Coronavirus COVID-19 Thread


Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle
Geez. You're approaching freaking Black Death numbers here.
Those numbers are somewhat exaggerated, at least in terms of the estimates from more reliable sources than the news ( but still, 4-5 times what's reported) You may not be all that far off with what's coming. So far, the cases have stuck mostly to urban areas, but India has a very large rural population too - and in many of those areas, there limited access to hospitals and medical staff.


Space Marshal
May 9, 2019
RSI Handle
Those numbers are somewhat exaggerated, at least in terms of the estimates from more reliable sources than the news ( but still, 4-5 times what's reported) You may not be all that far off with what's coming. So far, the cases have stuck mostly to urban areas, but India has a very large rural population too - and in many of those areas, there limited access to hospitals and medical staff.
Yeah they’re probably exaggerated for the click bait but 2-3 times is not at all an unreasonable number. 400k new cases a day x 2 or 3, that’s between 800k-1.2million.

The Indian states are pretty uneven too. Uttar Pradesh is the most populated state and has the most cases/deaths. They also have the misfortune of being run by a fascist Hindu monk (I’m not making this up) who’s a hardline member of the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party.

One of my dad’s best friends hails from Kerala state and those guys have their shit together. They’re also a state with the highest literacy in the country and one where the BJP has little presence.

Funny how places that aren’t run by religious fundamentalist nut jobs seem to do alright.


Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle
Yeah they’re probably exaggerated for the click bait but 2-3 times is not at all an unreasonable number. 400k new cases a day x 2 or 3, that’s between 800k-1.2million.

The Indian states are pretty uneven too. Uttar Pradesh is the most populated state and has the most cases/deaths. They also have the misfortune of being run by a fascist Hindu monk (I’m not making this up) who’s a hardline member of the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party.

One of my dad’s best friends hails from Kerala state and those guys have their shit together. They’re also a state with the highest literacy in the country and one where the BJP has little presence.

Funny how places that aren’t run by religious fundamentalist nut jobs seem to do alright.
I taught a course in Mumbai for several weeks a few years ago. Opposite end of the country. It was an incredible experience though. Some of the people I met are still friends today. I'm really saddened by what they have to go through now.


Space Marshal
May 9, 2019
RSI Handle
I taught a course in Mumbai for several weeks a few years ago. Opposite end of the country. It was an incredible experience though. Some of the people I met are still friends today. I'm really saddened by what they have to go through now.
Yeah I’ve never been to India but have always wanted to. I’ve always had an affinity towards the different cultures there due to where I spent my youth (Southeast Asia). I grew up on Indian food (Primarily the South Indian cuisines from Kerala and Tamil Nadu) and had friends of Indian origin.

Super sad what's going on there, I hope the people pull through.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
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COVID Catharsis Corner - reports from around the world from today, Sunday 2nd of May:

- World: 152,378,340 confirmed cases and 3,195,900 confirmed deaths.

- World: Campaigners draw attention to the oxygen availability crisis in India and point out it risks being repeated in multiple countries around the world unless supplies can be shored up and potential production prepared for now.

- India: Sees record high new daily deaths at 3,689.

- UK: Pledges an additional 1000 ventilators for India following 600 already on their way.

- China: A social media post on an account linked to the official law enforcement agency is deleted after outrage of its mocking of the Indian crisis. It featured an image of a Chinese Space Rocket taking off and an Indian Funeral Pyre with the caption "Lighting a fire in China vs lighting a fire in India."

- Germany: Case levels begin to stabilize leading to hopes the medical system will avoid/be at less risk of being overwhelmed:

- UK: Plans are drawn up to start vaccinating Secondary School (High School?) students from September.

- UK: Trials take place where people who have been identified as contacts of people with COVID-19 are to take daily Lateral Flow tests instead of quarantining for 10 days.

- Oman: Announces Curfew and lockdown measures to commence from May 8th.

- Isle Of Man: Detects a new COVID case but there is no obvious reason as to how the person contracted the virus.
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Space Marshal
May 9, 2019
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- China: A social media post on an account linked to the official law enforcement agency is deleted after outrage of its mocking of the Indian crisis. It featured an image of a Chinese Space Rocket taking off and an Indian Funeral Pyre with the caption "Lighting a fire in China vs lighting a fire in India."
Pretty callous if you ask me. Much of the world is still pissed off at China (justified or not) for Covid19.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
COVID Catharsis Corner - Reports from around the world from today, Monday 3rd of May:

- World: 153,036,350 confirmed cases and 3,205,632 confirmed deaths.

