Coronavirus COVID-19 Thread


Space Marshal
Jun 25, 2016
RSI Handle
Slippery slope that it would be better to stay away from IMO. You might have just insulted several TEST members with the given name Richard. How would you know?
Its just the combination, the 12 year old in me couldnt help myself. Im not out to offend, just have a laugh when everything is so serious.

Yeah. Sorry. I'll try and limit that talk, reading articles like the one Radegast posted just makes me mad though.
Yeah, it should make everyone mad.

Yeah! Don't be a Dick!
no u :P


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Latest UK numbers: Total confirmed 6,650, Total fatalities 335.


Government calls silly bastards of the UK "very selfish" for buggering off down the seaside over the weekend and says they'll impose harsher restrictions if they have to. I'd say they probably have to.

They also revealed that COVID-19 contagious even when you aren't showing symptoms, which I don't believe has been mentioned before. If they had no one noticed as if they had noticed they probbably wouldn't have buggered off down the seaside along with a million other silly bastards over the weekend.


Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle
Its just the combination, the 12 year old in me couldnt help myself. Im not out to offend, just have a laugh when everything is so serious.
No offence taken, and it's all good! I should explain, my mood is terrible these days, because pain medication that I can take for my face is not really working. Surgery is Wednesday... It can't get here fast enough. It's from an accidental strike to the upper jaw, tooth exploded and so did part of the bone.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Hot off the press:

UK Government introduces sweeping new measures including:

  • From tonight, people in Britain will be allowed to leave their homes for only “very limited purposes” - shopping for basic necessities; for one form of exercise a day; for any medical need; and to travel to and from work when “absolutely necessary”
  • People are warned not to meet friends or family members who they do not live with
  • Shopping is only permitted for essentials like food and medicine, and people are advised to do it “as little as you can”
  • Police have powers to enforce the rules, including through fines and dispersing gatherings
  • All shops selling non-essential goods, such as clothing and electronic stores, are ordered to close
  • Libraries, playgrounds, outdoor gyms and places of worship are to close
  • All gatherings of more than two people in public - excluding people you live with - are banned
  • All social events, including weddings and baptisms are banned
  • Funerals are not included in the new restrictions
  • Parks will remain open for exercise but gatherings will be dispersed
  • Restrictions “under constant review” and will be checked again in three weeks. They will be relaxed “if the evidence shows we are able to”


Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
Hot off the press:

UK Government introduces sweeping new measures including:

  • From tonight, people in Britain will be allowed to leave their homes for only “very limited purposes” - shopping for basic necessities; for one form of exercise a day; for any medical need; and to travel to and from work when “absolutely necessary”
  • People are warned not to meet friends or family members who they do not live with
  • Shopping is only permitted for essentials like food and medicine, and people are advised to do it “as little as you can”
  • Police have powers to enforce the rules, including through fines and dispersing gatherings
  • All shops selling non-essential goods, such as clothing and electronic stores, are ordered to close
  • Libraries, playgrounds, outdoor gyms and places of worship are to close
  • All gatherings of more than two people in public - excluding people you live with - are banned
  • All social events, including weddings and baptisms are banned
  • Funerals are not included in the new restrictions
  • Parks will remain open for exercise but gatherings will be dispersed
  • Restrictions “under constant review” and will be checked again in three weeks. They will be relaxed “if the evidence shows we are able to”
I'm glad to hear they are taking some serious measures finally. Let's hope it will have the desired effect.

Out of curiosity, does the closures mean that all non-neccesary shopping is banned in person, or as a whole including deliveries?
What about pet owners, can they at least take out the dog for a walk?

Now for something completely different:

If your are from the US, you might think from the very misleading title that we are all waiting in line shopping for AK's. This couldn't be further from the truth, as civilians are not allowed to own and carry firearms of any kind that fire projectiles. We are only allowed to buy gas guns (that shoots gas cartridges of various nature), and sporting pellet guns (airsoft and such). We are not allowed to carry them without a permit, but it's legal to own.
With special permits, one may be allowed to own, and with another permit, carry a rubber ball gun. These permits cost a small fortune, and you need to pass a psych evaluation and background check, and have a very good reason (work related mostly) to request one. Simply putting "self.defense" on the form is usually not enough. In theory at least, it wasn't enough back when I purchased my gas pistol. The "easiest" legal way to own a "real" shotgun or rifle, you need to complete educational courses (university and such) and work in the field you completed the course for (like hunter, wild life inspector, veterinary...)

