Coronavirus COVID-19 Thread


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
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I just have some bad experiences with it so i can't really accept it well saw one of my best friends starting at the age of 13 pretty much flush their future down the toilet with it eventually he got addicted to some heavier stuff in his high school days and really bad stuff once he dropped out of school. to many bad stories this is just one hard for me to accept recreational uses. For medical uses i understand and i can accept that for this situation i believe they should have restricted it to those with medical conditions or something(maybe they did no idea but i dont think they would)
Don't get me wrong it gets abused all too often, but I also see how attempting to regulate or deny people their addictions tends to lead to far greater harm. Even with this virus as much as we attempt to do the smart thing people are still going to do what they want to do no matter the consequence.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
6:17pm and no new updated numbers for today for the UK.

EDIT - Reports emerging in UK of a 21 year old with no previous existing health issues losing their life to the contagion. A lot of people on my Facebook suddenly sounding a lot less cocky.

EDIT - 8pm and still no update... I'm beginning to think the person who updates the web page must be off sick.
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Feb 13, 2020
RSI Handle
I grew up in Singapore and Indonesia :D I know.. Been dragged to the stairwells a few times myself by the friendly man in blue.

The truth is that the Asian countries that have handled this better are either more organized (South Korea/Japan) and/or authoritarian like Singapore. My family's from Singapore and when the Government tells you to stay indoors, that's not a friendly request, it's an order backed up by threats of legal and financial punishment. I'm not saying Western countries should follow suit but they can't tolerate this laissez faire attitude of their citizens if they're serious about stopping Covid19.


Space Marshal
Apr 5, 2017
RSI Handle
Don't get me wrong it gets abused all too often, but I also see how attempting to regulate or deny people their addictions tends to lead to far greater harm. Even with this virus as much as we attempt to do the smart thing people are still going to do what they want to do no matter the consequence.
Thats very true either way this is bound to start happening soon if enough people get laid off(They going to try to make money somewhere. expect this in the next month if things dont start settling down.)
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Update from the 25th now in. 9,529 confirmed positive (Including Prince Charles off of the Royal Family) and 463 total fatalities.


Something I think I have noticed about the datasets provided, is it reports the time of info capture (in todays case 9am on the 25th March). It was previously moving about but has been 9am for the past few. Obviously if you take the numbers one day at 9am, the next at 1pm and the next day at 9am that's making inconsistent data sets allowing more time in one set of data for more results and less time in another set for fewer results. That may explain the bump on the 21st for confirmed cases... or sickly people waited until the weekend and just kept working through the week...

Today we are expecting a raft of new measures to pass into law which will mean police will receive powers to enforce the distancing measures. Until this point they could top over your BBQ but not really do much else. They will be able to fine and even arrest and place a person exibiting symptoms on a quarantine order, I believe. There should be more specifics about that during the day/tomorrow depending on when the bill passes.
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Feb 13, 2020
RSI Handle
Thats been the story all over Europe now.

Italy put plug on anyone above 60 to save younger ages.

Spain do not treat anyone above 60 with severe symptoms. Respirators go to young before old, so if you have a line of 30 young olds and you have town of 60s, let the 60s die. Government issued statement to all doctors and nurses.

France same as Italy at this stage.

UK ... Well who the fuck knows.. probably kill everyone not a rich or royal or government twat.

Hope all those stupid right/left wing minded assholes finally learn their lesson and realize now that a healthy NHS and medical care system and a caring government is crucial to any popular.
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Vice Admiral
Mar 1, 2019
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Well Colorado is officially on lock-down, state wide, no bullshit, stay home, stop being a dingus and driving around like you're special because guess what you're not!

It feels weird to be honest, I mean I'm glad, the Wife and I went out for some essential provisions the other night and saw far too many people out and about. The car wash of all places was packed, I mean I get it, it's nice to keep your car clean but what are you doing, getting a wash and a wax to keep your car from getting infected? My cars are covered in dirt right now and to be frank they can stay that way until this is all over. I have a full tank of gas in all 3 so we can run them all empty getting supplies and to be honest that was an unnecessary prep step because the gas-stations are still powered on and they're still selling petrol. Also, grocery stores still have food and they did something smart! It's Senior Hour first thing in the morning! Our elderly who quite frankly deserve a little more respect get to go in and buy food without the masses pushing them around and essentials are limited to two per customer. Anyway, this whole being cooped up at home and not getting out at all kinda sucks, on the plus side, I don't expect to get sick anymore.


Feb 13, 2020
RSI Handle
Well Colorado is officially on lock-down, state wide, no bullshit, stay home, stop being a dingus and driving around like you're special because guess what you're not!

It feels weird to be honest, I mean I'm glad, the Wife and I went out for some essential provisions the other night and saw far too many people out and about. The car wash of all places was packed, I mean I get it, it's nice to keep your car clean but what are you doing, getting a wash and a wax to keep your car from getting infected? My cars are covered in dirt right now and to be frank they can stay that way until this is all over. I have a full tank of gas in all 3 so we can run them all empty getting supplies and to be honest that was an unnecessary prep step because the gas-stations are still powered on and they're still selling petrol. Also, grocery stores still have food and they did something smart! It's Senior Hour first thing in the morning! Our elderly who quite frankly deserve a little more respect get to go in and buy food without the masses pushing them around and essentials are limited to two per customer. Anyway, this whole being cooped up at home and not getting out at all kinda sucks, on the plus side, I don't expect to get sick anymore.
Senior hours is pretty being rolled out everywhere in the world now. I think we should do more to be honest. Longer hours in the morning and evenings for Senior citizens and all rescue / health services at separate times. I am under 60 and young, I do not need to rush anywhere to get anything done, I wouldn't mind if general population gets reduced hours to half the opening times.


Vice Admiral
Mar 1, 2019
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