Coronavirus COVID-19 Thread


Space Marshal
Oct 3, 2014
RSI Handle

When we get to 280,000 deaths globaly, Covid-19 will have beaten H1N1 SARS (November 2002 in the Guangdong province of southern China ) yet another Chinese virus.
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Space Marshal
Jun 5, 2016
RSI Handle
One week in to our lock down. The whole family is getting cabin fever. My son is eating, playing fortnight, eating, and eating some more. So is my wife, she lectured me about using one square of toilet paper. Dog got its tooth knocked out paying with the tennis ball, Family calls twice a day and work is slow because no changes to the enterprise. Did I mention the snow storm? This is week one, week three or four is going to be a full blown MMA arena in my house.

School is closed until April 17th, but I think it is going to close the rest of the year.
Wife has to work at home until may.
l've always worked at home, so my peace and quiet is gone.

Thankful for my Test family.
The high school and university I went 20+ years ago to closed for the rest of the year, with distance learning only. My nephews college has closed for the rest of the year. Everyone who can go home has been told to do so.
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Space Marshal
Oct 3, 2014
RSI Handle

Why it matters: A study published in March indicated that if Chinese authorities had acted three weeks earlier than they did, the number of coronavirus cases could have been reduced by 95% and its geographic spread limited.

This timeline, compiled from information reported by the Wall Street Journal, the Washington Post, the South China Morning Post and other sources, shows that China's cover-up and the delay in serious measures to contain the virus lasted about three weeks.

Strip China of Sovereign Immunity so America can sue them... Also, America should send the 1-2 Trillion dollar bill to China.
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Space Marshal
Jun 5, 2016
RSI Handle


First off, it’s really easy to be an armchair quarterback and and sit back and criticize people for what they should have done...3-4 days ago, last week, etc. We have more information than they did at the time, and our perceptions of a person or country will temper what we “think” they should have done.

no matter what...people would have blamed the president, the democrats, the republicans, etc for something no matter what they did or did not do, lock it down to early and nothing happens (because you locked it down), and you will get people complaining you killed the economy for no reason, lock it down too late and even worse things happen. There is no happy middle, and no matter which party was in power for this, i highly suspect similar decisions and results would have occurred. Politics would have been played right up to the point where both parties realize they can’t play politics anymore because it’s really serious.

hindsight is 20/20 as the saying goes. And the difference between a good decision and a correct decision is 3 days,

so, with all that said, can we please suspend the political sniping and instead just be nice to each other for a change? Because I guarantee you, a virus doesn’t care if you are a democrat, republican, or an independent/third party. To a virus, you are just an incubator that can be used to make more of itself.
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Space Marshal
Jun 25, 2016
RSI Handle
I woke up not long ago and saw that someone posted this in gen chat on discord:

Chimaera Today at 7:25 AM
Quick update from HK.

[7:25 AM]
all schools in HK now closed until further notice.

[7:26 AM]
we went from ~120 cases with ~4 per day to 273 cases with ~50 per just the last three days.

[7:26 AM]
One of the main people traced for the spike - a 50 year old cougar woman who worked at Canadian Intl School as a clerk, then went to the local expat hangout of Lan Kwai Fong and had “multiple one night stands in the last week-10 days” with expat males who then went on to infect their friends/colleagues/families.

[7:27 AM]
So things have gotten serious, very quickly here after already 8 weeks of near lockdown.



Something positive:

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Space Marshal
Oct 8, 2016
RSI Handle
Funny you mention H1N1, although I'm not surprised you got yoru facts WRONG:
H1N1 was a novel influenza that emerged from North America, (and not China).

Read the H1N1 After-Action report by the CDC...the lessons were that PROMPT action, active surveillance and testing (along with cooperation with states and other countries) saved the day:

I'll quote here:
2009 H1N1 was first detected in the United States in April 2009. This virus was a unique combination of influenza virus genes never previously identified in either animals or people. The virus genes were a combination of genes most closely related to North American swine-lineage H1N1 and Eurasian lineage swine-origin H1N1 influenza viruses. Because of this, initial reports referred to the virus as a swine origin influenza virus. However, investigations of initial human cases did not identify exposures to pigs and quickly it became apparent that this new virus was circulating among humans and not among U.S. pig herds.


Feb 13, 2020
RSI Handle
Well it does not care what fucking race or nationality you are so fuck you.Idiots want a handout from China but keep making racial remarks. I wouldn't give any of you a single drop too.

When we get to 280,000 deaths globaly, Covid-19 will have beaten H1N1 yet another Chinese virus.
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Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
RSI Handle
I woke up not long ago and saw that someone posted this in gen chat on discord:

[7:26 AM]
One of the main people traced for the spike - a 50 year old cougar woman who worked at Canadian Intl School as a clerk, then went to the local expat hangout of Lan Kwai Fong and had “multiple one night stands in the last week-10 days” with expat males who then went on to infect their friends/colleagues/families.

[7:27 AM]
So things have gotten serious, very quickly here after already 8 weeks of near lockdown.
Two things of note, firstly bonus points for referencing a "cougar woman"!

Secondly, it is extremely troubling that after 8 weeks of lockdown, they are now seeing big upswings in new cases!

However, due to the relatively flat curve they have from taking these measures, they will probably not overrun their hospitals like Italy did.


Space Marshal
Oct 3, 2014
RSI Handle
We should call it the American virus, its more accurate.
I personally, don't care what we call it. American is fine with me if it is accurate.

While it’s unlikely that the “Spanish Flu” originated in Spain, scientists are still unsure of its source. France, China and Britain have all been suggested as the potential birthplace of the virus, as has the United States, where the first known case was reported at a military base in Kansas on March 11, 1918.

Except H1N1, and the Spanish flu for that matter, came from America.
I concede H1N1, but I never said anything about the spanish flu.

Let's change H1N1 to SARS. That better?
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