Also, the "queuing outside" bit is literally true, as by regulation only one customer is allowed in these small shops at any one time. This ofc means that if there are 2-3 ppl wanting to get in, there is already a queue formed outside lol.
But that doesn't necceseraly mean that there were more then 5-10 ppl in line all day, as opening hours are shortened to 8am to 3pm for non-essential shops. As shops like these usually open at 10am, it's a very short window lol

So, now that it's clear that Hungarians are not mass shopping AKs, we can all.come to the conclusion that a baseball bat or a sharp pointy stick is about as good a self defense weapon as we shall need. Also it's a shame that Reuters stoops so low as to write sensationalist clickbait like this, bordering on fear mongering.

In other news from Hungary, from my inside source I was informed on or about or over a week ago that our prime minister had to order our 2 government/military use cargo 737s to hop over to China to fetch masks and other medical supplies directly, as our most dearest overlords in the German government decided to withhold our original shipment of medical supplies from China. Kinda similar to what happened to the Brits' stuff in France I imagine, although for different reasons. Let's not go into that.

I've had to go grocery/meds shopping today and as one would expect, ppl are still not taking this seriously. Mostly the elderly. Not wearing any protection, not caring about distance, to the point that I was shoved aside by a fuckshitwit probably in his late 60s while browsing the baked goods...

We got 131 confirmed cases, 4 deaths. Very low numbers, but if you consider that it's a country of less than 10 million ppl, with an outdated, unprepared, and overloaded healthcare system, it's just the shit waiting to hit the fan.

Edited: typos cos autocucumber, also added bit about real guns
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Space Marshal
Apr 5, 2017
RSI Handle
When stores like Loius Vuitton are boarding up their windows, it means they feel that shit is about to get really ugly!

View attachment 15273

Hopefully its an overreaction. :(
How many times have we seen people run out during hurricanes and rob the crap out of every store possible. I feel they are doing the right thing. People are stupid.
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Space Marshal
Oct 8, 2016
RSI Handle
I'm glad to hear they are taking some serious measures finally. Let's hope it will have the desired effect.

Out of curiosity, does the closures mean that all non-neccesary shopping is banned in person, or as a whole including deliveries?
What about pet owners, can they at least take out the dog for a walk?

Now for something completely different:

If your are from the US, you might think from the very misleading title that we are all waiting in line shopping for AK's. This couldn't be further from the truth, as civilians are not allowed to own and carry firearms of any kind that fire projectiles. We are only allowed to buy gas guns (that shoots gas cartridges of various nature), and sporting pellet guns (airsoft and such). We are not allowed to carry them without a permit, but it's legal to own.
With special permits, one may be allowed to own, and with another permit, carry a rubber ball gun. These permits cost a small fortune, and you need to pass a psych evaluation and background check, and have a very good reason (work related mostly) to request one. Simply putting "self.defense" on the form is usually not enough. In theory at least, it wasn't enough back when I purchased my gas pistol. The "easiest" legal way to own a "real" shotgun or rifle, you need to complete educational courses (university and such) and work in the field you completed the course for (like hunter, wild life inspector, veterinary...)

Also, the "queuing outside" bit is literally true, as by regulation only one customer is allowed in these small shops at any one time. This ofc means that if there are 2-3 ppl wanting to get in, there is already a queue formed outside lol.
But that doesn't necceseraly mean that there were more then 5-10 ppl in line all day, as opening hours are shortened to 8am to 3pm for non-essential shops. As shops like these usually open at 10am, it's a very short window lol

So, now that it's clear that Hungarians are not mass shopping AKs, we can all.come to the conclusion that a baseball bat or a sharp pointy stick is about as good a self defense weapon as we shall need. Also it's a shame that Reuters stoops so low as to write sensationalist clickbait like this, bordering on fear mongering.

In other news from Hungary, from my inside source I was informed on or about or over a week ago that our prime minister had to order our 2 government/military use cargo 737s to hop over to China to fetch masks and other medical supplies directly, as our most dearest overlords in the German government decided to withhold our original shipment of medical supplies from China. Kinda similar to what happened to the Brits' stuff in France I imagine, although for different reasons. Let's not go into that.

I've had to go grocery/meds shopping today and as one would expect, ppl are still not taking this seriously. Mostly the elderly. Not wearing any protection, not caring about distance, to the point that I was shoved aside by a fuckshitwit probably in his late 60s while browsing the baked goods...

We got 131 confirmed cases, 4 deaths. Very low numbers, but if you consider that it's a country of less than 10 million ppl, with an outdated, unprepared, and overloaded healthcare system, it's just the shit waiting to hit the fan.

