Convince me it's still fun


Space Marshal
Jan 31, 2016
RSI Handle
Because my time back in has been awful.

New gaming rig is running great but same BASIC, foundational gameplay issues remain, and now can't jump anywhere without multiple asteroid and pirate encounters along obvious shipping lanes, and I just got doubleteamed by a couple pirate Gladii trying to pick up a job and lost my Avenger again.

This after claiming it on insurance and hitting expedite when it showed no charge, then charged me 700 UEC.

This is what has been accomplished in 5 months?

Is there not a low key/low stress way to earn some coin and explore a little without getting my ass torn off every time I leave Port Oli? Used to be you could just start with small 500 UEC trades and eventually build up to some good cargo runs.

Very F'ing salty and frustrated right now.



Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
Because my time back in has been awful.

New gaming rig is running great but same BASIC, foundational gameplay issues remain, and now can't jump anywhere without multiple asteroid and pirate encounters along obvious shipping lanes, and I just got doubleteamed by a couple pirate Gladii trying to pick up a job and lost my Avenger again.

This after claiming it on insurance and hitting expedite when it showed no charge, then charged me 700 UEC.

This is what has been accomplished in 5 months?

Is there not a low key/low stress way to earn some coin and explore a little without getting my ass torn off every time I leave Port Oli? Used to be you could just start with small 500 UEC trades and eventually build up to some good cargo runs.

Very F'ing salty and frustrated right now.

Remember, it's an Alphaaahahahaha... Yeah, I can't tell you that with a straight face either. It's getting kinda silly tbh.
I can't give you any good reasons. Sorry.

It's strange how you got multiple asteroids and pirates along the routes, while I had non since 3.1. I used to have the same issue back in 3.1, but after a week they patched something in the backgorund and it was all gone. Try again on another server / on another day, maybe things get reset and you won't be hitting these during travel.
The problems/bugs with everything still remains the same. Nothing much had changed, but if you give em the rest of your wallet, you can try mining! While framerates are still atrocious, at least stability has improved a lot. Also you can now log out and back in on your ships and it mostly works!
I still get the bugged out mobiglas, any time I try playing some UI element is missing (target markers, planet markers, travel markers, speed readout, whatever...), AI is still mostly unkillable in PU due to way too fast shield recharge and about 1/1000 hits registering, trading bugged as always, and so on and so on...

As for low key earning, go for box pickup-delivery missions. Those are easy and work, last time I checked.

If you had enough of fighting the same issues, and bugs ruining your experience, I'd suggest to stay away for a few more months.
It seems to me that CIG is mostly working on adding in game mechanics and assetts, while they are slowly progressing on some larger technical improvements in the background. I just hope that 3.3 brings all the backend tech improvements that makes things work better and faster, and try playing it then.


Jul 14, 2018
RSI Handle
It's still fun. Need I say more?

In seriousness, regarding your concerns:

1. Noobifier on YouTube shared how his system is set up and how he gets much better FPS than it seems most of us do, if that is what you meant by having a solid gaming rig but still with issues. While most of the issues are centered around the servers, there is hardware that helps. Although I wouldn't suggest buying all new hardware to run an Alpha game well.

2. I had a server where I kept getting interdicted and got slightly annoying. For the most part I just ignored it and flew a little ways away and went on but when I logged off and back in it switched servers and everything was good again. I've done the same thing if the game is excessively laggy or there are some griefers preventing me from doing missions or visiting certain places.

3. I don't expedite claims since it eats at my available aUEC (FYI, all expediting now costs aUEC). Instead I might fly my Aurora (since it takes less than 5 minutes to claim) around while waiting for another ship to be returned, maybe do do some simple missions, try and sneak onto other players' ships without them noticing (my goal is to sneak on one then sneak off again when they land somewhere), or just EVA around Olisar exploring all the little nooks and crannies.

4. If you are losing your rear end because it is being ripped from your body by another player, not much I can help with. But if you keep getting attacked and unable to play, switch servers. As far as earning coin, since 3.2.1, I found profits on trading have been very low and unless you have a cargo-type ship with a lot of capacity you aren't going to earn much. My Cutlass has the most of what I own so it's extremely slow to earn if you want to buy anything like upgrades for your ship.

Ultimately, yes it is still fun but maybe I'm not a good source since I only recently started following Star Citizen from a LONG hiatus and didn't even know until a couple of months ago that you could even enter into the game. So in my eyes, they've come a LONG way! Right now, the mechanics are just not set up to deal with griefers, balancing interdiction, trade, and missions, and so on. But fun to me can be as simple as jumping in one of the very few ships I own, flying along the long axis of Port Olisar a few kilometers out, then turning around and hitting max afterburner flying through the rings of Port Olisar; or EVAing right in front of the pilot window of a ship to take a look at the pilot and imagining what he's thinking as he sees me through his window.

