UK numbers now updated for Wednesday 29th April "Updated with figures reported on 29 April, including deaths in all settings, and updated notes on reporting of deaths figures. Figures for 30 April will follow later today"
Total confirmed cases 165,221 with 4,076 new. Total dead 26,097 (Includes all settings, not just hospitals now) with 765 new (note that's just new from that day, that's not the total number of deaths outside the hospital system):
The Current Status is bough to you by the World Wrestling Entertainment federation who have built Captain Tom Moore a championship belt:
The Status Outlook is bought to you by the US announcing one million cases. It's an outlook because... well... take a look at the Dr. Evil scene and see where that goes...
Total confirmed cases 165,221 with 4,076 new. Total dead 26,097 (Includes all settings, not just hospitals now) with 765 new (note that's just new from that day, that's not the total number of deaths outside the hospital system):
The Current Status is bough to you by the World Wrestling Entertainment federation who have built Captain Tom Moore a championship belt:

WWE honours Captain Tom Moore with his own championship belt
Army veteran will receive a personalised belt featuring the NHS logo to mark his 100th birthday
The Status Outlook is bought to you by the US announcing one million cases. It's an outlook because... well... take a look at the Dr. Evil scene and see where that goes...