Coronavirus COVID-19 Thread


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
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COVID Catharsis Corner - Reports from around the world from today, Sunday 27th of December:

- World: 80,566,313 confirmed cases and 1,761,429 confirmed deaths

- World: Passes 80 million cases, we passed 79 million on Friday meaning an additional 1 million cases in the last 2/3 days.

- US: Passes 19 million confirmed cases.

- US: President Trump fails to sign stimulus and unemployment aid package in to law by the Saturday deadline, in direct contradiction to the party he is President for, taking a Democrat line that the package should be more generous - something the Republicans fought hard to bring down to a much lower level - this now risks a Government shutdown on Tuesday.

- Canada: Reports UK COVID variant detected.

- Jordan: Reports cases of UK COVID variant.

- Norway: Reports cases of UK COVID variant.

- Europe: Vaccine rollout coordinated across multiple countries, doses began being administered today.

- Germany: Vaccine program delayed after concern over the cold-delivery chain.

- Wales: Cardiff health board appeals for urgent help as situation in University Hospital of Wales became critical on Boxing Day.

- Russia: Putin to receive Sputnik V vaccine.

- South Africa: President calls emergency meeting as country passes 1 million confirmed cases.

- Switzerland/UK: Ski resort of Verbier was placed under retrospective quarantine for any British Citizen who arrived since December 14th due to new variant COVID-19, but 200 of the 420 guests left in the night having cooperated only for the first day. A spokesman said: “Many of them stayed in quarantine for a day before they set off unnoticed under the cover of darkness,” and went on to say it was “the worst week our community has ever experienced” - A personal observation: As all of their details will be held with the hotel, it seems unlikely these silly bastards will evade justice for their selfish and dangerous acts under a period of global pandemic.

- Turkey/China: First delivery of Chinese Sinovac vaccine to Turkey delayed following outbreak of COVID at Being Customs, delaying the shipment by a day or two.
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
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COVID Catharsis Corner - reports from around the world from today, Monday 28th of December:

- World: 81,072,988 confirmed cases and 1,769,930 confirmed deaths.

- World: Passes 81 million cases, we passes 80 million yesterday meaning an additional 1 million cases in the last 1/2 days.

- UK: Sees record high new daily cases, at 41,385.

- UK: Number of people being treated for COVID in hospitals is now 20,426, passing previous record high from the first wave which was 19k - Concerns are raised, as although spare bed capacity can be created by opening field "Nightingale" hospitals and opening mothballed wards in hospitals, there just isn't the spare staff capacity to tend to all the sick adequately if the caseload keep going up and up, with several hospitals having already cancelled routine surgeries and services.

- Finland: Reports two case of UK COVID variant and once case of the South Africa COVID variant.

- US: President trump finally signs stimulus package.

- US: Novavax to begin large scale trials of their vaccine candidate with up to 30k volunteers across the US and Mexico.

- Germany: Eight care home workers get five times the correct vaccine dose by mistake. No serious side effects have been reported so far beyond mild flu like symptoms in four of them. They have been admitted to hospital for observation.

- World: Today is one year to the day that China informed the WHO that they had cases of Pneumonia with an unknown cause reported in Wuhan. The WHO tweeted today: "This week marks the one-year anniversary since WHO learned of cases of ‘pneumonia with unknown cause’ via a bulletin issued by the health authorities in Wuhan and ProMed. We immediately set up an incident management structure to follow this development".
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Sep 15, 2019
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
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COVID Catharsis Corner - Reports from around the world from today, Tuesday 29th of December:

- World: 81,681,986 confirmed cases and 1,781,713 confirmed deaths.

- UK: Sees record high new cases for second day in a row, at 53,135.

- Ireland: Sees record high new daily cases.

- Chile: Records case of UK COVID variant.

- Germany: Indicates UK variant has been in the country since November, which appears to have been bought back to Germany from Britain in an elderly couple one of whom survived and one of whom sadly perished to the condition.

- UK: Margaret Keenan, the first person to get Pfizer vaccine outside of trials, receives second dose. Should have peak immunity in the next 5 to 7 days.