Edited: typos cos autocucumber, also added bit about real guns
I don't know your exact situation, but if I were you, I would start (if you haven't already) stockpiling food so that you could last for any length isolation. People have a bad habit of ignoring things, and then over-compensating when it is too late. Look at all the pictures of people stockpiling toilet
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Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
I don't know your exact situation, but if I were you, I would start (if you haven't already) stockpiling food so that you could last for any length isolation. People have a bad habit of ignoring things, and then over-compensating when it is too late. Look at all the pictures of people stockpiling toilet
Yeah I've been doing it slowly over the last couple of weeks. TP is something I don't really understand, how many rolls do those ppl use up per day, six?? It's ridiculous really.
I'm good on TP for 30+ days at the moment. Also the store had a pretty good stockpile, and as most ppl around here had done their panick shopping already, almost everything seems to be in supply (apart from disinfectant and soap, as scalpers are still buying it all up).
Sadly as I live in a small apartment, storing anything other than some dried goods and canned food, its pretty much impossible. Fresh produce rots way too fast.
I'm pretty good at coming up with tasty foods from random crap in the fridge so I should be fine. I got food for the kid though that should last between 1-2 months so thats covered.
What's more problematic still is getting full-grain wheat flour and such that is kinda neccesery for one of my family members diet. It's not something ppl usually buy, so the small stocks of it were picked clean in the first panicking, and they haven't resupplied it yet. But we will make due with what we have. It's what Eastern Europeans are good at lol


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
I'm glad to hear they are taking some serious measures finally. Let's hope it will have the desired effect.

Out of curiosity, does the closures mean that all non-neccesary shopping is banned in person, or as a whole including deliveries?
What about pet owners, can they at least take out the dog for a walk?
Yep you can still take fido out, in fact it's recommended to get at least one form of exercise a day outside, however the population has been advised groups no larger than two and you stay at least 2 meters (6 foot), basically the hight of a door away from any other human you don't live with.

Retailers can still take orders online and deliver: the below is form an article about a Sports shop being Silly Bastards over this.

"Retailers that will be allowed to stay open include:
  • Supermarkets and other food shops
  • Pharmacies
  • Petrol stations
  • Newsagents
  • Bicycle shops
  • Home and hardware stores
  • Laundrettes and dry cleaners
  • Garages
  • Pet shops
  • Post Offices
  • Banks
Businesses will still be able to take online orders and deliver items to people's homes."

(The link to this article is below, it's also the Sports Direct news peice)

So yeah deliveries are still cool.

I don't know your exact situation, but if I were you, I would start (if you haven't already) stockpiling food so that you could last for any length isolation. People have a bad habit of ignoring things, and then over-compensating when it is too late. Look at all the pictures of people stockpiling toilet
The supoermarkets have limited ALL items of the same type to a max of 3/4 per customer depending on where you go. It's basically rationing in anything else but name and should stop the shelves running dry anymore.

- Silly Bastards Of The Day -

Sports Direct: Their immediate response to the order to close all nonessential shops was to claim claiming their chain should remain open as their equipment is as vital to the public as the produce of bicycle shops which get to stay open. A) you can live without a rowing machine/Step Master B) I can't imagine a Nurse would be able to ride a treadmill to work at the Hospital if the nation has a petrol supply issue. C) you can still take orders online and deliver to homes that demand your produce. If no one is ordering it online, no one will be walking into your shops either.

(which is the above linked to article don't bother reading if you read the link above)

The Harley Street Private Clinic: When even the USA with its commodification of the healthcare system has passed bills to make sure the COVID-19 test is freely available to combat the Pandemic, the HSC was charging £375 ($434) a test. The test is now unavailable at this clinic.

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Space Marshal
Jun 25, 2016
RSI Handle


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Yep you can still take fido out, in fact it's recommended to get at least one form of exercise a day outside, however the population has been advised groups no larger than two and you stay at least 2 meters (6 foot), basically the hight of a door away from any other human you don't live with.

Retailers can still take orders online and deliver: the below is form an article about a Sports shop being Silly Bastards over this.

"Retailers that will be allowed to stay open include:
  • Supermarkets and other food shops
  • Pharmacies
  • Petrol stations
  • Newsagents
  • Bicycle shops
  • Home and hardware stores
  • Laundrettes and dry cleaners
  • Garages
  • Pet shops
  • Post Offices
  • Banks
Businesses will still be able to take online orders and deliver items to people's homes."

(The link to this article is below, it's also the Sports Direct news peice)

So yeah deliveries are still cool.

The supoermarkets have limited ALL items of the same type to a max of 3/4 per customer depending on where you go. It's basically rationing in anything else but name and should stop the shelves running dry anymore.

- Silly Bastards Of The Day -

Sports Direct: Their immediate response to the order to close all nonessential shops was to claim claiming their chain should remain open as their equipment is as vital to the public as the produce of bicycle shops which get to stay open. A) you can live without a rowing machine/Step Master B) I can't imagine a Nurse would be able to ride a treadmill to work at the Hospital if the nation has a petrol supply issue. C) you can still take orders online and deliver to homes that demand your produce. If no one is ordering it online, no one will be walking into your shops either.