- World: Guinea, Democratic Republic of Congo and other countries to start trials of early infection COVID drug Nitazoxanide which is hoped will crush the virus ability to reproduce in cells meaning less dangerous infection buying the immune system time to react to its presence “It has been more than a year since Covid-19 was declared a pandemic, and while we have vaccines registered for use, there are still very few treatment options – especially for the early stage when we could prevent severe progression, potentially reduce transmission, and maybe prevent the risk of developing post-Covid conditions,”

- World: WHO advises G7 counties the pandemic cannot be quelled without their help: “The G7 countries are the world’s economic and political leaders. They are also home to many of the world’s vaccine producers, we will only solve the vaccine crisis with the leadership of these countries.”

- Denmark: Becomes the first country to announce it is not going to use Johnson and Johnson vaccine due to rare side effects.

- EU: Vaccination rate "increasing dramatically".

- Israel: Announces plans to send India emergency aid.

- Germany: Oktoberfest cancelled again due to the pandemic.

- US: At star studded charity concert in LA attended by President Biden and Jennifer Lopez, Prince Harry for vaccine equality across the world.

- UK: Prime Minister Johnson advises the country is on course to lift Social Distancing restrictions by 21st June but chooses wording which does not commit to the comment: "I think we’ve got a good chance, a good chance, of being able to dispense with one-metre plus."

- Wales: NHS staff at Welsh hospital start to plant trees and make their own woodland to offset the Carbon generated by treating the sick for COVID-19.

- Morocco: Detects first 2 cases of Indian variant.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
COVID Catharsis Corner - Reports from around the world from today, Tuesday 4th of May:

- World: 153,773,158 confirmed cases and 3,217,512 confirmed deaths.

- India: Passes 20 million confirmed cases.

- India: Opposition politicians call for national Lockdown to battle cases.

- Germany: Plans to allow people who have been vaccinated be subject to fewer restrictions have been branded unfair to younger people who are at the end of the queue for treatment.

- Canada: Pandemic rule to turn back asylum seekers at the boarder found to violate their human rights as it does not consider circumstances or their access to alternatives.

- Argentina: Supreme Court overrules Presidents decree to close schools to battle rising cases.

- US: President Biden sets a new goal to give at least one vaccine dose to 70% of the population by July 4th.

- US: Draws up plans to share $20 million of medication used in intubation from the Strategic Stockpile with Brazil. “It has not yet been finalised, but we are working in partnership with the government of Brazil on that,”

- Singapore: Tightens restrictions on gatherings after locally transmitted cases discovered.

- Pfizer: Forecasts $26 billion in vaccine sales this year up from previous forecast of $15 billion.

- Japan: Town of Noto spends COVID grant on a giant statue of a Squid in the hopes it coaxes tourists back.

- UK: DVLA (UK version of the DMV) sees a 4 day strike begin as COVID safety highlighted. The office which contains thousands of employees experienced 500+ cases.
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
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A squid statue in Japan to coax tourists? I'm thinking it probably is something unmentionable involving tentacles.
From reports, a town famous for its Squid fishing, not for its tentacle fetishes.
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
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COVID Catharsis Corner - Reports from around the world from today, Wednesday 5th of May:

- World: 154,513,735 confirmed cases and 3,231,054 confirmed deaths.

- World: WHO says countries which have already secured booster supplies for Autumn should redirect them to poorer countries which have infection hotspots, instead.

- India: Number of UK variant cases drops but has been filled in by Indian variant, suggesting it will become the new dominant strain in the area.

- India: Number of confirmed cases drops slightly, however critics indicate testing has dropped too.

- Seychelles: World most fully vaccinated country, with 60% of adults fully vaccinated, brings restrictions back as a new spike of 500 active cases involve 33% of that number being people who have had both jabs.

- Indonesia: Pharmaceutical company staff arrested as they wash and sell on used COVID-19 nasal swab test kits to travelers at an airport which may have effected up to 9,000 people.

- US: COVID relate Anti-Aisan hate had been found to be escalating "We have been systematically erased on every single level and people can start to combat that by educating themselves about us."

- UK: earmarks an additional £29.3 million in funding for development of future vaccine variants in addition to the £19.7 million already set aside.

- Scotland: 48 cases of COVID linked to one school but parents still told it's safe to send their children.

- Wales: Number of active hospital cases hits record low of only 211.

- Canada: Authorizes Pfizer vaccine for use on kids aged 12 to 15 years old.

- Kenya: Detects cases of Indian variant.

- UK: Travelers returning from countries on the Quarantine list flying first to countries on the non-quarantine list to avoid the cost and time quarantine will take on return to the country.

- Egypt: Limits store opening hours to 9pm to help cut COVID cases.

- Nepal: 19 more climbers test positive at Everest base camp.