- Australia: Country up in arms as Sydney's Bronte Beach sees a Christmas Day gathering breaches pretty much every rule in the book. Suspicions fall on backpackers and other visitors from out of the country, a warning has been issued that all perpetrators will be deported.

- France: Poll indicates only 4 in 10 people in France plan to take the COVID vaccine.

- Russia: Change of recording the death toll to take death certificates where COVID was listed but not listed as the main cause of death, and also analyzing the excess deaths level, changes official total from 55,827 to somewhere around 186,000. This takes Russia to third highest level of fatalities globally.

- Denmark: Extends lockdown to 17th January.

- Spain: To keep a register of everyone who refuses COVID vaccine.

- Argentina: Begins inoculation program using Sputnik V vaccine.
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Sep 15, 2019
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We've moved into Tier 4 where I live like it actually means anything,

Our pm, our leader, the man with the brains

" The problem is not the schools... the issue is the spread from mixing households... that's what we're trying to combat"

Anyone else sees the problem with this statement?
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
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COVID Catharsis Corner - Reports from around the world from today, Wednesday 30th of December:

- World: 82,330,554 confirmed cases and 1,797,732 confirmed deaths.

- World: Passes 82 million cases, we passed 81 million on Monday meaning another million cases in the last 2/3 days.

- UK: Approves Oxford University/AstaZeneca vaccine which although less efficient at only a 70% rating (still very high for a vaccine) is much easier to transport and store, only needing a regular fridge to keep cool. Intention is to have it rolled out for inoculations as soon as Monday - with the number of doses of this one and the Pfizer vaccine already delivered, they should now have enough to vaccinate the whole population of the UK.

- UK: Secondary schools to remain closed for an additional 2 weeks in effort to curb cases.

- UK: Counties of Essex and Buckinghamshire declare a "Major Incident" as hospitals struggle under the pressure of the rising serious cases in the areas.

- UK: 23 areas to move up to top Tier 4 and many places moving from Tier 2 to Teir 3. 44 million people now under Tier 4, there are only 60 million ish people in the UK.

- UK: Sees 981 new daily deaths, the highest number since April.

- US: Passes 340,000 confirmed deaths.

- US: Support builds to boost stimulus package following criticism from the president fighting his own political party to back other party wishes.

- Germany: Sees record high new daily deaths passing 1000 in a single day.

- Russia: To introduce Vaccine Passports in 2021 to prove citizens have been injected.

- China: SInopharm releases advice that their vaccine candidate is 79% effective.

- France: To roll out 100,000 police to ensure New Years parties do not cause pandemic to spike.
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
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We've moved into Tier 4 where I live like it actually means anything,

Our pm, our leader, the man with the brains

" The problem is not the schools... the issue is the spread from mixing households... that's what we're trying to combat"

Anyone else sees the problem with this statement?
Lol. Clownshoes.

Further to that, there has been a delay of secondary schools going back by two weeks - I fully expect that to extend - but Primary schools are only being kept closed in the southeast:


Apparently the above have "Particularly high infection rates" like everywhere that's gone into "stay at home" Tier 4 means they are not seeing very high infection rates - so rather than keep them all closed across the country to help pull the infection rate down everywhere, they just leave them open to allow the transmission to continue via that vector until those areas get infected enough to close them...? erm, *shrugs*
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
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COVID Catharsis Corner - Reports from around the world from today, Thursday 31st of December:

- World: 83,113,878 confirmed cases and 1,812,218 confirmed deaths.

- World: Passes 83 million cases. We passed 82 million cases yesterday, meaning an additional 1 million cases in the last 1/2 days.

- US: Call for stimulus cheques to be raised form the current $600 to $2000 blocked by Senate Majority Leader.

- US: Misses target to vaccinate 20 million by eend of year, having attended to 2.8 million to this point.

- US: Wisconsin health worker reported to have deliberately spoiled 500 doses of vaccine by intentionally removing them from refrigeration. Initially it was taken to have been a mistake, however the worker later admitted to having moved them intentionally.

- UK: Sees record high new daily cases for third day in a row, at 55,892.

