You are not wrong in that a reasonable amount of precaution is beneficial to the safety and wellbeing of society. The issue always comes back to what is a reasonable amount of precaution. At what point is it effective and at what point does it become rejected and create tension with in a community? Different communities will have different levels all the way up to different countries will have different tolerances to what they will do or attempt to do. We really have to look no further than the past year and how each country dealt or ignored the virus. It was also interesting to see how other reacted to it as it very much was a macro reflection of micro community discourse. Even to this day you can type in Sweden covid and clearly see with in the headlines of each news outlet where they fall on the political spectrum as to how they perceive Sweden's actions.View:
Joking aside I did pick up your point on mental health being a linchpin for physical health from the rest of your post.
I don't believe you are wrong.
Mental health and physical healths are both as important aspects as each other and I don't believe I've advocated for suffering either physically or mentally, the assumption one leads to the other is just an assumption based subjectively on what one does or does not what to be subject to - we speak of choice but those with Long COVID are having a hell of a time with it mentally and had no choice as to be subject to it, and those who have lost close family and friends are also wondering if they passed them the virus also had no choice in the matter. Although I don't deny removal of basic freedoms and economic fallout of precautions are also to be factored, they can be catered for if ones governing body is inclined to use resources doing so and can, importantly, be reversed and countered if they happen - as has happened in some places which have removed the pressures of restrictions by implementing things such as furlough which blanket removed one of the biggest stress factors of the pandemic - how am I going to put food on the table and a roof over my head. I was put on Furlough. It wasn't a magic Fell Better Button, but it was a hell of a lot better than if I'd lost my job and believe me, I was aware of that.
I am not sure if I have explained myself properly when I say "Precaution" - I am talking about a base level of precautions to extend the time a country can then have to counter an epidemic/pandemic, not blindly wielding a Ban Hammer on anything that moves. To use your examples, they all have basic precautions in them which do lead to fewer deaths and less harm:
Swimming -
Basic precautions come include a strong system of mainly swimming in authorised places called "Swimming Pools", which include poolside attendents, life guards, and chemically treated water to make sure any risk to bathers is at a minimum. Many beaches offer life guard patrols telling people not to swim outside of an authorised monitored area and spaces of open water such as reservoirs and abandoned quarries have signs warning of unexpectedly cold water and submerged machinery saying not to swim. These are all basic precautions. Yes, people do still die swimming, but a hell of a lit less than if we didn't take any basic procautions. Where I'm from we also get taught water saftey in schools, and the UK's Lifeboat charity the RNLI spent 2 million pounds of charity money in Bangladesh teaching kids not to jump in open water because up to that point 40 kids a day were drowning there. Where precautions worked, they were sent to benefit those elsewhere.
RNLI Statement Regarding Donations Being Spent Overseas: 'There Has Been No Sleight Of Hand'. - Emergency Services News
The RNLI has been forced to defend their lifesaving overseas work after some sections of the mainstream media criticised the life-saving charity. Over the weekend, both the Mail Online and The Times published articles that criticised the charity for its overseas work, at a time when
Drinking Alcohol -
The production and sale of alcohol itself is a basic precaution as it is strictly licenced, heavily monitored and has an entire industry of regulation to make sure the substance being delivered into the hands of a consumer is as safe as it can possibly be. There are also limits to the strength, type and style of alcohol which can be obtained by any given person. There are also Public Service Announcements to warn of the dangers of alcohol abuse and indeed the bottles themselves carry warnings in certain countries. As with water safety, the spectre of substance abuse is taught in many school systems around the world. These precautions do not remove the risk of alcohol harm, but they certainly reduce the level of it by an order of magnitude.
Eating Hamburgers -
As with alcohol production, Hamburger production has a huge raft of food industry set of regulations which are basically a set of precautions to ensure the finished product is safe to consume. Other procautions include cooking instructions on the packet and also use-by dates on the packaging. It even goes so far as to have traceable batch-codes so if a fault is found with a batch produced, they can be recalled and the consumer protected from threats and defects. Although eating too many kills thousands around the world a year, a hell of a lot more would and indeed used to die if we didn't have these basic precautions.
Influenza -
Basic precautions for Influenza are similar to basic precautions for many other types of illness, such as washing hands, not touching the face, sterilizing areas and with the invent of vaccines using them as a preventative measure before the most contagious season hits. As has been seen with Flu season remaining at base levels this last Pandemic season, the precautions used to counter COVID-19 have been extremely effective against 'Flu too. 'Flu isn't going away just as COVID isn't, but with the right precautions it has been knocked on its ass for a year and a half.
I'm not saying we should ban anything, I'm saying we should have a set of blanket precautions which everyone in the world can live with ready to roll when the next Pandemic hits, and can then be tailored to what is actually required for any given situation. With COVID-19 we started with nothing, ramped it up to 11 and then pulled it back down gently. With the next one I'd like to think we could turn it up to 5 immediately, see what happens then if need by turn it up to 7 in some specific vectors and reduce it to 2 in others and retain some semblance of public life without having to shut everything down for months on end.
It really does come back to what is an acceptable amount of precaution with in a social group. For what you or I perceive as a reasonable amount of warning or precaution does not always translate to being acceptable or necessary mandate.