See you in the 'Verse!


Space Marshal
Sep 17, 2016
RSI Handle
I feel for you bro. If you want a little boost and less risk to loosing all you aUEC on a cargo run, spend $20 on a UEC pack, it'll be available in game right now so you have some aUEC to spare to do some runs with.


Space Marshal
Mar 10, 2016
RSI Handle
I do not play take this with a pinch of salt (it isn't worth me upgrading my pc for). Its Alpha it is very clear from the development logs that nothing is going to change soon push back is normal etc. So lark around in the ptu but do not take it seriously.

When you talk about development time of 5 months as if that's meaniful, where you not here for the no updates in a year last year?


Space Marshal
Staff member
Mar 15, 2016
RSI Handle
Come do the 25 on 25 play session this Saturday, playing with all us other idiots is more fun than by your lonesome.
Play with your testies......

teammates, i mean.
Yeap, merc missions are a little bit difficult right now, either you snipe your targets from a distance or you have troubles getting your pip on target, but the last RR event was really fun. After 7 hours I really was wasted.
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Space Marshal
Jun 5, 2016
RSI Handle
The game is fun in certain areas, but they have completely borked the economy. By letting people buy as much UEC as they want, they will either have to balance around them, or let them be super overpowered and balance against the new person

They are already balancing against large haulers meaning small haulers can’t make much money. I am not sure they realize how much damage all these ship sales and UEC sales will do to the game economy
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Frad in'Ryth

Vice Admiral
May 25, 2017
RSI Handle
It can be fun if you make it fun and that's different for every person, no one else can tell you if it's fun.
Given your reaction to the current state, I'd suggest walking away until Beta. Checking every 5 months is not really going to show the kind of amazing strides you're clearly desiring.
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Space Marshal
Apr 8, 2016
RSI Handle
I can't convince you it is fun, as it is not. Making money in the game is no fun. Mining is the most fun way but I aint got a prospector so no fun for me!

I'll probably start playing again next year see if anythings improved.


Space Marshal
Jan 31, 2016
RSI Handle
OK, I elected to just take the DangerTurtle out for a spin last night, in VR, no fighting, no mission, just cruising, and it was fun - jetted out to Daymar and walked around on the surface for a bit then jumped out to Delamar and checked out Levski and it was everything I hoped for in VR, literally like being IN a Firefly episode, and I was short of time so I bought some armor and an SMG so I have a chance on the ground when I do try and do some pickup/drop-off missions.

There are control issues when using vorpX, like being able to get the mouse onto an MFD for Comms and such, so not possible to call up for landing - I just hover over a pad and wait for them to store the ship, seems to work.

Edited to add - I forgot that for VR you need to activate OpenTrack for head tracking, will try again later today - I REALLY want this to work in VR, it is SOOOOO much more immersive - I literally had my breathe taken away when I walked out onto a strut at Port O and looked up at Crusader, it was so massive.

Still have no idea how I earned a crime stat, only ships I have fired on shot at me first and were pirates....and it is still there.

I am disappointed that the economy seems so broken, I really enjoyed the medical and pizza and beer runs, starting in my Avenger and slowly working up to filling the Connie.

I am very happy with the new gaming rig build, Gigabyte A370 HD3 MoBo, i7 8700K OC'd to 4.8 GHz, 32GB of 3000 MHz DDR4 (going to 64 eventually) and GTX 1070 Ti, thing is a monster. 30-40 FPS in VR in vorpX, and 40-60 FPS at 4K on my 24" monitor, the game still looks fantastic .

I know the ship design guys are not the coders but I'm gettin' salty that some of the foundational issues that have existed since 3.0 dropped are still here which is a little baffling (netcode stutters and lockups, getting stuck in some contorted position in EVA and either not being able to get out, occasional forever loading screen) along with new ones like crazy gravity behavior in Arena Commander Free Flight. And all the new ship designs coming out especially when they keep jumping the line over ships some of us have been waiting on for a long time.

But at least I had an enjoyable evening, probably had about 90 minutes uninterrupted and largely functional and it did remind me of the promise the sim shows.

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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Your crime stat comes from not landing properly - basically, you got yourself a Parking Ticket of the Future.

One of the earlier 3.2 patches had a bug where you couldn't land properly so everyone got a crime stat.
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