Space Marshal
Oct 8, 2016
RSI Handle
The price we pay for a good BBQ:


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
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COVID Catharsis Corner - Reports from around the world from today, Thursday 6th of May:

- World: 155,373,584 confirmed cases and 3,245,762 confirmed deaths.

- US: Backs the idea of waving vaccine patents so manufacturing capacity can be opened up across the globe.

- EU: Open to discussion on waving vaccine patents.

- Manufacturers: Share prices tumble on the news that US is open to the idea that patents may be waived.

- India: Delays in aid rollout cause concern.

- Nepal: Struggles to contain growing cases as it sees record high new daily cases at 8k+

- EU: Release of documents indicates desire for the bloc to begin mass production of 3 therapeutic treatment drugs for COVID-19 and investigate which treatments will be coming soon.

- Olympics: Strikes deal with Pfizer for vaccines for athletes.

- Japan: Worlds oldest woman, Kane Tanaka (118 years old), pulls out of the Olympic Torch Relay for fear that she may take COVID-19 back to her friends at her nursing home.

- Russia: Approves single shot Sputnik Lite vaccine.

- Poland: Detects first cases of Brazil Variant.

- UK: Vaccination Booking system criticised as it is discovered inputting data such as someone's name and postcode reveals their vaccine status as the system responds with the option to book a first jab, book a second jab or that no more jabs are due.

- UK: Economy sees largest bounce-back since World War 2 as restrictions ease.

- UK: School in Darbyshire reports 100 cases closing it for the next few days - over 10% of the 950 attendees.
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Space Marshal
May 9, 2019
RSI Handle
- Japan: Worlds oldest woman, Kane Tanaka (118 years old), pulls out of the Olympic Torch Relay for fear that she may take COVID-19 back to her friends at her nursing home.
She was alive during the Spanish Flu of 1918. Would probably shrug off COVID like the champ she is.

To put things in perspective she was alive when the Meiji Emperor was still around, Theodore Roosevelt was President, and the Titanic hasn’t sunk yet. She lived through both World Wars and the Cold War.

Her lifetime saw the Wright Brothers first flight all the way to an age where douchy billionaires launch overpriced electric cars into Space for fun.

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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
COVID Catharsis Corner - Reports from around the world from today, Friday 7th of May:

- World: 156,233,888 confirmed cases and 3,259,363 confirmed deaths.

- World: More confirmed cases reported in the last two weeks than in the first 6 months of the pandemic.

- World: WHO investigation reveals 46 million displaced persons around the world not eligible for vaccination.

- Vaccines: WHO approves Sinopharm vaccine as safe and effective, only the 5th to have received this.

- EU/Vaccines: Medicines Regulator looks into reports of potential new rare side effects in the Oxford/AZ vaccine involving the nervous system and the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines regarding heart inflammation.

- EU/Theraputics: Medicines regulator to begin review pending approval of Sotrovimab, which is GSK's antibody treatment claimed to be able to lessen the severity of COVID infection and reduce the risk of hospitalization and death.

- India: Sees world record high new cases at 414,188.

- India: Opposition leader writes to the prime minister imploring them to enact a national lockdown: "India is home to one out of every six human beings on the planet. The pandemic has demonstrated that our size, genetic diversity and complexity make India fertile ground for the virus to rapidly mutate, transforming itself into a more contagious and more dangerous form. Allowing the uncontrollable spread of the virus in our country will be devastating not only for our people but also for the rest of the world."

- UK: Number of detected India variant cases raises 318 in the last week, prompting concerns at its potential for rapid spread and identifying it as a variant of concern.

- Australia: Senate hears the case of the Parents of a 5 year girl old who have not seen them since the beginning of the pandemic as many of their attempts to retrieve her from her grandparents in another country have been hampered by the countries boarders stance.

- Rwanda: Announces it is working with international partners to try to open its own Vaccine plant.

- Nepal: Health services beginning to feel the strain of treating seriously symptomatic cases.

- Thailand: Bangkok sees a resurgence of cases.

- Tunisia: To lockdown for a week in the face of third wave and hospitals becoming overwhelmed.

- Saudi Arabia: To make vaccination mandatory for any staff member to go to a place of work: "Receiving a coronavirus vaccine will be a mandatory condition for male and female workers to attend workplaces in all sectors"


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Friday super special additional Corner entry:

- World: Following US advocating for lifting patents on vaccines and EU advising it is open to discussion, France president says US/UK should export vaccines instead, and Germany strongly pushes back saying it isn't the patents which are the problem in the supply line and that releasing the intellectual property risks doses produced which are not from specialist labs able to produce safe medicine: “We have not been given a single example where capacity has been restricted because of the protection of patent or other intellectual property rights,”
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