- UK: Officials tell the population to stay home for New Years, as case load from limited mixing on Christmas Day begins to show itself.

- Brazil: Discovers 2 cases of UK strain of COVID-19.

- China: Reports first imported case of UK strain of COVID-19.

- France: Discovers first case of South African strain of COVID-19.

- Portugal: Sees record high new daily cases.

- Slovakia: Sees record high new daily cases.

- Belgium: After a visit from Santa on 5th of December to an Elderly Care Home, 26 residents die of COVID-19 and 85 more test positive. It is not yet clear if it was the visit which bought the infection into the setting however the timing does coincide.

- China: Sinopharm vaccine first to be approved for "General use" - which is approval outside of Emergency legislation.
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
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COVID Catharsis Corner - Reports from around the world from today, Friday the 1st of January 2021.

- World: 83,752,757 confirmed cases and 1,823,445 confirmed deaths.

- US: Passes 20 million confirmed cases.

- US: Analysis currently being undertaken suggests UK variant may have been in USA since October. Sequencing of samples is being undertaken and move conclusive results are expected in the next few days. Confirmed cases of the variant have now been discovered in Colorado, California and Florida.

- Turkey: Reports 15 UK Variant COVID cases and suspends travel arrivals from the UK.

- World: New Years events cancelled or restrained across the planet as COVID grips the planet.

- India: Approves Oxford University/AstraZeneca vaccine.

- UK: London to close all primary schools (elementary schools?) after plan to leave some in some parts of the city open whilst closing some in other parts. Still no indication that any others outside of the South West are to close, though.

- Mexico: Long queues form in Mexico City for people to refill oxygen bottles for treatment of sick at home.

- Isle Of Man: New cluster discovered after two people test positive. Public advised risk is small - the first person arrived on the Island under an exemption to start a new job and completed their 14 day isolation before later developing symptoms, the second person was a member of that household.

- France: Strengthens curfew in 15 areas to start at 6pm.

- UK: Singer Tom Jones receives COVID vaccine. Says it's a "perk of being 80".

- Philippines: To suspend US travel arrivals between 3rd and 15th of January.

- Poland: Poll reveals 41% of Polish people want to get vaccinated and 39% are against it with the rest undecided.

- Thailand: Capital Bangkok to close schools for 2 weeks to help curb cases.
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
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COVID Catharsis Corner - Reports from around the world from today, Saturday 2nd of January.

- World: 84,267,466 confirmed cases and 1,831,857 confirmed deaths.

- World: Passes 84 million cases, we passed 83 million on Thursday meaning another million cases in the last 2/3 days.

- UK: Sees record high new daily cases at 57,725.

- UK: Multiple hospitals across the country now not able to offer other services such as Cancer operations as wards fill with serious COVID cases.

- UK: Government under pressure to keep all schools closed until at least 2 weeks after Christmas to mitigate transmission from infections picked up during the relaxation of mixing rules on the 25th of December. So far no sign of concession.

- UK: 17 arrested at Anti-Lockdown protest in London attended by 300.

- UK: Hospitals begin receiving Oxford University/AstraZeneca vaccine.

- US: Doctors issue concern and advise they are now waiting for the post-christmas surge.

- US: Distribution issues indicated to be one of the leading causes for failure to hit 20 million vaccinated by the end of 2020, described as "inept" and "in chaos".

- Israel: Has vaccinated 12% of the population so far, the highest rate at present.

- France: 2,500 attended illegal new-years rave.

- Ireland: Official describes virus as "absolutely rampant" in the country.

- Vietnam: Records first case of UK variant COVID.
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
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COVID Catharsis Corner - Reports from around the world from today, Sunday 3rd of Jan:

- World: 84,864,867 confirmed cases and 1,839,847 confirmed deaths.

- US: Sees record high new daily cases at 299,087.

- US: Passes 350,000 total deaths, CDC data suggests total death toll may be closer to 470,000.

- UK: Confirmed deaths passes 75,000.

- UK: High street pharmacist Boots and national supermarket Tesco offer their services to distribute vaccine across the country.

