Coronavirus COVID-19 Thread


Space Marshal
Aug 31, 2015
RSI Handle
The issue here is this, if you are the originating country of a virus that has the potential to cause a pandemic, but don't immediately act to address the spread of that virus, there will always be questions and concerns as to why. For example, China and the US are both using misinformation to influence public opinion, but China has yet to provide an open avenue to other countries regarding their research. President Trump is using underhanded tactics to try to steal, buy, or obtain vaccine research. Hell, Israel stole some 100k partial testing kits for their own population. China continues to restrict access to WHO workers, refuse to release medical data, and are currently on a campaign blaming the US military of bringing this virus to Wuhan. As the originating country, China has an obligation to be the lead emissary, just like the US was with H1N1, in managing this pandemic. All of this misinformation is only creating more global conflict and confusion.

One thing that has yet to be addressed, and I think will be a major part of further investigation once the world can come to grips with COVID-19, is why China acted the way they did, and if it has anything to do with possible genetic viral testing at their bio-facility outside Wuhan. If that were the case then it would make sense they kept this under wraps for so long.

Added article from 2017 regarding this lab. By the way, they spent $44 million on this lab where an equivalent lab in the US could run $300 million (cost for square foot ranges from $700-$1,200), all in US dollars. I wonder if any corners were cut.
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Latest UK update - 5,018 confirmed and 233 fatalities.

Government asks shoppers to behave responsibly, there is enough to meet normal demand and continue to meet that demand, but there isn't if everyone stocks up to the rafters.
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Space Marshal
Jun 25, 2016
RSI Handle
Take this time to think about your family, and what things might be like in your life and the life of those close to you, say a month or two down the road. What can you do now to improve that situation? Take the time to plan before you execute, this way you can avoid being reactionary.

If you ran out of food and went to go shopping and the shelves weren't stocked, what would you do?

If you got sick and couldnt get a hospital bed, what would you need? What would your family need?

Can you stock up on any meds? Nasal spray? Refill your prescriptions? Your families prescriptions?

Did you think about feminine hygiene products for the ladies in your family?

Are you diabetic?

What about mental health issues, can you do anything to help keep you sane when you cant leave the house that isnt your PC? What about your kids? Your spouse? Your grandparents, etc...

If you are on any meds you need to taper off of, can you talk to your doctor about an emergency taper plan if you cant get your meds? I know for me if I run out of my meds I have seizures. Ill be talking to my doc soon.

Do you have a neighbor who needs you to do their shopping for them? Maybe they wont ask you, but if theyre in that age group I suggest going over there and offering and working something out.

Please please please plan for the future. Simple math shows that things are going to get more difficult. Help yourself and help others. It's going to be hard to get through this alone, and even harder if you just sit here and wait to react.


Refer back to this post and post your ideas of what we should consider. People might not think of certain things and go "oh shit yeah i didnt think about that". And if you did prepare for any of these, tell us how you did. It could help someone.
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Grand Admiral
May 27, 2018
RSI Handle
Take this time to think about your family, and what things might be like in your life and the life of those close to you, say a month or two down the road. What can you do now to improve that situation? Take the time to plan before you execute, this way you can avoid being reactionary.

If you ran out of food and went to go shopping and the shelves weren't stocked, what would you do?

If you got sick and couldnt get a hospital bed, what would you need? What would your family need?

Can you stock up on any meds? Nasal spray? Refill your prescriptions? Your families prescriptions?

Did you think about feminine hygiene products for the ladies in your family?

Are you diabetic?

What about mental health issues, can you do anything to help keep you sane when you cant leave the house that isnt your PC? What about your kids? Your spouse? Your grandparents, etc...

If you are on any meds you need to taper off of, can you talk to your doctor about an emergency taper plan if you cant get your meds? I know for me if I run out of my meds I have seizures. Ill be talking to my doc soon.

Do you have a neighbor who needs you to do their shopping for them? Maybe they wont ask you, but if theyre in that age group I suggest going over there and offering and working something out.

Please please please plan for the future. Simple math shows that things are going to get more difficult. Help yourself and help others. It's going to be hard to get through this alone, and even harder if you just sit here and wait to react.


Refer back to this post and post your ideas of what we should consider. People might not think of certain things and go "oh shit yeah i didnt think about that". And if you did prepare for any of these, tell us how you did. It could help someone.
I'm diabetic so I'm in a higher risk category but I can call in my scripts for that and go to the drive thru for pick up. Problem is I'm also on two scripts that they will only prescribe on a month to month basis by law and only after seeing me in person so I'm going to have to risk going out at some point soonish


Space Marshal
Oct 8, 2016
RSI Handle


Space Marshal
Oct 3, 2014
RSI Handle
Technically its not accurate.
We were talking about the Spanish Flu --> I argued, if it came from America (first known case did) --> Then I would not have a problem calling it the Amercian Flu of 1918.

We were also talking about N1H1 ---> I agreed, it came from Mexico (first known case) --> Then you could call it the Mexican Virus.

I really do not care what you call Covid-19 --> first documented case came from China --> therefore, virus was first documented in China. It has other names like Novel Coronavirus.

