Concern increasing that Alpha 2.0 will not be this year and what that means for SC


Space Marshal
Jul 2, 2014
RSI Handle
Title says it all. Getting this in our hands(not just on the PTU) as soon as possible will do a lot to quell the worries about the game and boost funding significantly. I hope they can pull it off for everyone's sake.


Space Marshal
Apr 23, 2014
RSI Handle
It will be more or less the same, I think.

CIG will never flat out say "oh yeah we think it will be another X months", but will constantly cock tease all the fan base with "in a few weeks!" "Soon!" "Just a few more blockers!"

CIG white knights will rush out saying "this shit takes time, it'll be out soon, omg game development takes time!"

CIG detractors will point out another delay and call it a scam or something. Derek Smart will say something retarded as usual.

And I'll be tearing my hair out because I'm so fucking sick of Arena Commander as it is currently.

Black Sunder

Rock Raiders
Jun 19, 2014
RSI Handle
Frankly I'd rather it be at Christmas they release it. I'm still having a lot of fun on the journey to Star Citizen.


Vice Admiral
Nov 11, 2014
RSI Handle
IMHO if they don't get it out by the end of the year, it'll mean almost literally nothing. It's not like they really need a significant boost of funding, particularly since the anniversary sale and Crucible concept sale will guarantee funding spikes regardless of whether they release new content. Whenever it does come out it'll definitely help the hype and drive up activity across the board, but in that respect there's really not much of a difference if that happens next week or next summer.

It'll come when it's ready, and it'll be great for SC when it does, but it's not going to be a huge problem if it doesn't come out immediately.


Space Marshal
Nov 21, 2014
RSI Handle
I would be happy with a couple of Deep Dives at this point..... Like the Exploration stuff and Medical things..... I liked the Mining post, it had a lot of good info in it. there are still to many unknowns for the Explorer and Medical/SAR. Like, will I be able to rescue people in AC2.0, how about scan asteroid fields, will there be any derelicts in the Alpha stage at all, not just 2.0, but 2.1, or even 2.8? Sorry, my head just exploded.
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Krystal LeChuck

Meme Meister
Staff member
Jun 10, 2014
RSI Handle
I estimate 2.0 in 2 weeks tops if what they say in development updates are true. DiscoLando said it won't be releasing this week and it is kinda expected but I don't believe it will be more than 2-3 weeks from now.


Space Marshal
Oct 20, 2014
RSI Handle
I think that CIG screwed themselves pretty hard when they insisted on doing "polish passes" on alpha builds of components of the game.

Maybe if they started by releasing things that actually just had the damn game-play blockers in them (and then pushing patches as they got to things) people would better understand what the entire development process looks like from alpha to launch. Instead we've been trained to expect modules that are better polished than many full games. They cannot release a module at this point that isn't at least as "good" as any other module else they risk some stupid #&RIOT% bullshit because people feel entitled. But on the other hand they can't take too long to get the modules out because A) They did promise us modules and B) they've built themselves up to the point where people are expecting a certain level of content/quality on a timely schedule (even though most people don't understand that schedule).

2.0 could be in 3 weeks, it could be in 3 months. I'm definitely glad it's coming, but until it's here everyone needs to just calm down, play something else and have a beer.

Reptar Khan

Vice Admiral
Feb 22, 2015
RSI Handle
+1. Pushing out 2.0 before it's ready would do WAY more harm than delaying its release.
Pushing out Star Marine before it's ready I think would do more harm (player base & code base wise) than delaying. Hence why they did the "Oh did we say AC2.0 & Star Marine were next? No we are doing something way cooler Alpha PTU2.0?!?! Just wait a little bit longer...." Bait and switch thing.


Grand Admiral
Apr 25, 2014
RSI Handle
From a purely marketing standpoint, getting 2.0 out by the Anniversary sale would be the optimal result.

This is probably why they decided to push Star Marine back beyond 2.0, rather than having Star Marine release sooner than 2.0.

If 2.0 isn't released by the Anniversary sale, it'll take a chunk out of the potential sales numbers - so I think CIG has a lot to prove right now.
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Space Marshal
Jul 2, 2014
RSI Handle
IMHO if they don't get it out by the end of the year, it'll mean almost literally nothing. It's not like they really need a significant boost of funding, particularly since the anniversary sale and Crucible concept sale will guarantee funding spikes regardless of whether they release new content. Whenever it does come out it'll definitely help the hype and drive up activity across the board, but in that respect there's really not much of a difference if that happens next week or next summer.

It'll come when it's ready, and it'll be great for SC when it does, but it's not going to be a huge problem if it doesn't come out immediately.
I am worried that the funding is a bigger issue than they have let on. I think the confidence level is at an all time low and we need this boost of content to get it(and sales) back on track.


Space Marshal
Jul 2, 2014
RSI Handle
From a purely marketing standpoint, getting 2.0 out by the Anniversary sale would be the optimal result.

This is probably why they decided to push Star Marine back beyond 2.0, rather than having Star Marine release sooner than 2.0.

If 2.0 isn't released by the Anniversary sale, it'll take a chunk out of the potential sales numbers - so I think CIG has a lot to prove right now.
I agree. A 2.0 release during the sale could bring in millions of dollars and thousands of new backers.


Grand Admiral
Apr 25, 2014
RSI Handle
I am worried that the funding is a bigger issue than they have let on. I think the confidence level is at an all time low and we need this boost of content to get it(and sales) back on track.
I dont think it's as big of an issue as you think. You ever heard of mutual funds or interest funds? I imagine CIG socked a sizable chunk of their early crowdfunded money away into that account to have it grow, and they put more money in than they withdraw.

Say you raise $5 million in three months. $4 million of that goes into the fund to help pay for leases, regular expenses, etc. $1 million goes to monthly expenses.

In effect, you bleed money much slower than you would if you had simply let the crowdfunded money sit there.


Vice Admiral
Nov 11, 2014
RSI Handle
I am worried that the funding is a bigger issue than they have let on. I think the confidence level is at an all time low and we need this boost of content to get it(and sales) back on track.
I'm not. It's INCREDIBLY unlikely that they're at risk of running out of money any time soon.

*EDIT* Also, I strongly disagree that confidence level is at an all time low considering the stuff they showed off at Gamescom and Citizencon.
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Space Marshal
Jul 2, 2014
RSI Handle
I'm not. It's INCREDIBLY unlikely that they're at risk of running out of money any time soon.

*EDIT* Also, I strongly disagree that confidence level is at an all time low considering the stuff they showed off at Gamescom and Citizencon.
Unfortunately, we don't know how well off CIG is right now with regards to funds. I worry that they still have a long road ahead and will need everything they can get. I think the super faithful are still very confident in the game, however, I am more concerned about the folks that have yet to pledge that don't see much for their money right now. I was impressed by the tech shown at both Gamescom and Citizencon, however, nothing of that is in our hands yet. I'm not saying the game is doomed, but I think they need a fresh injection of content to keep the sales rolling.
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