Coronavirus COVID-19 Thread


Space Marshal
Nov 24, 2018
RSI Handle
So in an abundance of caution because I have been coughing like crazy since I returned from WA state due to family emergency I am getting a brain swab today....not looking forward to it. Lets just hope it is smoke inhalation issues since not being able to see more than a 1/4 mile for over a week along with what felt like sitting next to a campfire 24/7 was great for my health!


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
So in an abundance of caution because I have been coughing like crazy since I returned from WA state due to family emergency I am getting a brain swab today....not looking forward to it. Lets just hope it is smoke inhalation issues since not being able to see more than a 1/4 mile for over a week along with what felt like sitting next to a campfire 24/7 was great for my health!
Good luck, keep us informed! If you don't have any of the other symptoms it's probably not, but always best to be over cautious. :like:
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
COVID Catharsis Corner - Reports from around the world from today, Saturday 26th of September:

- World: 32,647,382 confirmed cases with 990,473 confirmed deaths.

- France: Daily cases hit 14,412, slightly down from record high 16,096 seen earlier in the same week.

- UK: At least seven officers and protesters are injured and 10 are arrested in clashes at yet another Restrictions protest in London.

- Spain: More restrictions urged for city of Madrid as cases continue to rise in the face of partial implementation.

- UK: 25% of the population now under strict COVID restrictions.

- Scotland: Police called to Edinburgh University student halls to break up a number of parties which breached COVID restrictions.

- England: 1,700 students of Manchester Metropolitan University placed under lockdown as outbreak uncovers 127 active cases.

- UK: Announces it will join the COVAX vaccine sharing scheme and will donate £500 million to the project.

- UK: App fails to resiger a third of Test results, it will not let users who booked a COVID test outside of the app input a negative result - they can only log a positive result. This unfortunately means an automatic self-isolation order begins, the breaching of which carries harsh penalties. It has also been found some positive results cannot be entered either. Likelihood of me downloading this app: -10%.

- UK: Venue fined £10,000 for hosting a wedding party involving 120 guests, another venue found with a wedding party of 70 guests also fined £10,000.

- Europe/Russia: Poland, Russia and the Czech Republic report sharp rise in cases.

Apologies for not much info on countries other than the UK, i'm not seeing much in regard to what's going on in the US/Canada/Australia at the moment.
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Space Marshal
Jun 25, 2016
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
COVID Catharsis Corner - Reports from around the world from today, Sunday 27th of September:

- World: 32,925,668 confirmed caes and 995,414 confirmed deaths,

- France: One third of the 899 COVID clusters currently being investigated in the country involve schools or universities.#

- Australia: Victoria state announces it is to end the curfew and ease some of the restrictions which had been put in place. Further easing will be based on case numbers, not on dates, so the better the population behaves, the faster they get back to normal.

- Scotland: Figures reveal on Thursday 43% of positive cases in Scotland were aged between 15 and 19 years old, more than double the number of cases in any other age group.

- UK: Micro-Brewery RAN Ales, which serves Staffordshire and Cheshire, to close as the pandemic and its restrictions made the business unviable, as demand tanked but overheads like rent and utilities remain unchanged.

- China: Reports 15 new cases, all imported with returning travelers.

- India: Sees 88,600 new cases.

- Australia: Victoria state announces it is to end the curfew and ease some of the restrictions which had been put in place. Further easing will be based on case numbers, not on dates, so the better the population behaves, the faster they get back to normal.
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
News just in:

As of this morning any individual in the in England who breaches a self-isolation order will be fined up to £10,000 if they test positive for COVID-19 - Prime Minister hopes that the other countries of the UK follow suit.

"Refusing to self-isolate when told to is now illegal in England from Monday, with fines of up to £10,000.

Anyone who tests positive for Covid-19, or has been told they have been in contact with someone who has, now has a legal duty to quarantine.

It comes as a study commissioned by the government found just 18% of people who had symptoms went into isolation."

I'm not sure how that works for medical staff who are in contact with the infected literally every day...? Is the entire NHS about to be put on a 14 day Quarantine order because I can imagine that's not going to help the fatality rate...?