Yes, you are correct, the WHO designates the name, but only partially, it goes by two designations - from your WHO website.

coronavirus disease

severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2

Politically correct discussions just hide the obvious and it is narrative driven, where peoples perceptions never align. This is not a world of absolutes, 1s on 0s... there is always much more context behind the disagreement.
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Space Marshal
Nov 24, 2018
RSI Handle
Can we just stop with the lets call it "whateverfuckingcountry" virus bullshit arguments? It is an unneeded argument and at the end of the day it is a serious flu that the world is dealing with. And to that end, if your only point of the argument is to say "well it came from X" you are not furthering the point of this thread which is to be as informative as possible and up to date on current events pertaining to it.

So let us stop giving a fuck about why people call it those and focus more on doing our best to help those who will need it.


Space Marshal
Apr 30, 2016
RSI Handle
In one of the rare instances I deem it necessary to open my mouth, I hereby state and let it be known that I do not give a single fuck about where it came from.
The number of fucks I deem necessary to give about who lied about what is also, surprisingly, zero.

Survival first, both individual and as society. Consequences second. Assigning blame is somewhere around number 14.368 and fuckit.

Wash your hands and stay the fuck away from people.

edit: I do, however, support the notion that hoarders and profiteers deserve to and should be dragged into the town square with a barb wire leash around the balls and shot. Egocentric assclowns.


Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
RSI Handle
there is always much more context behind the disagreement.
Let this be the last post on this topic of "lets play is it racist or not!". Anything after this on the topic of racism gets deleted.

If I make jokes about the potato famine and an Irish member here says: "Hey, thats offensive to me because lots of my family died..." I can make two choices.

I can a) have some empathy and understand that my joke is making a fellow member of TEST feel uncomfortable being here. Not wanting to make people feel uncomfortable in what is a gaming community where we come to get away from all the other bullshit in our lives, I can choose to respect their opinion and simply stop making potato famine jokes. It makes no difference in my day if I make a potato famine joke or not.

OR b) ignore the crybaby snowflake because I can make any jokes and I want, and if somebody gets offended then its their problem, not mine.

When Chinese Americans in TEST say "hey, calling it the Juyna virus is kinda offensive.." you have two options much like I did.


Space Marshal
Jun 9, 2019
RSI Handle
We were talking about the Spanish Flu --> I argued, if it came from America (first known case did) --> Then I would not have a problem calling it the Amercian Flu of 1918.
It's known as Spanish Flu beacuse USA mass media was focus on WWI and in Spain (Madrid) "American Flu" spawn in a deadlier strain. Meanwhile Spanish mass media (newspapers) write about it more and more, till in every country was repeated how deadly was the "Spanish flu" in Spain. The name then remains "Spanish Flu".

First international healthcare expedition in history was done by Spain.
The mission took the vaccine against smallpox to the Canary Islands, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Mexico, the Philippines and China.
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Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
They were but the resources of our hospitals are already stretched thin even on the best of days. They've been stockpiling supplies but theres only so much they can do. There are only so many ventilators to go around. Even masks and gloves will run low from all the hoarding and theft. The reason why the healthcare authorities have been screaming at people to stay home is that you can be an asymptomatic carrier. You can spread the virus to potentially hundreds of people while feeling fine. That's what makes the virus so hard to clamp down. People need to do their part and help our heath care workers. That people are still so cavalier about the situation is in my opinion, criminally irresponsible.
100% agree. These idiots who still took off for spring break should be thrown into isolation in a stadium somewhere for 2 weeks upon their return. Also, my wifey is reporting the same things out here at the hospitals. Lack of resources, and rules changing daily as to what is allowed and how to handle situations. It's kinda fucked.
Our heath care workers are trained for this but reality is always far worse. Nobody wants to go through a wartime Triage situation. I expect a lot of doctors and nurses will require a lot of psychiatric support when all this is done.
I can affirm that the stress of even facing this is already affecting front line workers
Thankful for my Test family.
Indeed. So very thankful for you all.
Ha. Stockpiled last week. ;)
Let this be the last post on this topic of "lets play is it racist or not!". Anything after this on the topic of racism gets deleted.


Space Marshal
Jun 25, 2016
RSI Handle
So, all the doom and gloom aside, here's the real question:
How are all of you doing? How is everyone managing, coping, etc? How is everyone's mental health?


Its like watching paint dry but knowing at some point the paint is going to spontaneously combust. Im tense but know if I relax id deal with it better.

I just found this tracking system of influenza and the like. Florida is covered in red and my county, Polk County, is one of the 9 counties in the country in the deep red saying illness is 3.1% above average. There could be a lot of untested cases or the flu really is that bad. Pollen is horrible and I'm currently sick myself. Link below:

How are you Owl?

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
Its like watching paint dry but knowing at some point the paint is going to spontaneously combust. Im tense but know if I relax id deal with it better.

I just found this tracking system of influenza and the like. Florida is covered in red and my county, Polk County, is one of the 9 counties in the country in the deep red saying illness is 3.1% above average. There could be a lot of untested cases or the flu really is that bad. Pollen is horrible and I'm currently sick myself. Link below:

How are you Owl?
Jesus, I feel you on the tense thing, lol. Hard to relax though eh?

Good God, you're in the shit there eh? I pray you don't get any worse my friend.

I'm pretty good actually. We're OK so far, although wifey is stressed, being an RN. I do not begrudge her whats coming. At all. I actually just started a buddy check thread for those who wanna check in with their experiences, etc.
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