'm toast.

I am running a phenom2 6 core 2.8 with a gtx750, so that may explain it a bit.
I ran on something like that for a while. It sucked. Join the army and get a monthly payment plan with low 30% interest like I did


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
I ran on something like that for a while. It sucked. Join the army and get a monthly payment plan with low 30% interest like I did
I am glad to hear there is hope - I wonder if Star Citizen will become a game so good i'll be willing to drop my Pacifist tendencies just so I can have a computer strong enough to play it...?

Give Peace A Chance, it's the only way i'll be able to play the game!

If I could get away with it i'd only upgrade the graphics card because I 'aint got no money but i really don't know if that is going to help at all.


Space Marshal
Jan 1, 2016
RSI Handle
I am glad to hear there is hope - I wonder if Star Citizen will become a game so good i'll be willing to drop my Pacifist tendencies just so I can have a computer strong enough to play it...?

Give Peace A Chance, it's the only way i'll be able to play the game!

If I could get away with it i'd only upgrade the graphics card because I 'aint got no money but i really don't know if that is going to help at all.
I'm a hippie. They gave me a job shoveling shit. It's great!


Space Marshal
May 20, 2014
RSI Handle
... I wonder if Star Citizen will become a game so good i'll be willing to drop my Pacifist tendencies just so I can have a computer strong enough to play it...?
Give Peace A Chance, it's the only way i'll be able to play the game!
do virtual violence to internet pixels, go to sleep IRL with a clear conscience


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
do virtual violence to internet pixels, go to sleep IRL with a clear conscience
Only in single-player.

PvP there is dudes out there, and with death of a spaceman and persistence you're going to ruin someones day totaling their ships.


Space Marshal
May 20, 2014
RSI Handle
Only in single-player.

PvP there is dudes out there, and with death of a spaceman and persistence you're going to ruin someones day totaling their ships.
if my opponent doesn't realize their loss is virtual, that's their personal problem - I'm not going to let it be mine

everyone knows going in, it's a sandbox game with no certain outcomes

we can all walk away with no RL consequences

anyone that feels they have to spend their RL time or money to replace in-game losses needs to take a hard look at their life choices


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
if my opponent doesn't realize their loss is virtual, that's their personal problem - I'm not going to let it be mine

everyone knows going in, it's a sandbox game with no certain outcomes

we can all walk away with no RL consequences

anyone that feels they have to spend their RL time or money to replace in-game losses needs to take a hard look at their life choices
Thats the most unique way I've seen of someone drawing a target on their back :slight_smile:

I have announced an intention, but i reserve the right to change it, whereas you'll have anyone meeting mgk in the PU either watching their backs or taking "preemptive measures" :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Pirates be like "Oh thats NaffNaff, he's no fun he always runs away" and that may be the case for 86% of the time, but the other 14% of the time? If there is ever a survivor, at that point i'm sure they'll tell you about it.


May 21, 2017
RSI Handle
if my opponent doesn't realize their loss is virtual, that's their personal problem - I'm not going to let it be mine

everyone knows going in, it's a sandbox game with no certain outcomes

we can all walk away with no RL consequences

anyone that feels they have to spend their RL time or money to replace in-game losses needs to take a hard look at their life choices

I bought my pixels fair and square and if they try to take them away I will likely have to spend a few DAYS working my way up to replace them, do you think I would pay good money to easily replac... oh... oh right I get it now. I'm sorry I was just emotional is all. I see what you did there.


Space Marshal
Oct 30, 2015
RSI Handle
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