Coronavirus COVID-19 Thread


Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
RSI Handle
cause in my book you look at all angels to a problem not only the one handed to you.
Fair enough, but your video there is linking to infowars as one of it sources.

The same Infowars that said Sandyhook was a hoax, and the same Infowars that is trying to sell people crap to take advantage of their stupidity and fears.


Im all for looking at all angles, but some angles I will immediately write off as bullshit, and anybody citing infowars as a source is one of those.


Space Marshal
Oct 8, 2016
RSI Handle
From the start, putting all the pieces together, the only "conspiracy theory" I was willing to entertain is that this was an accidental release, more incompetence than anything. Its no secret that the CCP's (If I ever say china, im either referring to the country as a location or the CCP. The chinese people are innocent bystanders in all of this.) economic strategy involves stealing their way up the technological ladder, and theres been one too many incidents of them snaking their way into places theyre trying to get a leg up with. See the links below.

These two go hand in hand, still helps paint a picture. One creates the stage for a conspiracy, the other debunks, but both together have good info.

I personally have had to deal with Chinese spies and I'd take a guess that some of you in sensitive positions have as well. That being said, I think that they may not have the experience or protocols built to our standards necessary to handle such novel infectious diseases, and with them having a lvl 4 lab in the direct vicinity of the supposed origin of the outbreak you cant help but throw them the squinty eyes. Im not saying they are 3 stooges incompetent, but like, trained technician who fucks up because he isnt taking his job seriously incompetent.

They dont even need to steal anything for me to suspect incompetence tbh. It's more likely they were researching virus's from around the country to monitor for animal to human transmission because that has been going on for years. With all the diseases originating out of china I think theyve been doing that kind of research for a while now.

They also like the idea of genetic engineering so who knows. An investigation would be nice but good luck with that.
Yeah, my brother-in-law (a really, really bright guy, worked in industry before going into academia full-time because he wanted to do more research) subscribes to the theory that there was an accidental virus release at a Chinese research lab.

I'm still at the stage where I'm going with the "wet-market" unsanitary slaughter conditions are more likely the explanation, but I'm willing to change my opinion if given more evidence.

In any event, first we in the US need to focus and get our act together to get over this wave, and then continue to prep if there is a return of the virus in the autumn/winter. Then we can turn our attention to figuring out exactly how this all started.
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Space Marshal
Jun 29, 2018
RSI Handle
Sooo, long time no post from me, but I'd like to share a few things with you all.
As I'm working as a radiology resident in a small German city hospital I've had some rather strange experiences. Personally I have zero contact to patients at the moment, when before I talked to a maximum of maybe 3 patients a week, given my current rotation. So far the colleagues who got infect have had no severe cases and all the medical and other essential workers get praised via the radio and media 24/7 soo this makes me feel a bit weird actually as I think that all I can do to do my part is taking the lockdown seriously, which I do. At the moment the situation in Germany is relatively content from my personal experience. Looking at our neighbours in Italy, France and also UK and especially now the US makes me feel really sad. I think this is not some sort of survivor's guilt but I can clearly see that the frontline medical staff will need some serious PTSD-treatment after this all.
After the holidays I've had some reviews on chest x-rays and how some covid patients are doing. Some are getting better, some are staying exactly the same. It really feels like the lottery sometimes.

Meanwhile the whole hospital staff will get screened for antibodies this week. Wondering how my test turns out.


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
In any event, first we in the US need to focus and get our act together to get over this wave, and then continue to prep if there is a return of the virus in the autumn/winter. Then we can turn our attention to figuring out exactly how this all started.
While the tests are still being collected its still a good possibility that this virus has made it into the migratory bird population and if so it will come back this fall with a new variant. While those who have already been infected will most likely feel like the common cold those who have not will experience it anew which is why the coronavirus 19 vaccine is so important but will not be available in time. While I do not know what this fall will look like I have a feeling it will be the main course while this was just the appetizer. I just hope governments are stockpiling masks as that is truly the best option going forward as I do not think anyone can survive another 2-month shutdown.

Mich Angel

Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2016
RSI Handle
Fair enough, but your video there is linking to infowars as one of it sources.

The same Infowars that said Sandyhook was a hoax, and the same Infowars that is trying to sell people crap to take advantage of their stupidity and fears.