The fact I have not included this in the Catharsis Corner as yet is an indication I was not aware of this until this morning. I'll have a look around and try to see when this was first floated as a possibility.

EDIT - Found articles from the 20th September saying "could" but could not find anything which gave much advanced warning, I'm not pissed or anything this has worked well on the Isle Of Man for returning travelers, just confused how I missed it:

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Sep 15, 2019
RSI Handle
News just in:

As of this morning any individual in the in England who breaches a self-isolation order will be fined up to £10,000 if they test positive for COVID-19 - Prime Minister hopes that the other countries of the UK follow suit.

"Refusing to self-isolate when told to is now illegal in England from Monday, with fines of up to £10,000.

Anyone who tests positive for Covid-19, or has been told they have been in contact with someone who has, now has a legal duty to quarantine.

It comes as a study commissioned by the government found just 18% of people who had symptoms went into isolation."

I'm not sure how that works for medical staff who are in contact with the infected literally every day...? Is the entire NHS about to be put on a 14 day Quarantine order because I can imagine that's not going to help the fatality rate...?

The fact I have not included this in the Catharsis Corner as yet is an indication I was not aware of this until this morning. I'll have a look around and try to see when this was first floated as a possibility.

EDIT - Found articles from the 20th September saying "could" but could not find anything which gave much advanced warning, I'm not pissed or anything this has worked well on the Isle Of Man for returning travelers, just confused how I missed it:

I fully welcome this.

I'm currently in isolation awaiting my partner's test results.
In my job, I go in several people's homes a day and I met an individual the other day who told me that their employer is trying to sweep any infections under the rug and would rather people still came in work. They are also refusing to pay people with COVID because they say they don't pay people for the flu so why should COVID be any different. It's these kinds of pressures on people that will entice them to break the rules or now in this case the law.


Space Marshal
Sep 3, 2019
RSI Handle
In Florida I feel like I'm living in a completely different world. The disparity between what's going on here in contrast to other places in the world is just crazy.
Lol,..Another Floridian I see....All this rain helps to keep me and the Mrs. busy and away from public spaces! Be safe young Jedi :o7:
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
I fully welcome this.

I'm currently in isolation awaiting my partner's test results.
In my job, I go in several people's homes a day and I met an individual the other day who told me that their employer is trying to sweep any infections under the rug and would rather people still came in work. They are also refusing to pay people with COVID because they say they don't pay people for the flu so why should COVID be any different. It's these kinds of pressures on people that will entice them to break the rules or now in this case the law.
Thanks for sharing your experience PPK :like:

I'm not against the fines either, as long as they are fairly implemented it's not a problem at all. There are still too many questions on the Track and trace app, it's handing out isolation orders willy-nilly apparently which combined with the up to £10k fine kind of puts me off joining in with what should be a powerful tool.
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
COVID Catharsis Corner - Reports from around the world from today, Monday 28th of September:

- World: 33,173,176 confirmed cases and 998,867 confirmed deaths.

- World: we saw 32 million cases on Friday, with 33 million passed today that's 1 million new cases in the last 3/4 days.

- US: The number of cases in the following 21 states surged 10% or more in the last week - Alabama, Alaska, Colorado, Idaho, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oregon, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Washington state, Wisconsin and Wyoming.

- Brazil: City of Manaus which was hit hard in the early pandemic estimated 66% of its population had antibodies, and thus immunity, to COVID-19... but cases are now on the rise again dashing hopes that Herd Immunity can protect a population, as new restrictions are implemented.

- India: Number of confirmed cases passes 6 million.

- Australia: In an inquiry, it has been claimed the hotel quarantine system in Victoria was responsible for the deaths of 768 people and 18,418 infections.

- UK: 40 universities and counting have reported COVID-19 cases with thousands of students in quarantine.

- US: Maryland man given on year jail for throwing two large parties at the beginning of the pandemic, both of which broke the gathering cap at the time.

- Scotland: Police break up at least 300 parties over the weekend, fine 100 people and arrest 14.

- Kenya: Pubs to reopen but schools to remain shut.