(which is the above linked to article don't bother reading if you read the link above)

The Harley Street Private Clinic: When even the USA with its commodification of the healthcare system has passed bills to make sure the COVID-19 test is freely available to combat the Pandemic, the HSC was charging £375 ($434) a test. The test is now unavailable at this clinic.

- Silly Bastards Of The Day - Update:

Sports Direct has announced it is now complying with the lockdows measures and closing their shops.

Note: In complying with what was originally asked of them, it makes them no less silly. I would question if this company can even be trusted to be allowed to continue its home-delivery service in a manner that will not increce the risk of transmission when there is a pandemic on. Their conduct so far suggests not.
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Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
Hus leves will cure everything!
And pálinka!

Yep you can still take fido out, in fact it's recommended to get at least one form of exercise a day outside, however the population has been advised groups no larger than two and you stay at least 2 meters (6 foot), basically the hight of a door away from any other human you don't live with.

Retailers can still take orders online and deliver: the below is form an article about a Sports shop being Silly Bastards over this.

"Retailers that will be allowed to stay open include:
  • Supermarkets and other food shops
  • Pharmacies
  • Petrol stations
  • Newsagents
  • Bicycle shops
  • Home and hardware stores
  • Laundrettes and dry cleaners
  • Garages
  • Pet shops
  • Post Offices
  • Banks
Businesses will still be able to take online orders and deliver items to people's homes."

(The link to this article is below, it's also the Sports Direct news peice)

So yeah deliveries are still cool.

The supoermarkets have limited ALL items of the same type to a max of 3/4 per customer depending on where you go. It's basically rationing in anything else but name and should stop the shelves running dry anymore.

- Silly Bastards Of The Day -

Sports Direct: Their immediate response to the order to close all nonessential shops was to claim claiming their chain should remain open as their equipment is as vital to the public as the produce of bicycle shops which get to stay open. A) you can live without a rowing machine/Step Master B) I can't imagine a Nurse would be able to ride a treadmill to work at the Hospital if the nation has a petrol supply issue. C) you can still take orders online and deliver to homes that demand your produce. If no one is ordering it online, no one will be walking into your shops either.

(which is the above linked to article don't bother reading if you read the link above)

The Harley Street Private Clinic: When even the USA with its commodification of the healthcare system has passed bills to make sure the COVID-19 test is freely available to combat the Pandemic, the HSC was charging £375 ($434) a test. The test is now unavailable at this clinic.

Thanks for the info!
Yesterday around midnight a UK eBay auction I bid on over a week ago ended, and the seller cancelled on me due to these regulations stating that he couldn't go to the post office anymore. Unlucky timing, and probably unclear at the time if the post offices would stay open for the public or not. Ofc I have no issue with this, I wouldn't want anyone to stand in line while there's a pandemic.


Feb 27, 2020
RSI Handle
You CAN use a washcloth dedicated for your ass ya know . . . use it and rinse it out, and hang it up to dry when finished. Once a week when you do your towels and other laundry, just throw it in with a load of bleach and you be good, no need to use paper to wipe your ass. Good thing is, you save money AND trees, that thing that provides us oxygen to breathe?
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Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle
- Silly Bastards Of The Day - Update:

Sports Direct has announced it is now complying with the lockdows measures and closing their shops.

Note: In complying with what was originally asked of them, it makes them no less silly. I would question if this company can even be trusted to be allowed to continue its home-delivery service in a manner that will not increce the risk of transmission when there is a pandemic on. Their conduct so far suggests not.
I'm with you on this, but don't be too hard on them. The position they took is silly, but I guarantee they weren't the only retailer trying to find a way to remain open. There is a segment of the population that needs the kind of things that Sports Direct sells, I just can't really understand why they'd need to absolutely go to a store when they can buy overpriced merchandise online a lot easier anyway.

Very few kinds of retailers absolutely require brick and mortar stores nowadays, and honestly if we can get them to build their online businesses and shutdown retail stores the world would be a better place IMO. Eventually, we could turn the land these massive stores occupy into parks and urban forests instead of parking lots, and move their inventory to their warehouses.


Grand Admiral
May 27, 2018
RSI Handle
You CAN use a washcloth dedicated for your ass ya know . . . use it and rinse it out, and hang it up to dry when finished. Once a week when you do your towels and other laundry, just throw it in with a load of bleach and you be good, no need to use paper to wipe your ass. Good thing is, you save money AND trees, that thing that provides us oxygen to breathe?
Or, use a poor man's bidet. Have a significant other grab a super soaker and grab your ankles.
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