View attachment 15491

Im all for looking at all angles, but some angles I will immediately write off as bullshit, and anybody citing infowars as a source is one of those.
Ah yeah! I do agree but if one don't look you really don't have the info to have a proper opinion tho the I.W. sure is BS, it is good to see Feds are taking steps where it's needed.



Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
RSI Handle
Yeah, my brother-in-law (a really, really bright guy, worked in industry before going into academia full-time because he wanted to do more research) subscribes to the theory that there was an accidental virus release at a Chinese research lab.
No doubt he watched the same video we did that I posted on the 3rd:

Its all plausable, and close proximity to the wet markets which are an easy scapegoat to deflect attention from the lab that was studying the virus.


Grand Admiral
May 27, 2018
RSI Handle
While the tests are still being collected its still a good possibility that this virus has made it into the migratory bird population and if so it will come back this fall with a new variant. While those who have already been infected will most likely feel like the common cold those who have not will experience it anew which is why the coronavirus 19 vaccine is so important but will not be available in time. While I do not know what this fall will look like I have a feeling it will be the main course while this was just the appetizer. I just hope governments are stockpiling masks as that is truly the best option going forward as I do not think anyone can survive another 2-month shutdown.
Damn migratory birds, and you know who you are too!



Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
UK figures for today 15th April:

98,476 total confirmed, 4,605 new, total died 12,868 with 761 new.


Todays status updates have been bought to you by Tom Moore who at the age of 99 has raised £8 million for the NHS by walking round his garden:

And Donald Trump who has frozen Americas contribution of $400 million a year to the World Health Organization. During a global Pandemic.



Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
RSI Handle


Space Marshal
Aug 27, 2018
RSI Handle
As at 3:00pm on 15 April 2020, there have been 6,447 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Australia. There have been 47 new cases since 3:00pm yesterday.

Of the 6,447 confirmed cases in Australia, 63 have died from COVID-19.

From memory that dip four days ago was related to limited testing over the Easter long weekend. The data from the last 3 days is more representative.
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Space Marshal
Aug 27, 2018
RSI Handle
If we can step back into the sugar hit at a
Child’s birthday party that are conspiracy theories, the G20 are suspending debt payments from the world’s poorest countries.

So this is obviously a plot to take over the arse end of the world through debt relief. It’s all a plot, 5G man. 5G.


Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle
Stupid Canada!

Embrace the Goose!

Be one with the Goose!

Now I am going to have to run for political office and pass a law to make the Canadian Goose the official bird!
Oh gawd... Please no. I met a Canada Goose once while doing some work on a pond. It approached me honking away like an NDP candidate, then tried to embrace me while simultaneously trying to drill my head off... which was also just like an NDP candidate. I would like to report that I won that argument.... but I can't say by which criteria that would be true... I wasn't dead might work, My head hurt like hell might also work.

we’ve found our new animal mascot!
But I would like to point out the color scheme of a Canada Goose Gosling... Halfway down the page...


Space Marshal
Oct 8, 2016
RSI Handle
Oh gawd... Please no. I met a Canada Goose once while doing some work on a pond. It approached me honking away like an NDP candidate, then tried to embrace me while simultaneously trying to drill my head off... which was also just like an NDP candidate. I would like to report that I won that argument.... but I can't say by which criteria that would be true... I wasn't dead might work, My head hurt like hell might also work.
You are lucky it didn't shit all over you or your lawn!
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Space Marshal
Oct 3, 2014
RSI Handle
If one is launched, however, it would set a legal precedence - it doesn't take much imagination to envisage the next time Swine Flu flairs up in Mexico there could suddenly be a lot more US tourism there from ambulance chasers willing to take advantage of the possibility of being able to sue another nation.
Negligence is the key word in this disaster or any other disaster for that fact. Looks like what he (Andrew Bolt) said my be spot on. WHO and WTO are going to lose some major funding, and they deserve it. China's economic growth will go into decline because essential assets will be moved back to the respective "friendly" and "trustworthy" countries.
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Space Marshal
Oct 3, 2014
RSI Handle
Wonder if they used the same models that said we were all going to die in 10 years due to global warming.

Data is data, global warming or covid-19, the variables or questions asked are what makes it work. Bad assumptions or unknowns, drive it. So, once we get predicting the weather down, lets move on to more difficult stuff like covid-19 or global warming.
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