- Tunisia: Concerns are raised that COVID-19 is getting out of control as close to 1000 cases a day are recorded.

- China: Law passed to protect medical whistleblowers following the events surrounding Doctor Li Wenliang who tried to warn that the pandemic, at that point an epidemic in Wuhan, was spiraling out of control. He later contracted COVID-19 from a patient and passed away from the condition.

- UK: Second wave continues to kick arse and take names, daily cases still over 4k despite dropping for the third day in a row:




Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle


Space Marshal
Oct 3, 2014
RSI Handle
Global toll of confirmed dead passes 1 million souls:
How many died in WWII - ~ 70–85 million
How many died in WW1 ~ 40 million
How many died from car accidents - world wide - Each year, 1.35 million people are killed on roadways around the world.
US - How many died in the US from Disease - Number of deaths: 2,813,503

The world is not falling. Viruses have destroyed entire populations, not just humans. On the scale from 1 - 10 this virus was a 4 out of 10. Only 4, this virus targets old vulnerable people (ie. thinning out the herd). NuffNaff - I can see your head exploding but consider this... it is a virus, any control you think you have is an illusion, a manufactured idea. If you think humans can control it, then I would say you're very arrogant - another virus will take its place, 5, 10, 50 years from now and the process of the sky falling starts all over - which is how nature works.
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Space Marshal
Oct 3, 2014
RSI Handle
Also on that note ~ 6,707,604 million people die from starvation around the world each year. Many people do not care about that because it does not affect them like COVID (hypocritical). COVID happens and people loose all their rationality and focus on themselves, and punish everyone with what if scenarios. News flash... you are NOT the only one with elderly parents or at risk relitives. This thread is a classic example of that, so narrow, so short sighted, so selfish. Viruses come and go - that is nature. So, send your money to people who need it now... many are children who a starving and be productive for those with out a voice. This argument is selfish in my opinion.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
The world is not falling. Viruses have destroyed entire populations, not just humans. On the scale from 1 - 10 this virus was a 4 out of 10. Only 4, this virus targets old vulnerable people (ie. thinning out the herd). NuffNaff - I can see your head exploding but consider this... it is a virus, any control you think you have is an illusion, a manufactured idea. If you think humans can control it, then I would say you're very arrogant - another virus will take its place, 5, 10, 50 years from now and the process of the sky falling starts all over - which is how nature works.
Good mourning, chum.
Well... yes, I thought that went without saying...? There is a reason why the Catharsis Corner is called "Catharsis" - It's been right there on every post :like:

How many died in WWII - ~ 70–85 million
How many died in WW1 ~ 40 million
How many died from car accidents - world wide - Each year, 1.35 million people are killed on roadways around the world.
US - How many died in the US from Disease - Number of deaths: 2,813,503
I like numbers, they can tell such stories when spun in a certain direction. For example:

How many died in WWII - ~ 70–85 million.

Or spun another way - World War 2 lasted 6 years, and 418,500 Americans perished. COVID has been around 7 months and 200,000 Americans have perished. If it continues like this for only 7 more months COVID-19 has claimed more American lives than WW2.

Comparing something that has only just started to something that has run its course isn't a great metric - there are so many twists and turns in this tale yet. We'll just have to see where it goes, but we aren't going to know if we stop looking.

In the summer things looked great in Catharsis Corner. At the moment they are not looking quite so good. I'm glad you have found peace with the predicament, and to everyone else, don't be scared. Most of Humanity is working on it, just stick to the precautions and you'll be fine. 🙂
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Also on that note ~ 6,707,604 million people die from starvation around the world each year. Many people do not care about that because it does not affect them like COVID (hypocritical). COVID happens and people loose all their rationality and focus on themselves, and punish everyone with what if scenarios. News flash... you are NOT the only one with elderly parents or at risk relitives. This thread is a classic example of that, so narrow, so short sighted, so selfish. Viruses come and go - that is nature. So, send your money to people who need it now... many are children who a starving and be productive for those with out a voice. This argument is selfish in my opinion.
An avoidable tragedy indeed, it really highlights why people abandon everything they have and migrate.
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