- UK: Pressure continues on the government to close schools. Counters with observation that risk is low in schools - critics counter that with the risk of death is low, the risk of transmission through the school child population and back to their parents and families is significantly higher. Prime Minister goes on record saying parents must prepare to send their children to school on Monday (tomorrow) wherever they are not closed, but also indicates he sees the need for even tighter restrictions soon.

- US/UK: New York Times pressed to amend article on COVID vaccinations as it indicates the UK is mixing between COVID vaccines, as most have two doses and the second does not necessarily have to be the same as the first. This is not currently the case - only one vaccine, Pfizer, is being administered at present with the Oxford/Astra to begin injections on monday - although research is being conducted as to what effect doing this would have, for example with the Sputnik V and Oxford University vaccines (in certain circumstances this practice can yield as high or higher results while reducing costs.)

- Greece: Detects first cases of UK Varient COVID-19 in returning travelers.

- Cypress: Detects 12 cases of UK Varient COVID-19 in returning travelers.

- India: Approves second vaccine, produced by Indian company Bharat Biotech however it has not yet been through large scale trials and lacks efficiency data. An official said it had been approved "in public interest as an abundant precaution, in clinical trial mode, to have more options for vaccinations, especially in case of infection by mutant strains". About 30 vaccine candidates are being developed in India.

- Egypt: Approves Sinopharm vaccine.

- Brazil: Approves import of 2 million doses of Oxford University/AstraZeneca vaccine however has not yet approved it for use in the country.

- Ireland: Passes 100,000 confirmed cases.

- UK: Group of 12 people caught playing the table-top game Dominos in back room of a London restaurant, all receive fines. A Chief Inspector said:
"The rules under tier four are in place to keep all of us safe, and they do not exempt people from gathering to play games together in basements [...] "The fact that these people hid from officers clearly shows they knew they were breaching the rules and have now been fined for their actions."


Vice Admiral
Mar 1, 2019
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There was a time a few months back where I thought India, with a population of 1.3B, would be the hardest hit...

View attachment 20071
It's because we don't believe the virus exists... and it's a violation of our human rights to be forced to ware a mask... and it's child abuse to ask a kid to ware a mask... and... I'll just shut up now.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
COVID Catharsis Corner - Reports from around the world from today, Monday 4th of January:

- World: 85,327,849 confirmed cases and 1,846,764 confirmed deaths.

- World: Passes 85 million confirmed cases, we passed 84 million on Saturday meaning another 1 million cases in the last 2/3 days.

- UK: Sees record high daily cases at 58,784.

- UK: First country to administer the Oxford University/AstraZeneca vaccine to someone outside of medical trials. His name was Brian Pinker, 82, and he was reported to have been very pleased to have received it.

- Scotland: Announces total Lockdown until the end of January amid a barrage of cases and an expected spike from Christmas. No pissing about, this was announced today and comes in to force at midnight.

- France: President Macron reportedly furious as data indicates only 516 Pfizer vaccines were administered in the first week of inoculations.

- Italy: In contrast to France, 70,000 vaccinations had been given by Sunday morning.

- Germany: In contrast to Italy, 240,000 people had been vaccinated by Sunday morning.

- Germany: Seeks advice on whether to delay second dose of Pfizer vaccine to help supplies go further, a move which has already been taken in the UK where the time has been lifted from 4 weeks (28 days) to 12 weeks (84 days) - against the advice of manufacturers who say there is no evidence that the vaccine will work if second dose taken outside of timescales undertaken in trials.

- Europe: (Breaking news) The European Medicens Agency says the maximum gap of 42 days between the first and the second dose of the Pfizer/BioNtech vaccine as tested in trials should be observed to ensure full protection, noting the protection only reaches its peak 7 days after the second shot. "Any change to this would require a variation to the marketing authorisation as well as more clinical data to support such a change, otherwise it would be considered as ‘off label use’."

- Poland: Investigation is launched as Celebrities and Politicians skip the queue and receive vaccinations first.

- Netherlands: Last country in Europe yet to start vaccinations brings forward start of administering from the 8th of January to the 6th of January.

- Mexico: A 1,000 person strong dance party in the Veracruz area causes national outrage.
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